Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/26

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 12. An Aft for the Remiffion of the Loan, 13. An Act that the demain Lands and Tenements in Wal- fmgham, belonging to the late Prior there, may be let by Copy of Court Roll. 14. An Ail for the Refervation of Tenures upon Houfes with Lands belonging to the lame, under the clear yearly Value of Forty Shillings. 1 ■-. An Act for paving of Cambridge. 16. An Act concerning the Examination of the Canon Laws by Two and thirty Perfons to be named by the King's Majefly, during his Highnefs's Life. 17. An Act for the Prefervation of Woods,' 18. An Act concerning the King's general Pardon. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 35 Henricl 8. 1. AN Ait concerning an Exchange of Lands between J~ the King and the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Sur- rey and the Lady Frances his Wife. 2. An Act concerning an Exchange between the Lord Ad- miral and the Bilhop of Rochejler, for the Houfe of St. Swithens in Southwark, and the Bifhop's Houfe at Chef- wick, which Houfe of St. Swithen the King gave to the Lord Admiral. 3. An Ait for the Ratification of an Award made between the Lord Dacre and the Heirs general of Sir James Sirang- wif!)e. 4. An Ait for the Ratification of the Jointure of Queen Katharine. 5. An Act for the Afiurance of certain Lands to the King, which were purchafed of William Bonham, Efquire. 6. An Aft that Sir John Markham, Thomas Poivterell, Wil- liam Sacheverell, and Nicholas Strelley, in the Right of their Wives, being Daughters and Heirs of John Strelley, Efquire, fhall hold to them and to the Heirs of their laid Wives, divers Manors, Lands and Tenements in the Counties of Nottingham and Derby. 7. An Act for Confirmation of an Award made by the King, for Lands and Tenements in Controverfy between the Lord Dacre and his Sons on the one Part, and Robert Roffc, and Sir William Malyvery and Dame Johane his Wife, the Heirs General of Sir James Strangwaies, on the other Part. 8. An Act for Confirmation of an Award made by the King's Majefly between Roger Lewkenor, Elizabeth, Wil- liam Barrentyne, and Jane Poole. 9. An Ait for the Afiurance of the Manors of Hennolls and Afar/halls, and other Lands in the County of Effex, to William Fit-zvjillyam and Anne his Wife. 10. An Act for the Afiurance of the Manors of WeJlmerfey, Petehall and Fyngringo, in the County of Effex, to the King and his Heirs ; and for Afiurance of the Manor of Mote in the County of Hertford, the Manor of Apperfield in the County of Kent, and divers other Lands, being Parcel of the Inheritance of John Denny and Anthony Denny, unto George Dacres and his Heirs ; and alio other Things concerning the Children of Thomas Denny. 7i. An ASt for Confirmation of an Exchange made be- tween the Earl of Hertford and the Bifhop of Sarum. 12. An Act for Thomas Lord Burgh, and that Humfrey, Ar- thure and Margaret, born of the Body of Elizabeth Burgh, who lived in Adultery, fhall be deemed and taken to be Baftards, and difabled to inherit. n,. An Act of Exchange between the King and Mr. Bonham. 14. An Act between the King and Mr. Wollefcot, concern- ing Exchange. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno 37 Henri ci 8. N^A& for the Officers of Cujlos Rotulorwn, and Clerks of the Peace. 2. An Act for the Partition of Hoimjlow Heath. 3. An Act for the amending of the Highway near CbeJler, called Huntington-Lane. 4. An A& that aU Colleges, Chantries, free Chapels, &rV. fhall be in the King's Majefty's Difpofition. 5. An Act that the Inhabitants of London, having Goods to the Value of Four Hundred Marks, may pafs in Attaints. 6. An Act againft burning of Frames. 7. An Act for Abrogation of fix Weeks Seffions. S. An Act that any Indictment lacking thefe Words, VI cif Armis, fhall be good and fufficient in the Law. 9. An Act againft Ufury. 10. An Act againft flanderous Bills, n. An Act for the Marines befide Greenvjich. 12. An Act for Tithes in London. 13. An Act repealing the Act made for Pins. 14. An Act for the Maintenance of the Pier of Scarburgh 15. An Act againft regrating of Woolls. 16. An Act for the annexing of certain Lands to the Duchy of Lancaficr, and an Exchange between the King's Ma- jefly, the Archbiihop of Canterbury, and York, and the Bifhop of London. 17. An Act that Doctors of Civil Law, being married, may exercife Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiction. 18. An Act for the Erection of four Honours, Wejlminfter, Kingfton upon Hull, Saint Ofth's, and Donington. 19. An Act that Fines taken in the County Palatine of Lan- cafler fhall be of like Force as Fines knowledged before Juftices of the common Place. 20. An Act for the Tenures of Lands of forty Shillings or under. 21. An Act for the Union of Churches not exceeding the Value of fix Pounds. 22. An Act to fill up the Juries de Circumflantibus. 23. An Act for the Continuation of certain Statutes. 24. An Act for the Confirmation of a Subfidy granted by the Clergy. 25. An Act concerning the Grant of one entire Subfidy,. and two whole Fifteenths and Tenths, granted by the Temporal ty. PRIVATE ACTS. Amto 37 Henri ci 8. i. AN Act for exchanging certain Lands between the JLX. Lord Chancellor, the Lord Great Chamberlain, and the Bifhop of Sarum. 2. An Act for Francis Knolls, concerning the Manor of Rotherfield Graye. 3. An Act for Jafper Hartwell and others. 4. An Act for Thomas Lytlebury, for the Afiurance of the Manor of AJkbye Puerorum. 5. An ASt that the Knights of Saint John's Jerufalem in, England and Ireland may marry. 6. An Act for the Earl of Arundell, concerning the Afiu- rance of the Lady Mary his Wife's Jointure. 7. An Act for the Legitimation of the Children of Sir Ralph Sadler and Ellene his Wife. 8. An Act for the Attainder of the Duke of Norfolk and the Ear] of Surrey. 9. An Act for the Attainder of the late Queen Katherine and her Accomplices, and touching Attainder for High, Treafon in Cafes of Madnefs and Lunacy. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno primo Edwardi Sexli.. N Act againft fuch Perfons as fhall unreverently fpeak againft the Sacrament of the Altar, and of the Receiving thereof under both Kinds. 2. An