Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/261

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A. D. 1 535.' Anno viccfimo fcptimo Hen rici VIII. C. 6. 223 certified into the King's Exchequer at Caierdiff: (2) And that the raid Kflrcats of the fail Ifl'w ., Fine* and t ■ , certified ana returned into every of the forefaid II be indented in fuch like Mannci an I Form as is ufed in the King's Exchequer at Wiftmnfttr : (3) Ami that tl -.of uorum, 01 Gaol-delivery in every of the faid Shin:, (hall direct fuch like Procefi by 1 Itrcats tificd into the laid Exchequer, to the Sheriff of every of the fail Com. for the levying and gathering of the faid Kibes. Fines and Amerciaments, in Inch like Manner and Form a* Wbm the She. is ufed l>y the Juftices of Peace, Quorum and Gaol-delivery in every other of the Shires within thi . Realm r ffi ftil of England; (|) and that every Sheriff of every of the (aid Shires (hall make their Accompi in every of l ^ r '" A«ewnM chequers, of and for the faid Iflu , upon the Extrcats to them directed ° nJ £ r in M.mnei and Form as is ufed in the King's Exchequer VilVtflmh menu. VII. And it is alio enafted by the Authority aforeiaid, That the faid Juftices of Peace and CI rks of the Theja(lic««in4 within the faid Counties of Chefter, Flint. Anglefey, Kaytrnarvan, Merconclh, Cardigan, R I the ..I Glamorgan, and every of them, (hall be paid and allowed of the faid IiTucs, Fines and Amcr- I>eJC « AUow-

, Profits and Commodities, as other Juftices of Peace and Clerks of the Peace in ancc *'

hires of this Realm have and ought to have. . VIM. And it is further enacted by Authority aforcfaid, That the Sheriff or his Deputy, and all other his £1™°"^ Minifters in all and every of the (aid Shires, and all Coroners, High Conftables, Petty Conftables, and all aMttothe j u ." other Officers within every of the faid Shires, (hall be obliged and bounden to be as well attendant unto the ft ce». Iii of Peace, Quorum and Gaol-delivery, in all and every Thing and Things concerning their Authorities, as in executing and returning of all Precepts and Proccftes to them directed by any of the faid Juftices, in like Manner and Form, anJ under like Pains and Penalties, as all and every Sheriffs, Co- roners and other Officers, be and (hall be bounden and obliged by any Statute or Common Law, in other Shires of this Realm of England ; any Act, Statute, Prcfcription, Ufage, Cuftom, Liberty or Privilege, Sttfanb^at- had, accuftomed or ufed to the contrary notwithftanding. «'i'h^8 t'l. 33 H. S. t. 13. 34 & 35 11. 8. c. 13. 2 C 3 Ed. 6. c. 28, & 31. 4.3 El. c. 15. 22 Cto. 1. c. 46. am/16 Co. 2. c. 34, Anifariltr tcncerr.wgWalo, if If. 8. •::,& 16. 33//. 8. c. 13. 34 Sf 35 //. 8..-. 26. 1 E,l. 6. c. 10. i £r 2 P. £? M. c. 15. 5 El. c. 25, & 28. 18 £/. r. 8. 2: El. c. 9. 19 Cjr. 2, t. 5. 1 IK &M.jlat. 1. c. 1;. 5 W. i? Af. c. 4. 7 & 8 Af. 3. f. 38. n & 12 W. 3. c. 9. S6'«. 1. c.25. 6 C«. 2. f. 14. arJ 10 Gti. 1. c, 41. CAP. VI. The Bill for the Increafe of Horfes.

  • HTHE King our Sovereign Lord continually ftudying for the Advancement, Augmentation and In- The Caufc of

I J. creafe of the publick Weal of this his Realm, calling to his moft gracious Memory the great Decay r e ec ^ e "^ of r f!!. e ' of the Generation and Breeding of good, and fwiftand ftrong Horfes, which heretofore have been bred- in n B.°j.c.iu

  • this Realm, to the great Defence, Profit and common Commodity of the fame ; and now remembring that

' like breed of Horfes is fore diminilhed and decayed, the Occafion whereof is thought to proceed, for that ' in many and moft Places of this Realm, commonly little Horfes and Nags of fmall Stature and Value be

  • fuffered to departure, and alio to cover Mares and Felys of very fmall Stature, by reafon whereof the
  • Breed of good and ftrong Horfes of this Realm is now lately diminifhed, altered and decayed, and farther

' is like to decay, if fpeedy Remedy be not fooner provided in that Behalf:' II. The King's Highnefs willing therefore to provide Remedy in that Behalf, by the Advice of the Lords Owners and Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of Ferrr.ersotP.1rk9 the fame, hath ordained, enabled and eftabliftied, That every Perfon and Perfons, as well Spiritual as Tern- ""^ be v. poral, of whatEftate, Degree or Condition foever he or they be, which at this prefent Time, or at any ecf s " Time hereafter, (hall have any Park or Ground inclofed with Hedge, Ditch, Wall or Pale, wherein any Deer is, or hereafter (hall be, ufually kept for Game, containing the Quantity of one Mile in Compafs, and is or (hall be feized thereof in Fee-fimple, Fee-tail, or for Term of Life, in Pofleffion, to his or their own Profit and Behoof, that every fuch Owner of every fuch Park and Ground being in his own Hand, and every Fermer of every fuch Park or Ground being let to Ferm, from the firft Day of May, that (hall be in the Year of our Lord God 1537, (hall keep for every fuch Park or Ground being inclofed as is aforefaid, as long as the fame Park or Ground inclofed (hall be ufed, and kept with Deer in the fame for Games, two Mares being not fpayed, apt and able to bear Foals, each of them of the Altitude or Height of thirteen Handtuls at the lead, to be meafured from the loweftPart of the Hoof of the Foot unto the higheft Part of the Shoulder, and every Handful to contain four Inches of the Standard, upon Pain of Forfeiture of xl.s. for every Month's lacking the fame Mares contrary to this Atft,; (2) and that every fuch Owner or Fermer of Park or Ground, whereof the Compafs is four Miles and above, upon Pain afore expreffed, (hall keep for every fuch Park four Mares being not fpayed, apt and able to bear Foals, of the Altitude or Height of thirteen Handfuls at the leaft, to be meafured as is afore faid. III. Provided, That if it (hall happen any of the faid Mares by Mifchance or Cafuaky for to die, that then the Lord, Owner or Owners of the faid Mares, providing or buying others of like Height and Altitude as is before limited, within three Months next after the Death of the lame Mares, (hall not incur the Danger and Penalty of this Eftatute ; any Thing before rehearfed to the contrary notwith- ftanding. IV. And it is alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the Lords, Owners and Farmers of all Parks Mares fan .not and Grounds inclofed as is above rehearfed, limited and appointed by this AcT: to keep Mares, (hall not at l> e covered with any Time after the faid firft Day of May, which (hail be in the Year of our Lord God 1517. willingly fuf- lmjil Hoifcs - ter any of the laid Mares to be covered or leapt with any (toned Hone under the Stature of fourteen Hand- ful, to be meafured in Form afore rehearfed, (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of x!.s. The Moiety of all fuch Forfeitures (hall be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Moiety thereof to the Party that will fue for the fame in any Court of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, by Action, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife ;