Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/250

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2i2 C. 6. Anno vicefimo fexto Henrici VIII. A. D. 1534. 4H. 4. c. 27 St. Marchers of the fame, {hall bring to bear, or caufe to be brought or born to the fame Seffions or Court, ~3- or to any Place within the Diftance of two Miles from the fame Seffions or Court, nor to any Town, Church, Fair, Market or other Congregation, except it be upon a Hute or Outery made of any Felony or Robbery done or perpetrated, nor in the Highways, in AfF. ay of the King's Peace, or the King's liege People, any Bill, Long-bow, Crofs-bow, Hand-gun, Sword, Staff, Dagger, Halbert, Morefpike, Snear or any other manner of Weapon, Privy Coat or Armour defenfive, (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Weapon, Privy Coat or Armour, and to fufler Imprifonment and make Fine and Ranfom to the King's Highnefs by the Difcretion of the King's Commiflioners of his Marches for the Time being, except it be by the Commandment, Licence or Aflent of the faid Juftices, Steward or other Officer, or of the Commif- fioners or Council of the Marches for the Time being. None (hall levy V. And that no Perfon or Perfons frem henceforth, without Licence of the faid Commiflioners in Wri- any Exactions, ting, fhall within Wales, or the Marches of the fame, or in any Shires adjoining to the fame, require, pro- ' or Commorths, cure) g a ther or levy any Commorth, Bydale, Tenants Ale, or other Collection or Exacrion of Goods, make Games' in' Chattels, Money, or any other Thing, under Colour of marrying, or fufFering of their Children faying or Wiles. finging their ruff. Maffes or Gofpels, of any Priefts or Clerks, or for Redemption of any Murther, or any other Felony, or for any other Manner of Caufe, by what Name or Names foever they fhall be called ; (2) nor {hall make or procure to be made any Games of Running, W refiling, Leaping, or any other Games- (the Game of Shooting only excepted and foreprized,) (3) upon Pain of one whole Year's Tmprifonment of every Perfon or Perfons as fhall gather, or procure to be gathered, any fuch Collection or Exaction, or fhall make or procure to be mada any Games as is aforefaid; (4) and further, they and every of them {hall make fuch Fine as by the Difcretion of the King's Commiflioners of his Marches fhall be thought convenient : (5) and further, the faid Commiffioners by this prefent Act fhall have Power and Authority No Arthel fliall to hear and determine the faid Offences by their Examination; (6) and that no Perfon or Perfons fhall be cM into hereafter at any Time caff, any Thing into any Court within Wales, or in the Lordfhips Marchers of the any Court. fame, by the Mean or Name of an Arthel ',.by reafon- whereof the Court may be letted, difturbed or dif- continued for that Time, upon Pain of one whole Year's Imprifonment of any fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall caft or caufe to be caft any fuch Arthel into any Court or Courts hereafter to be holden within Wales or the Lordfhips Marchers of the fame ; any Cuftom before this Time ufed to the contrary notwith- ftanding. All Courts fliall VI. And that all Seffions and Courts hereafter to be holden within Wales, or the Lordfhips Marchers of be kept within the fame, fhall be kept within the moft fure and peaceable Place within the fame Lordlhip Marcher, where moflfufePlace3 " the faid Juftice, Steward or other Officer fhall appoint; fa) and for the Punifhment and fpeedy Trials, as well of the Counterfeiters of any Coin current within this Realm, wafhing, clipping or minifhing of the fame, as of all and fingular Felonies, Murthers, wilful burning of Houfes, Manflaughters, Robbe- ries, Burglaries, Rapes and Acceffaries of the fame, and other Offences felonioufly done, perpetrated and committed, or hereafter to be done, perpetrated and committed, within any Lordlhip Marcher of Wales : Indlftment in (3) Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of the Gaol-delivery and of the Peace, the next County anc ] eve ry of them for the Time being, in the Shire or Shires of England where the King's Writ runneth, for a Felony nexi adjoining to the fame Lordlhip Marcher, or other Places in Wales, where fuch counterfeiting, wafhing in^wLorafhip clipping or minifhing of any Coin current within this Realm, or Murther, hath been or hereafter fhall be Marcher. committed or done, or where any other Felonies or Acceffaries fhall be hereafter committed, perpetrated or 27 H. S. c. 16. done, fhall have from henceforth full Power and Authority at their Seffions and Gaol-delivery, to inquire 34&35H. 8. by Verdict of twelve Men of the fame Shire or Shires next adjoining within England where the King's tr 26 ' Athoe Writ runneth, thereto caufe all fuch Counterfeiters, Wafhers, Clippers of -Money, Felons, M urtrie i'ers TrhJ'g Gec!'i. an d Acceffaries to the fame, to be indicted according to the Laws of this Land, in like Manner and Form inB.R. ' as if the fame Petit Treafons, Murthers, Felonies and Acceffaries to the fame had been done, committed or perpetrated within any of the faid Shires within the faid Realm, and alfo to hear, determine and judge the fame according to the Laws of this Realm. Acquittal in VII. And that all foreign Pleas pleaded by any of the faid Malefactors and Offenders, fhall be tried Lordfliips determined in the faid Shire or Shires ; (2) and that the Acquittal or Fine making for any of the Caufes arc ers no a f ore f a irj in any of the Lordfhips Marchers, fhall be no Bar for any Perfon or Perfons, being indicted in the faid Shire or Shires, within two Years next after any fuch Murther or Felony done. Juftices may VIII. And further it is enacted, That the faid Juftices of Peace and Gaol-delivery and every of them, award Procefs fh a ]] nave f u j] Power and Authority, to award all manner of Procefs, as well of Outlawry as otherwife, jmto Lordfhips againft all and every fuch Offender and Offenders fo indicted in manner and Form and according to the " c e ' s ' f Cuftoms and Laws ufed and accuftomed within this Realm of England; (2) and that the faid Juftices or an Out'law.-y to tvvo °f them, afore whom any fuch Offender fhall happen to be outlawed, or attainted by Outlagary, fhall a Lordlhip immediately upon the fame Outlagary or Attainder, direct and fend unto the King's Officers of his Lord- Marcher, &c, {hips Marchers or to their Deputies, or unto the Lord or Lords Marchers of the fame Lordlhip Marcher, or to his or their Officer or Officers, or to their Deputies, wherein fuch Offence, Murther or Felony fliall happen to be done, -or where any fuch Offender, Murtherer or Felon fhall happen to be refiant, a Certifi- cate under the Seals of them or two of them, of any fuch Outlagary or Attainder; (3) commanding them and every of them by the fame, under Pain of Forfeiture of a hundred Pounds to the King, to be levied and perceived as well of the Goods, Chatties, Lands and Tenements of the fame Lord or Lords Marchers, as of the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements of the King's Officer there, to apprehend and at- tach, or caufe to be apprehended and attached', the Body or Bodies of the fame Offender or Offenders fo outlawed or attainted, and fafely to keep, or caufe to be kept, the fame Offender or Offenders, till fuch » Arthel, is a Britifh Word Jtghrfpng ta avouch : as if a Man lucre taker, •witbjlohn GtoJi in. his Hands j is -.i-as to-be alhived a lawful' AHam (a'r Vouchee) m clear him cf tie Fe any. convenient