Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/260

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222 C. 5. Anno vicefimo feptlmo Hen rici VIII. A. D.i 535. by Neceffity, taketh of or in any other Ship, which may conveniently fpare the fame, fo that the fame Perfon or Perfons pay out of Hand for the fame Victual, Cables, Ropes, Anchors or Sails, Money or Mo- ney-worth, to the Value of the Thing fo taken, or deliver for the fame a fufficient Bill Obligatory to be paid in Form following; that is to fay, if the taking of the fame Things be on this Side the Straits of Mar- rock, then to be paid within four Months; and if it be beyond the faid Straits of Mar rock, then to be paid within twelve Months next enfuing the making of fuch Bills; and that the Makers of fuch Bills well and truly pay the fame Debt at the Day to be limited within the faid Bills. cwmifl-ons di- y_ Provided alway, That whenfoever any fuch Commiffion for the Punifhment of the Offences afore- Fife Pom ^ ^ la " ^ e ^hefted or ^ ent t0 anv Place within the Jurifdiftion of the Five Ports, that then every fuch Commiffion mall be directed unto the Lord Warden of the fame Ports for the Time being, or to his De- puty, and unto three or four fuch other Perfon or Perfons as the Lord Chancellor for the Time being fhall name and appoint; any Thing in this prefent Aft to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. VI. Provided alfo, That whenfoever any Commiffion fhall be directed into the Five Ports for the Inqui- fition and Trial of any of the Offences expreffed in this Aft, that every fuch Inquifition and Trial to be had by Virtue of fuch Commiffion, fhall be made and had by the Inhabitants in the faid Five Ports, or the ^Sonnmeni'iZ Members of the fame; any Thing in this Aft to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. Pirates, fee 2S H. 8. c. 15, 11 Sf 12 W. 3. c. 7. 1 Ceo. 1. fiat. 2. c. 25. 4 Geo. 1. c. 11. 8 Geo, I. c, 24. and 18 Geo, 2. c. 30. CAP. V. For the making of Ju (Vices of Peace within Chejler and Wales. 26 H. 8. c. 4. ' T ^ E King's Highnefs confidering the manifold Robberies, Murthers, Thefts, Trefpafles, Riots, , 5 X Routs, Embraceries, Maintenances, Oppreffions, Ruptures of his Peace, and many other Male- ' fafts, which been daily praftifed, perpetrated, committed and done within his Counties and County Pa- ' latines of Chejler, and Flint/hire in Wales, adjoining to the faid County of Cbejhr, and alfo in his Counties. ' of Anglice, otherwife called Anglefey, Cayernervan and Mereoneth, within his Principality of North-Walei, The Lack of the ' and alfo in his Counties of Cardigan, Ccyermarthen, Pembroke and Glamorgan, in South-Wales; by reafon Execution of ' that common Tuftice hath not been indifferently miniftred there, like and in fuch Form as it is in other- jufticetheCaufe 1 pi aces f t his hjs Realm, by reafon whereof the faid Murthers, Robberies, Thefts, Trefpaffes and break- ' ine of the Peace, have remained unpunifhed, to the great Animation of Evil-doers in the fame Countries; Scflions to be' (2) for Redrefs and Amputation whereof, and to the Intent that one Order ofminiftring of his Laws fhould held buttwice a t be had, obferved and ufed in the fame, as in other Places of this Realm of England is had and ufed,' It is ,/h" c> *" ordained and enafted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the juitie'es of 'the' Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Lord Chan- Peace, of Quo- cellor of England, or the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, from Time to time, and at all rum, and of Times, fhall have full Power and Authority, by his Difcretion, to nominate and appoint Juftices of Peace, ft 'u'h^'ff?' J u ^' ces of the Quorum, and Juftices of Gaol-delivery in the- faid Counties of Chejler, Flint, Anglefey, i/cettain Shires Kayernarvan, Mereonetb, Cardigan, Kayermerthen, Pembroke and Glamorgan, by Commiffion under the King's . in Wales, and Great Seal, which fhall have full Power and Authority to inquire, hear and determine all manner of Thing their Authority, and Things inquirable, prefentable or determinable before Juftices of Peace, Juftices of Quorum, and Ju- ftices of Gaol-delivery in other Shires of this Realm of England, by P'orce or Virtue of any Statute or Statutes made and to be made, or by the Courfe of the Common Laws of this Realm; (3) and that the faid Juftices of Peace, Juftices of Quorum, and Juftices of Gaol-delivery, fo to be named and appointed by the faid Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and every of them, fhall have like Power and Au- thority within the faid Counties of Chejler, Flint, Anglefey, Kayernarvan, Mereoneth, Cardigan, Kayermerthen, Pembroke and Glamorgan, to do, ufe and execute every Thing and Things, as other Juftices of Peace, Quo- rum and Gaol-delivery have within any other of the Shires of this Realm of England; (4) and alfo fhall be fworn, aftrifted and obliged to the keeping"of their Seffions of the Peace, and to the due Execution of all and fingular Statutes and Ordinances made and to be made, in like Manner and Form, and under like Pains and Penalties, as Juftices of Peace, Juftices of Quorum and Gaol-delivery in other Shires of this Realm of England been and fhall be bounden and obliged; any Aft, Statute, Prefcription, Ufage, Cuftom, Liberty or Privilege, had, made, accuftomed or ufed, to the contrary notwithftanding. Where the II. And it is further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Eftreats of the Ilfues, Fines and Amer- Eftreats of the ciaments taxed, fet, loft or forfeited by or before fuch Juftices of the Peace, Quorum and Gaol-delivery in i| Kr?A 1 wli»f ln " the f a 'd Counties of Chejler and Flint, fhall be returned and certified into the Exchequer of Chejler before the lies in vvjicb jr. t /~n ii*. 1 * flwllbereturned. Kln g s Chamberlain there. III. And that the Eftreats of the BTues, Fines and Amerciaments, taxed, fcU loft or forfeited by or be- fore the Juftices of Peace, Quorum and Gaol-delivery in the faid Counties of Kayernarvan and Mereoneth, and every of them, fhall be returned and certified into the King's Exchequer at Kayernarvan, to and before the King's Chamberlain of North-Wales. IV. And that the Eftreats of the Iffues, Fines and Amerciaments, taxed, fet, loft or forfeited by or be- fore the Juftices of the Peace, Quorum and Gaol-delivery in the faid Counties of Kayermerthen and Cardigan, and every of them, fhall be returned and certified into the King's Exchequer at Kayermerthen, to and before the King^s Chamberlain of South-Wales. V. And that the Eftreats of the Iffues, Fines and Amerciaments, taxed, fet, loft or forfeited by or before the Juftices of Peace, Quorum and Gaol-delivery in the County of Pembroke, fhall be returned and certified into the King's Exchequer at Pembroke. VI. And that the Eftreats of the Iffues, Fines and Amerciaments, taxed, fet, loft or forfeited by or before

  • he Iuftices of Peace, Quorum and Gaol-delivery in the faid County of Glamorgan, fhall be returned and
