Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/27

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 2. An Act tor the Election of BIfhops. j. An Act for the punching of Vagabonds, and for the Relief of the Poor and impotent Perfons. 4. An A^t for Tenures liolclcn in Cap'ile. f, An Ad that no Horfes lhall be conveyed out of this Realm, ami other the King's Dominions without Licence. 6. An Act for the Continuance of making of Worried Yarn in Norfolk, 7. An Act for the Continuance of Actions after the Death of any King. 8. An Act for the Confirmation of Letters Patents. 9. An Act for the Uniting of certain Churches within the City of York, 10. An Act for the Exigents and Proclamations in Wales, ami in the County Palatine of Cbtfter, and alfo in the City of Chefter. n. An Act lor the Repeal of a certain Statute made in the Tw -nty-cighth "Year of the Reign of the late King of moit famous Memory, Henry the Eighth, for revoking of Acts of Parliament. 11. An Act for the Repeal of certain Statutes concerning Treafons, Felonies, lye. 13. An Act for the Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage of Merchandizes, with a Provifo for the Confirmation of the Privileges of the Merchants of the Stil-Yard; which Provijo lhall endure but only to the End of this Parlia- ment. 14. An Act whereby certain Chauntries, Colleges, Free Chapels, and the Poffeffions of the fame, be given to the King's Majefty. 15. An Act concerning the King's moft Gracious General Pardon. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno prima Edwardi Sexti, 1, AN Act for the Eftablifhment of a Deanery at Wells. UX 2. An Act for the Aflurance of certain Lands to the King's Majefty from the tarl of Rutland. 3. An Act for the Aflurance of certain Lands to the Lord Riche, and Sir William Shelley, Knight. 4. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of the Lord Staf- ford. 5. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of John Lumley, Efquire. 6. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of Gryffith Rice, Gentleman. 7. An Act concerning the Lands and PofTeflions of the Earl of Oxford. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno fecundo & tertio Edwardi Sexti. 1. A N Act for the Uniformity of Service and Adminiftra- .2~ tion of the Sacraments throughout the Realm. 2. An Act for the Reformation of Captains and Soldiers ferving in the Wars. 3. An Act touchingPurveyors. 4. An Act for the Sheriffs of England to have certain Al- lowances upon their Accounts. 5. An Act touching the remitting of Fee- Farms for three Years. 6. An Act againft the Exaction of Money and other Things, by. any Officer for Licence to Traffiek into Ireland. 7. An Act againft the crafty and deceitful buying of Pen- sions. 8. An Act touching the finding of Offices before Ef- . cheators. g> An Act for the true currying of Leather. 10. An Act for the true making of Malt. 11. An Act. for the true tanning ol Leather. 12. An Act for the Aflurance to the Tenants, of G and Leafes made of the Duk 's demean L 13. An A'-t for the true Payment of 'I 14. An Act againft the (hooting of Hail-fhot. 1?. An Act touching Victuallers and Handicrafts-men. 16. An Ad: for the removing- have the Cuftody of Callles and Fortreffes upon the Borders, and beyond the Seas. 17. An Act for the Confirmation of the Attainder of Sir William Sharington, Knight. r3. An Act for the Aitaindcrof Sir Thomas Seimcr, Knight, Lord Seimor of Sudlcy, and High Admiial of England. 19. An Act for the Abftinence from Flefli in Lent. 20. An Incumbent for not paying his Tenths due to the King, the fame being demanded, (hall be deprived of that Benefice. 21 . An Act to take away all pofitive Laws made againft the Marriage of Priefts. 22. An Act concerning the Colouring of Cuftoms in other Mens Names, to the Deceit of the King. 23. An Act for the Repeal of a Statute touching Marriage- Contracts. 24. An Act for the Trials of Murders and Felonies, com- mitted in feveral Counties. 2;. An Act for the keeping of County-days. 26. An Act againft the carrying of white Afhes out of this Realm. 27. An Act againft the falfe forging of Gadds of Steel. 28. An Act for Fines with Proclamations in the County Palatine of Chefter, 29. An Act againft Sodomy. 30. An Act tor the Towns of Rye and Winchelfey, and for the calling of Ballaft into the Camber. 31. An Act for the City of Chefter, touching the taking of Recognizances. 32. An Act for the Continuance of certain Statutes. 33. An Act 'that no Man ftealing Horle or Horfes, fb.a:>. enjoy the Benefit of his Clergy. 34. An Act for the Sheriff of Northumberland, to be ac- countable for his Office as other Sheriffs be. 35. An Act for the Confirmation of the Subfidy of the Clergy. 36. An Act for the Relief granted to the King's Majefty by the Lords and Commons. 37. An Act againft the carrying of Bell-metal out of the Realm. 38. An Act for the Paving of Callce. 39. The King's Majefty's Free and General Pardon- PRIVATE ACTS. Anno fecundo & tertio Edwardi Sexti. 1. AN Act concerning Gavelkind Lands in Kent. ?. ZSl An Act for Reftitution of Sir George Darcy. 3. An Act for Reftitution of Francis Carezv. 4. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of EJivard Cla, .'. 5. An Act for Reftitution of Sir George Buhner. 6. An Act for Reftitution of Henry Wefton. 7. An Act for the Reftitution of Ralph Bigctt- 8. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of Thomas Pcrcye, Son of Sir Thomas Percye, Knight. 9. An Act for the Union of Churches in the City of Lin- coln. 10. An Act concerning the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Commo- nalty of the City of Exeter, touching the Limits and Li- berties of the fame City.. ir. An