Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/284

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246 C. 26. Anno viceiimo feptimo Henrici VIII. A. D.i 53-5, nence and Privilege, ( $) and (hall be allowed fuch Fees, as other Knights and BurgefTes of the Parliament have been allowed ; (4) and the Knights Fees to be levied, perceived, received, gathered and paid in fuch Manner, Form and Order, as fuch Fees be gathered, levied, perceived, received and paid in other Shires of this Realm of England; (5) and the BurgefTes Fees to be levied as well within the Borough of Monmouth as within all other ancient Boroughs within the faid Shire of Monmouth. Knights and XXIX. And that for this prefent Parliament, and all other Parliaments to be holden and kept for this Payment in -^ ea!m ' one Knight fhall be chofen and elected to the fame Parliaments for every of the Shires of Brecknock, Wales and their Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, and for every other Shire within the faid Country or Dominion oi Wales ; Fees. ' (2) and for every Borough being a Shire-town within the faid Country or Dominion of Wales, except the Shire-town of the forefaid County of Mereoneth, one Burgefs ; (3) and the Election to be in like Manner, Form and Order, as Knights and BurgefTes of the Parliament be elected and chofen in other Shires of this Realm ; (4) and that the Knights and BurgefTes, and every of them, fhall have like Dignity, Preeminence and Privilege, and fhall be allowed fuch Fees, as other Knights of the Parliament have and be allowed j (5) and the Knights Fees to be levied and gathered of the Commons of the Shire that they be elected in; (6) and the BurgefTes Fees to be levied and gathered as well of the Boroughs and Shire-towns as they be BurgefTes of, as of all other ancient Boroughs within the fame Shires. Lords Marchers XXX. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every lay and temporal Per- (hall keep their f n and Perfons, now being Lords Marchers, and having any Lordfhips Marchers or Lordfhips Royal, fhall Liberties. from and after the faid Feaft of All-Saints have all fuch Myfes and Profits of their Tenants, as they have Farther Provi- had or ufed to have at the firft Entry into their Lands in Times part, (2) and alfo fhall have, hold and iions relating keep, within the Precinct of their Lordfhips, Courts Baron, Court Leets and Law-days, and all and every PtT&M 1 c 15. Thing to the farne Courts belonging; (3) and alfo fh 11 have, within the Precinct of the faid Lordfhips or i, 6. Law-day, Waife, Straife, Infanthef, Outfanthef, Treafuretrove, Deodands, Goods and Chattels of Fe- lons, and of Perfons condemned or outlawed of Felony or Murther, or put in Exigent for Felony or Mur- ther, and alfo Wreck de Met; Wharfage and Cuftoms of Strangers, as they have had in times paft, and as though fuch Privileges were granted unto them by our Sovereign Lord the King by Point of Charter ; any Thing in this prefent Act to the contrary notwithftanding. The Cuftoms of XXXI. Provided alway, That this prefent Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall take away or N °rf h T^ derogate any Laws, Ufages or laudable Cuftoms now ufed within the three Shires of North Wales ; (z) Palatine of°Lan- nor ' not deprive nor ta ke away the whole Liberties of the Duchy of Lancajler, but that the faid Li- cafter faved. berties fhall continue and be ufed in every Lordfhip, Parcel of the faid Duchy, within the Dominion and Country of Wales, as the Liberties of the faid Duchy be ufed in Shire Ground, and not County Palatine, within this Realm of England. A Reservation XXXII. Provided alfo, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, do not extend nor be preju- or Patents. dicial to any Perfon or Perfons, to avoid any Patent, joint Patent of any Office Fees, Annuities or Reverfioir of any Office Fees or Annuities to them granted for Term of their Life or Lives, by our Sovereign Lord the King, or by any other Perfon or Perfons, either for the ufing, exercifing or occupying any Manner of Office or otherwife ; (z) but that they fhall have and enjoy their faid Fees, and all other Offices or Conftableihips, Porterfhips, Stewardships of Leets, Law-days, Court Barons and other Offices, being not repugnant againft this Act ; (3 ) and in cafe any fuch Offices be repugnant againft this Act, that then the Grantees to have and enjoy their Fees during their Life or Lives ; any Article or Claufe in this prefent Act to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Earl of Wor- ^ XXXIII. Provided alfo, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, be not in any wife prejudi- Glaanoiian? c ' a ^ t0 t ' le ^■'§'? t Honourable Henry Earl of Worcejler, for the exercifing, ufing and occupying of the Of- fice of the Juftice of the whole County of Glamorgan ; any Thing in this prefent Act contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. 26 H. 8. c.6. XXXIV. Provided alfo, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, extend not to deprive, take away or derogate any other Acts before this Time made for the Trial of Treafon, Murther or Felonies, or AccefTaries of the fame, committed and done in any Lordfhip Marcher in Wales, in the next Shires of Eng- land adjoining to the faid Lordfhip Marcher, lands partable. XXXV. Provided alway, That Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments lying in the faid Country and Dominion of Wales, which have been ufed Time out of Mind, by the laudable Cuftoms of the faid Coun- - try, to be departed and departable among IfTues and Heirs Males, fhall ftill Co continue and be ufed in like Form, Fafhion and Condition, as if this Act had never been had nor made; any Thing in this Act to the . - contrary thereof notwithftanding. fof'end' o ? m - ay .XXXVI. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the King's Highnefs, not- t w£e D chi7sca- withftanding this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall have Power and Authority for the Term of tute. " tnree Years next after the End and DiiTolution of this prefent Parliament, to fufpend for fuch Time as fhall pleafe his Grace, or utterly to repeal, revoke and abrogate, this whole Act or any Part thereof, from 1 1 ime to Time, as fhall ftand with his moft gracious Pleafure, fo that every fuch Sufpending, Repeal and Revocation from Time to Time, as often as any fuch Cafe fhall happen, fhall be made in Writing under the Great Seal of England, and be annexed to the Roll of this prefent Parliament wherein this Act fhall be inrolled, and Proclamations thereupon to be made in every Shire within the faid Country and Dominion of Wales-, (2) and that every fuch Sufpending, Repeal and Revocation, fo to be had and made by the King's Highnefs, fhall be as good and effectual to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had been dojae by Authority of this prefent Parliament; this Act, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. ^-"wT ' XXXVII. And where by this prefent Act there is appointed one Chancery and one Exchequer at Brec&~ fo'manv Courts ' ? sf ^» an . c ' an0 ^ ler Chancery and Exchequer at Denbigh,' it is enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the andjaftices, &c. King's Highnefs, from Time to Time, within the Term of five Years next after the End of this Parlia- as he will. ment, for due Miniftration of Juftice in the faid Country of Wales, fhall have Power and Authority to a erect.