Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/257

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A.I), r 5 34. Anno vicefimo fexto Hbnrigi VIII. C. 16. 219 ' And ir further ena&i d, That from the Feafl of St. Michail the Archangel then next following, 1 Time as th i lhould b< uli the (aid .'■ idCraftol Worfl 3-Wcavers, and r, when the Number of ten H happen t" fail, and noi be inhab lid Town il I ■ », the ardi n i i the fai ' City of Nor- tuieo, ai or onc °' ,: ' '■' tnc ol iii i id County ol Norfolk, perfonally to come and be, every eight and twentieth Daj lid Feafl of Si I, in and to the i lid Town of Lyn, or within (i- , 1 every fuch eighl iecfi Day, and there to continue and abide by fo long Time as he , I, and 1 . 1 ill fuch W o Stamina made in the fame Town of Lyn, as then fhould be Drought to him to be fealed within the Space of one whole Day. And the faid Inh ((el VVi of the fame Town of I/m being, (hould content and pay to the faid W It, which (hould fo come to Lyn in the faid eight and twentieth Day, or within the l'r 1 the twenty- 1 ighth Day, for his Cofts and 1- Kpenc< ;, for every Time that he {hould fo come to Lin, between the Fcafts of St. Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of our Lady St. Mary, iii. •;. and for < very '1 imc that lie fhould fo come to the laid Town of Lyn between the Feafl or the Annunciation of our Lady and the Feafl of St. Michael the Archangel, ij. si And if the faid Inhabitants of Worfted- , ,i- the I. id Town of Lyn did not content and pay to the faid Warden, coming to Lyn in Form I, for his faid Coftsand Charges, the faid three Shillings or two Shillings as is above limited, then the lame Inhabitants lhould forfeit and pay to the laid Warden, or to his Executors, for every fuch De- tank of Payment, xl. s. And if none of the faid Wardens of Norwich and Norfolk come to the faid Town of Lyn for the Caufe aforefaid, in Manner and Form above remembred, that the faid Wardens of the (kid t ity of Norwich lhould forfeit and pay to the faid Inhabitants of Lyn, of the faid Myftery of Wor- ded- Weavers, for every Inch Default, xl. s. for Rccompencc of the Penalty and Forfeits ; the faid War- ■ dens of Norwich or Norfolk being thereunto intitled by that Act by his proper Name, with this Addi- tion, that is to lay, Umus gardianorum, or Nuper unius gardlanorum artis five myfterii textorum paimi lanei meat, Worfteds in civitat. horwic. vel com. Noif. as the Truth requireth, ihouid and might have Adtion of Debt by Writ, Bill or Plaint, in any competent or lawful Court of this Realm, againfl the Inhabitants of Lyn, of the faid Myftery for the Time being, by their fundry proper Names, and the faid Inhabitants by their faid Names, with this Addition, Textorum panni lanet voeat. Worfteds inhabitantcs villcc de Lyn, (hould and might have like Action of Debt againft the faid Wardens of Norwich, by the Name of Gar- diani artis five myfterii textorum pannorum laneorum vocat. Worfteds infra civilatem Norivic. vel com. Norf. to be ufed in good Congruities of Latin and Form of the Laws of this Realm ; in which Actions, or any of them, none Fflbin, Protection or Wager of Law fhould be fuffered or allowed; and that the parti- cular Bodies or Goods of any of the faid Wardens or Inhabitants, being condemned in any of the faid Actions, fhould and might be put in Execution, after fuch Manner and Form as is ufed in any Action of Debt by Courfe of the Common Law of this Realm. ' And moreover it is enacted, That all Cloths of Worfteds, Says and Stamins, made within any of the faid Towns of Lyn and Great Yarmouth, or Suburbs of the fame, or any of them, and marked with fuch Marks as (hould be limited to the Makers by the faid Wardens of the faid Town, in Manner and Form as is abovefaid, and viewed and fealed by any of the faid Wardens of the (aid Towns of Lyn and Tar- mouth, in Form remembred, by Force and Virtue of the faid Act, might be lawfully put to Sale by the Owners and Makers of the fame, without any other Marking or Sealing upon the fame Cloths, or upon any of them, to be had or made of or upon any of the faid Cloths, for lack of any other Seals or Marks ; any Thing contained in the faid feventh Year of King Edward the Fourth to the contrary notwith- ftanding. ' And moreover it was enacted, That every Craftfman of the faid Myftery and Occupation of Worfted- making, dwelling within any of the faid Towns of Lyn and Yarmouth, and Suburbs of the lame, at their own Free-wills and Liberties fiom thenceforth for ever, might have and take Apprentice or Apprentices, being Male, of the Age of xiiij. Years and upward, and being the King's natural Subjects, for Term of feven ^i eats, and not under, fo that none of them exceed the Number of two at once, to learn, ufe and exercife the faid Craft within either of the faid two Towns of Lyn and Great Yarmouth and Suburbs of the fame, albeit the Father of the faid Apprentice or Apprentices might not expend in Lands or Tene- ' ments to the yearly Value of twenty Shillings ; any Act or Ordinance to the contrary made, or to be ' made, notwithstanding.

  • Provided always, That the fame Aft, or any Thing therein contained, fhould not in any wife be hurt-

ful or prejudicial, to the Mayor of Norwich, or to his Sueeeflbr, or to the Wardens of the faid City or County, or to their Succeflbrs, in any Point, Article, Power or Authority, other than for Weaving, Searching and Sealing of the Worfteds, Says and Scamins, made or to be made only within the laid Towns of Lyn and Yarmouth, or Suburbs of the fame or any of them, and for limiting of Marks to the Makers of Worfteds, Says and Stamins, only inhabiting in either of the laid Towns, or Suburbs thereof, and taking of Apprentices in Form above remembred ; but that the faid Mayor of the faid City of Nor- Wich, and Wardens of the fame City and County, and every of them, might have and ufe all other Points, Articles, Powers arid Authorities contained and fpecified in the above remembred A«£t made in the (aid feventh Year of King Edward the Fourth, as well for the Search, Sealing, Correction and Reformation of the faid Wardens newly to be elected by Virtue of the fame Act, and every of them, according and after fuch Form as they might do or life any of the faid Wardens of the faid City or County, by Fo the laid Act made in the faid feventh Year of King Edward the Fourth, as all and every other Inquiries, Corrections, Searches, Seizings and Reformations to be had for the true making of Worfteds, Says and Stamins, in and upon any Perfon or Perfons, as well within the faid Towns of Lyn and Yarmom without, without Trouble, Let or Vexation of any of the Inhabitants of the faid Towns, in as large and F f 2 ' ample