Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/269

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A. D. i535« Anno viccfimo feptimo I-Tenrici VIH. C. 12. 231 ('<) For the writine ill for a Cone/ d^/Ifi; R». I , poi iltii s, Donati {-) For the writing , Warrant upon i PI I, I i, or Sherifl or the writing 1 , Hj.i.iv.d. (<)) For the wrll I ■ ' 1 1 . . d. ( 1 1 ) And 1 or Privy Seal aforefaid (hall take foi the writing of i

Miy 11 pecified, more large and pie J than before is prefcribed and i /inpmorcor

on Fain of x. li. Sterling to be by hi n forfeited, thai (h 'I i ry to the true Tenor a the laid Aft ; the one Half thereof to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, th oth H him that dial 1 firfl tion, Plaint or Information in any of the King's Court , in which Aftion or Suii no llFin, Protei lion 01 Wager of Law fhall be admitted. [X. I led alio, '1 he Lord Chancellor of England for the Time being ihall and may at all Times The LofJ Chan. ufc in I 1 fpecding any Thing by the Great Seal, anil delivering the lame, without' . for the Great Seal, Signet and Privy Seal, as the Cal'e of Ncceffity (hall require, and aSf^"** ° Lt bath been accuftomed ; and that the Clerks for writing, or procuring fuch Writings and Patents, by his Comman lment fhall be difch irged of all Penalties expreffed before in this Aft, for not receiving and pay- 1 the Signet and Privy Seal; any Thing in this Aft contained to the contrary hereof notwith- (Gtnding. X. And be it furthermore cnafted by the Authority aforcfaid, that this prefent Aft, and every Part T 1 " 1 Ac1 "-" ami Parcel thereof, fhall extend to the Court of Augmentation of the Revenues of the King's Crown ; h c '^ai'illtikcf and bind every Officer and Officers, t eir Clerks and Minifters, that now be, and hereafter fhall be of ,hcc'jurtcf' the fame Court, to the Obfervation thereof, and of every Part thereof, for and concerning the fealing and Aujmenuiioot. of any manner Patent, Leale or other Grant, which upon the King's Bill ftgncd fhall pals the Great Si :al of the fame Court ; any fpecial Words contained in the Aft made in this prefent Scflion for the Eftablifhment of ;hc Officers of the faid Court of the Augmentation, or any other Aft or Provifion made to the contrary hereof in any wile not .vithftanding. XI. Provided ncverthelefs, That this Aft, or any Thing contained in the fame, be not in any wife pre- Sealingof i 1 1 ci I to any manner Perfon or Perfons whom the King's Highncfs fhall by expreis Commandment dircft, jo«ningtiBB lend or appoint, to procure any Thing or Things to be fealed with any his Majefty's Seals, for or concern- jjf.f rs r "r the ing his Majefty's private Affairs, or the Affairs of his Highncfs Realm; (2) but that as well the fame Per- Affiirs'of the fon or Perlons, Ik ing appointed by the King's Highncfs as aforefaid, as alfo fuch Officer and Officers as Realm, fhall have the keeping of any of the King's Seals, their Minifters and Clerks, fhall and may feal, write ami deliver, and procure the Sealing, Writing and Delivering of any fuch Thing and Things concerning the King's Highnefs Affairs as aforefaid, without being bound to procure any manner Warrant, or paying any manner Fees at or to the Signet or Privy Seal for the fame ; (3) fo that the Name or Names of every

fuch Perfon or Perfons, as fhall procure the Sealing of any fuch Thing or Things on the King's Behalf as

i aforefaid, be entred in the Clerk of the Hanaper's Book after this fort, Per A. ad mandatum Domini Regis - y . any Thing in this Aft contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XII. Provided alfo, ~

every fuch Perfon and Perfons, as Officer and Officers, having the Cuftody of fuch Seal or Seals, their Ml- ]•,-. d. 

! niftcrs and Clerks, may write, feal and deliver, or procure the Writing, Sealing and Delivering of any fuch Leale or Leafes as aforefaid, without paying therefore any manner Fees at or to the Signet or Privy Seal for I the fame ; any Thing in this Aft mentioned to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XII. The Act for the true making of Cloth. TTOrafmuch as great Infamy and Slander hath rifen of late "Vears in fundry outward Parties beyond the 4 El. 4. .-. T . ! ' P Sea, of the untrue making of Woollen Cloths within this Realm, to the great Derogation of the 1 X- 3- •'• S. ' common Weal of the fame, and to the no little Hindrance of the Sale of the faid Commodity:' (2) For J Remedy whereof, be it ordained and enafted by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and , Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, all and every Clothier within this Realm Every CI ' ' fhall weave, orcaufe to be woven, his or their feveral Token or Mark in all and every Cloth, Kerfey m .-. '" 5 I other Cloths, whatfoever they be, made and wrought to be uttered and fold : ( ) An 1 wr. n an y fuch C ; fhall be ready made and dreffed to be put to Sale, every of the fame Clothiers fhall let his Seal of Lead unto ■ every of the fame his or their Cloths and Kerfeys, in which Seal of Lead fhall be contained the true and juft Length of every of the fame Cloths or Kerf.ys, as it fhall be duly found by every Buyer of the fame, j upon due Proof thereof to be tried by the Water : (4) And in cafe upon any fuch Proof to be made by ~ any Buyer of them at the Water, there fhall be found lefs or fmaller Content in Length thai . is contained v, --- t " - and fpecified in every of their faid Seals, then every of the faid Clothiers making fuch Default, fhall I and forfeit, unto every fuch Buyer of the fame, the double Value of fo much Cloth as (hall want and : of the faid Content in Length, at the only Sight and Judgment of any two indifferent Perfons that I meafure the fame Cloths and Kerfeys. (5) And every Clothier fending or putting any of their Cloths to The C!c . 1, before fuch Time as all and every of the fame Cloths fhall be fealed by the Aulneger of the fame' Counties where it fhall chance any of the faid Cloths fo to be made, and alfo to be ordei -

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