Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/268

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230 C. 1 1. Anno vicefimo feptimo Henrici VlII. A. 0.1535. in that Behalf; (2) and that one of the King's Clerks of the faid Privy Seal, upon clue Examination had by the faid Lord Keeper of the laid Privy Seal, of the laid Warrant to him addreffed from ihe Office of the faid Signet as afore, may and fhall, within the Space of eight Days next after he fhall have received the fame, unlcfs the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal do give them Commandment to the contrary, make or caufe to be made, by Warrant of the forefaid Warrant to the faid Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, ad- from tb™ Privy ^refs ^ l ' om t ^ le ^^ ce 9? the Signet aforefaid, other Letters of like Warranty, fubfcribed with the Name of Seal to? the the <arne Clerk of the Privy Seal, to the Lord Chancellor of England, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, Great Seal. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancajler, Chancellor of the King's Land of Ireland, Treafurer and Cham- berlains of the Exchequer, and Chamberlains of any of his Counties Palatines, or Principality of Wales, or other Officer, and to every of them, for the Writing and enfealing with fuch Seals as remain in their Cuftody, of Letters Patent or clo'fed, or other Procefs making, due and requifite to be had or made upon any the faid Grants, according to the Tenor of the Warrant to them or any of them directed from the Officer of the Privy Seal, as is afore fpecified. The Penally for JJI, And alfo be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no manner Clerk or Clerks, or other Perfon aiding of the ox p er fons, " do wr ite or make any manner of Writing, Warrant or Warrants upon any manner Gift or fcX S 3 ° re " Grant made by the King's Highnefs, or by any other his Grace's Officers as aforefaid, or procure the fame, or any of the fame to be pafied under any the Seals aforefaid, after any other Sort, Manner or Fafhion, or by any other Warrant or Warrants than as before is fpecified and declared, (z) upon Pain to forfeit for every Bill,. Warrant or Writing paffed contrary to the Order before limited and prefcribed, the Sum of DC. li. Sterling, the one Half thereof to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half to him that fhall firft fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information in any the King's Courts; in which Action or Suit, no Effoin, Protection, Privilege, nor Wager of Law fhall be admitted; any manner Act, Statute, Provifion, Proclamation or other Ordinance heretofore had or made, contrary to this prefent Act, or any Article of the fame, in any wife notwithftanding. Tees forWri- IV. And neverthlefs be it alfo enacted, That every of the faid Clerks, or other Perfon, which fhall pafs •tings which pafs in Writing, or procure to be palled in Writing, any Grant or' Grants by immediate Warrant, wherefore by 'immediate p £es ^ e p a;j at the Great Seal, fhall of the Parties receive for the Offices of the faid Signet and Privy Seal, as well fuch Fees as in this Act is taxed for writing of any fuch Grant or other Writings, as alfo the Fees for the Seal of the fame; (2) which Fees, and every Part and Portion thereof, the fame Clerk or Clerks, by whom any Grant fhall pafs in Writing by immediate Warrant, fhall, upon a Bill of the Hand of one of the faid Clerks of the faid Signet or Privy Seal, deliver unto one of the fame Clerks of the Signet or Privy Seal, within the Space of three Months next and immediately enfuing after the paffing and fealing of any the faid Grant or Grants by immediate Warrant, (3) upon Pain of x. li. Sterling, to be by every fuch of the faid Clerks, or other Perfon as fhall offend, forfeited, to be levied in Form aforefaid, as often as he or they fhall offend contrary to the Meaning of this Act. This Aa (hall > V. Provided alfo, That this Act, or any Thing contained in the fame, be not in any wife prejudicial not prejudice the to the Lord Treafurer of England for the Time being, concerning fuch Warrants or Precepts, as he by Lord Treafurer Virtue of his- Office fhall and may direct ^immediately to the Lord Chancellor of England, or to any other W ^'a t t 8 t°h P er f° n or P el "fons for making out of the King's Grants or Letters Patents to any Perfon or Perfons, of any Great Seal. Offices, Farms of Lands or Tenements, or _of any other Thing -belonging to his Nomination or Difpo- fition; (z) but that as well he may direct his faid Warrants or Precepts for the caufes abovefaid, as alio his Clerk or Clerks, or other Perfon may procure the fame to be fealed under any of the Seals aforefaid, with- out any Warrant to be before or after fued or obtained under the King's Signet or Privy Seal for the fame, in as large and ample Manner, and after fuch Sort and Fafhion as he or they might have done at any Time before the making of this Act; any Thing in the fame Act mentioned to the contrary notwithftanding. Leafes of the VI. Provided alfo, That all and every Leafe and Leafes of the King's Manors, Lands, Tenements, Duchy Lands Poffeffions, or other Profits or Hereditaments within the County Palatine of Lancajler, or of the Duchy may pais under Q f Lancajler out f t he faid County Palatine, which the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancajler for the fame Duchy.' Time being, or the Chancellor of the faid County Palatine for the Time being, or either tf them, fhall 4 Inft. 210. hereafter make or grant in the Name of the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, to any man- ner Perfon or Perfons, fhall and may pafs and be paffed under the Seals of the faid Duchy of Lancajler, or of the faid County Palatine of Lancajler, or of either of them, in Manner and Form as heretofore hath been ufed and accuftomed; any Thing in this prefent Act before made to the contrary notwithftanding. A Grant of a VII. Provided alfo, That all and every Gift, Grant and Patent of any manner Office or Offices, or any fmall Office in other Thing being, or which hereafter fhall be in the County Palatine of Lancajler, or of the faid Duchy the Duchy. f Lancajler out of the faid County Palatine, the yearly Wages or Fees whereof amounted! not over and above the Value of it. d. by the Day, fhall and may pafs and be paffed by the faid' Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancajler, or by the faid Chancellor of the faid County Palatine, or of either of them for -the Time being, in Manner and Form as heretofore hath been ufed and accuftomed; any Article or Thing in. this prefent Act before made to the contrary notwithftanding. VIII. And to the Intent that as well fuch as now be, or hereafter fhall be Minifters and Clerks of the King's Signet and Privy Seal, fhould have and take honeft and fufficient Salary and Reward for the writing of the faid Warrants to be by them made as afore faid; as alfo the King's moft loving, faithful and obe- dient Subjects, knowing the certain Charges to be by them laid out for the writing of the faid Warrants, fhould not by any manner Exaction or other finifter Means, be conftrained by any the faid Clerks to pay more large and exceffive Fees for the writing of the fame, than Reafon and Conlcience fhall require : (2) what Fees m g e; t ena £t ef ] by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Clerk and Clerks of the faid Signet and Privy Cterkof'the' ° Seal fhall have and take for his or their Writing of a Warrant upon a Bill for Tales or Reward, Signet ihall (3) For the writing of a Warrant for the Gift of every Office, xx. d. (4) For the writing of a Warrant have. for a Penfion, Annuity or Wages, xx, d. ($) For the writing of a War-rant for a fpecial Livery or other Perpetuity,'