Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/251

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A. D. i534« Anno viccfimo fexto He nrici VIII. C. 6. 213 before the next Scffions of the King's Juftices of the Gaol-delivei ire where II happen to be outlawed or attainted, as to the King* I 01 to ihcii I >eputi ■ , or unto thi Lord Mai I 1 thcii ( >ffii iccrs. or thi ii Depu or O I !'. I , (.;J in Manner and Form following, to be delivered from I lepu >rd Marcher or the Lord , or hi9 or their Officer c I ( ive and convey fach Offender or Offenders, by Indenture to be ^Jf 11 the iJeliveier or IV. , that is to (hip Mar- u or his or their Officer or Officers, or their Deputies, where fuch Offender or Offenders (hall be pt, mall fafely and furely conduct and convey, or caufe to be conducl

fame Offender or Offenders, to the next Lordfliip Marcher toward the Shire where the
r or Offenders (hall happen to be- outlawed or attainted ; (?) and that the King's Officers of

me Lordfliip Marcher, or their Deputies, or the Lord or Lords Marchers of the lame Lordfliip ir Officer or Officers, or their Deputies, (hall receive, and lately and furcly conduct' ndei or Offend rs to the next Lordfliip Marcher; [6) and (o the King's Officers d /larcher, or their Deputies, or the Lord or Lords Marchers of the fame Lordfliip, or i or Officers, or their Deputies, to receive, conduit and convey fafely and furely, every fuch ' >ffcndcr or Offenders, from one Lordfliip Marcher to another Lordfliip Marcher, by Indenture, as is lid, unto the Time that fuch Offender or Offenders fliall be lately delivered before the laid Juftices of (7) upon Pain of Forfeiture by every of the King's Officer or Lord Marcher, bv whofe Default the fame Offender or Offenders fliall ne may not appear before the fame Juftices at their faid Sef- there to Hand and abide the Order of the King's Laws, C. //'. to be levied and perceived of the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements of the fame Officer or Lord, to the King's Ufe. IX. And that all and every Officer and Officers, Lord and Lords, or other Perfons to whom any Certi- The Cm ficate (hall be directed as is abovefaid, fliall at the next Seflions and Gaol-delivery to be holden after the return his Pre- Apprehenfion or Attachment of fuch Offender or Offenders, return the fame Certificate in due Form, and ct t tm what he or they have done in that Behalf, upon the Pain aforefaid ; (2) faying alway to all and every Of- ah Advantages fender and Offenders, all and lingular Traverfes, Challenges, Exceptions, Advantages, and all other Pleas, fav*d to the ot- to, of, and upon the Outlawry pronounced or promulged againft the fame Offender or Offenders, in Man- fendcis. ner and Farm as is and hath been tiled and accuftonud by the Laws of this Realm for any the King's Sub- jects dwelling within the fame Realm. X. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons which An Offender at- fliall happen hereafter to be indicted, outlawed, arraigned, convicted or attainted by Force of this Act, tainted of any do find fuch fufficicnt Sureties before the King's Juftices of the Gaol-delivery as by their Difcretions fliall ^ lonv » U P 0U be thought convenient, that the fame Perfon or Perfons fliall not from thenceforth commit nor do any Fe- hhtood°Bcha - lony, Murther or felonious Offence, nor be acceflary to any Felony, Murther or felonious Offence, but at ¥ i ourj may t, s " all Times from thenceforth fhall be of good Behaviour againft the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and difcharged. Succeffors, his and their Laws and Subjects, that then the fame Juftices of Gaol-delivery for the Time Sct 34 & 35 being, with and by the Affent, Confent and Agreement of the Lord Prefident, and two of the King's ?* 8 " c * z6 :. . Cominiffioners, or Council of the Marches for the Time being, or three of them at the leaft, whereof the Lord Prefident, or one of the faid Council, to be one, fhall and may by their Difcretions, for one Time dgrtdieni jbntl only, admit any fuch Offender to a certain Fine or Sum of Money on him by them to be afleffed and taxed, ie watte 1 to be furely paid to the King's Ufe; (z) and fliall have full Power and Authority, by this prefent Act, ??• "'. todifchavge any fuch Offender or Offenders, fo arraigned, outlawed, convicted and attainted of all and 'p'!"/., every fuch Felony, Murther or felonious Offence, and Acceffaries of the fame, and of all Executions and ' Punifhmcnts of Death, which the fame Offender or Offenders fliould fuffer by the common Laws of this Realm, fo that the fame Offender or Offenders ftand not appealed of the faid Felony, Murther or felonious Offence, or as Accefiaries of the fame Offences, at the Time of his faid Difcharge ; (3) and that every fuch Offender fo difcharged, as is above faid, fhall be for the faid Offence or Offences done within any of the King's Lordfhips Marchers, or any other Lordfhips Marchers, difcharged as well againft the King's Highncfs, his Heirs and Succeffors, as againft all other Lords Marchers, for one Time only. XL Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this prefent Act, or any Thing No Liberties of therein contained, fliall not extend ne take place to abridge, deprive or minorate any Liberties, Privilege or Lord Marcher Authority of any Lords Marchers, heretofore granted to the fame Lord, or lawfully ufed or accuftcmed by Upbeat the faid Lord or any of his Anceftors, unlefs the forcfaid Offenders happen to be indicted, outlawed, ar- raigned, convicted or attainted by Force of this Act, as is above faid, within two Years next after fuch Murther or other felonious Offence perpetrated, dene or committed, within the faid Lordfhips Marchers, or any of them ; any Thing in this prefent Act before rehearfed to the contrary notwithftanding. XII. And furthermore be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Murthers, Robberies, Felonies where Felonies and Acceffaries of the fame, which fliall happen hereafter to be done, perpetrated or committed within committc the Shire of Merioneth in Wales, fliall and may be from henceforth enquired, heard and determined in the JJ.",' "!; Counties of Carnervan or Angle/a, before the King's Juftice of North fVaks s or his Deputy for the Time '. being, by Verdict or Inqueft to be taken by the Inhabitants of the fame Shires of Cameroon or An- heard and , or otherwife, if by the Difcretion of the Juftice there, or his Deputy, it fliall be thought con- mined. venient: (2) And that the fame Juftice, or his Deputy for the Time being, fliall have full Power ai Authority by his Difcretion, by Force of thus prefent Act, to hear and •determine ail and every the afore- s E1, e ' --• iaid Murthers, Felonies, Robberies and Acceffaries, in Form aforefaid.

  • XIII.