Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/28

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The TITLES of . the STATUTE S. ir. An Aft for the Union of Churches in the Town .of Stampford. . . !?. An Aft touching Bartholomew Burgoine going beyond Si i". 13. An Aft for the. AfTurance of certain Lands to the Sons .of Thomas Lord Howard. 14. An Aft for PJckard Bourman Clerk, to ereft a Free .. School in St. Albans in the County of Hertford. 1.5. An AfSi for the Great Seffions and County-Days, and Sefiions of Peace, for the County of Anghfcy, to be kept ■^vBimiarris. ■ 16. An Aft uniting the Churches of Onger and Greenfead. >R.ep. 1 Mar. Sef. '3. c. 10. 17. An Act touching Saint Clements in Roche/ler. 18. An Aft for the Earl of Bath to affure Lands for the Jointure of the Lady Margarett his Wife, and for other - Lands to be affured to John Lord Fitzwarren his Son, and the Lady Fraunces his Wife. 19% An Acl: between the Mayor, &V. of Neweajlle zn&Ed- tvard Law/on. so. An Act. for the Foundation of a School ztBarkhamflead. 21. An Acl: for the Confirmation of a Free School erefted in the Town of Stamford, and for more fure enjoying of the Lands given by William Ratcliffe for Maintenance of . -the Schoolmafter there. PUBLICK ACTS. .Anno tertio C5 quarto Edwardi Sexti. 1. A NA3 that the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of XlL the Great Seal for the Time being, fhall name and appoint the Cujlos Rotuloritm throughout all Shires of England, according as in Times paft it hath been ac- cuftomed. 2. Aft Aft for the true making of Woollen Cloths. 3. An Aft concerning the Improvements- of Commons and wafte Grounds. 4. An Aft concerning Grants and Gifts, made by Patentees out of Letters Patents. 5. An Aft for the Punifhment of unlawful Affemblies and Rifings of the King's Subjects. 6. An Aft concerning the Repeal of a Branch of an Aft of Parliament made in the laft Seffion, for buying of tanned - Leather. 7. An Aft for; the Repeal of a Statute made in the twenty- fifth Year of Kmg Hmry the Eighth, touching the taking of Wild-fowl at certain Times in the Year. 8. An Aft for th: Continuance of the Statute of Sewers. 9. An Aft for the buying of raw Hides and Calves-Skins. 10. An Aft for the abolifhing and putting away of divers Books and Images. 1 1. An Aft that the King's Majefty may nominate and ap- point thirty-two Perfons to perufe and make Ecclefiaftical Laws. 12. An, Aft for the ordering of Ecclefiaftical Minifters. 13. An Aft for the Reftitution inBlood of Sir William Sha- rington, Knight. 14. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood or 'Mary Seimor, Daughter .to Sir Thomas Seimor, Knight, Lord Seimor of Sudley, late Admiral of England. 15. An Aft againft fond and fantaftical Prophecies. 16. An Aft touching the Punifhment of Vagabonds and other idle Perfons. 17. An Aft againft unlawful Hunting in any Park, Foreft, Chafe, or other inclofed Ground. 18. An Aft concerning Fee-farms, mentioned in the laft Seffion. 19. An Aft for the buying and felling of Rothcr Beafts and Cattle. 20. An Aft touching the Repeal of a certain Branch ofart Aft paffed in the laft Seffion of this Parliament, concern- ing Victuallers and Artificers. 21. An Aft for the buying and felling of Butter and Cheefe. 22. An Aft touchingthe retaining of Journey men by divers Perfons. 23. An Aft concerning the Releafe of the Branches in the laft Aft of Relief for the Payments of Sheep and Cloths ; and alfoa Grant of a Subfidy to be paid in one Year. 24. An Aft of the King's Majefty's moft Free and Gene- ral Pardon. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno tertio & quarto Edwardi Sexti. 1. AN Aft for a Church-yard in Wejl-Draiton. 2. JT An Aft concerning Dividends and Quotidians in Wells. 3. An Aft for difinheriting of William Weft during his Life. 4. An Aft for the Reftitution of Thomas Ifley, Efquire. 5. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir William Huf- fy, Knight. 6. An Aft touching the Lands of the Duke of Somerfet, a'flured to the King's Majefty for the Fine of the faid Duke, for his Offences ; and for the affuring other Lands to the Duke and his Wife. PUBLICK ACTS. Antio quint C5' fexto Edwardi Sexti. I. AN Aft for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and J~. Adminiftration of the Sacraments. z. An Aft for the Provifion and Relief the Poor. 3. An Aft for the keeping of Holy-days, and Fafting-days. 4. An Aft againft Quarrelling and Fighting in Churches and Church-yards. y. An Aft for the Maintenance of Tillage, and Increafe of Corn. 6. An Aft for the true making of Woollen Cloth. 7. An Aft limiting the Times for buying and felling oi Wools. 5. An Aft limiting what Perfons fliall weave or make Broad Woollen Cloth. 9. An Aft that no Man robbing any Ploufe, Booth or Tent, fhall be admitted to the Benefit of his^Clergy. 10. An Aft to take away the Benefit of Clergy from fuch as rob in one Shire and flee into another. II. Ail Aft for the Punifhment of divers Treafons. 12. An Aft' for Declaration of a Statute made for the Mar- riage of Priefts, and for the Legitimation of their Chil- dren. 13. An Aft for the Declaration of a Statute made in the one and thirtieth Year of King Henry the Eighth, touch- ing Religious Perfons. 14. An Aft againft Regrators, Foreftallers, and Ingroflers. 1?. An Aft againft Regrators of tanned Leather. 16. An Aft againft buying and felling of Offices. 17. An Aft for the Continuance of certain Statutes. 18. An Aft repealing a Statute made in the fourth Year of Henry the Seventh againft the bringing in of Wine and Woad in ftrange Bottoms. 19. An Aft touching the Exchange of Gold and Silver. 20. An Aft againft Ufury. 21. An Aft againft Tinkers and Pedlars. 2z. An Aft for the putting down of Gig-Mills. 23. An Aft for the true fluffing of Feather-Beds, Mattraflcs and Cufhiops, 24. An