Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/285

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A. t). 1535- Anno viccfimo fcptimo Henrici VIII. C. 27, 2$. 247 erect, make and ordain fuch Court or Court?;, and fo many Courts of Record, and fuch and fo many [uf ticcs, Minifters, ( Mficcrs and Clerks, as by his Highnefs within the I iroe o! fiv< V i u i m ki afb i th ■ End of this prefent Parliament (hall be thought fufficient and convenient, a:, well for the due Ex© utJon ol thi Ail, 01 of -my Thing or Things that (hall be had, done 01 made by Authority of the fume, a:, for the good Governance and Rule of the (aid Country of IValcs. XXXVIII. Provided alway, That this Aft, or any Thing or Things to be done by Authority thereof, ' (hall not be prejudicial to any Perfon or Perfons, which now have by the King'. Letters Patents any Oftue or Offices of Prothonotary or Clerk of the Crown in the faid Country or Dominion of Wales; but that . ind every of them (lull and may Hill have and ufe their Offices in as large and ample Manner, Form, Fafnion and Condition, as if this Act, nor any Thing to be done by Authority thereof, had never been had or made; any Tiling in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. XXXIX. Provided alfo, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, extend not, or in any wife i „• ■ t , be preiudi< ial or hurtful to Sir Walter Devereux, Knight of the noble Order of the Garter, and Lord Per- < Chartlry, of, for and concerning the Offices of Chief Juftice of South Wales, the Office of Cham- ' Iberlain of South Wales, and of the Counties of Carmarden and Cardigan in South Wales aforefaid, and of and for the Office of the Stewardfhip of the Lordfliip of Bcalth in the Marches of South Wales, and of and for the Ofljcc of Receivcrfhip or the faid Lordfhip of Bcalth, or of, for or concerning any of the faid Of- ' ficcs ; (2) out that the laid Lord Ferrers may have, ufc, excrcife and enjoy the faid Offices, and every of them, with all Fees, Wages, Emoluments, Commodities and Profits to the fame Offices, or to any of them in any wife belonging and appertaining, in as large and ample Manner, Form and Condition, as if this Act s " f jr had never been had or made. imiValn, 33 //. 8. c. 13. 34^35 H. 8. c. 26. 1 lul. 6. c. 10. I Sfl P. fif M. c. 15. 5 El. t. 25 & 2S. iSJE/.e.S. 17 El. e.g. 19 Cir. 2, c. 5. 1 IV. &M.jiat,. .. 17.

//'.<.■ W.c.4. 7 Cr iff". 3. c. 3S. II & 12 iy. $.c, 9. %Gct>. I.e. 2$. 6 Geo, 2, c, 14. indzaGto.
. c. 42. fe3. 3.

CAP. XXVII. obs. 33 H. 8. c. 39. An Act cfhblifhing the Court of Augmentations. 7 Ed.6. c. 2. CAP. XXVIII. rEliz.c.4. All Monafteries gi'en to the King, which have not Lands above two hundred Pounds by the Year. c TTOrafmuch as fynne, vicious, carnal and abominable Living is dayly ufed and committed com- ' JP monly in fuch little and fmall Abbeys, Priories and other Religious Houfcs of Monks, Canons and 'Nuns, where the Congregation of fuch Religious Perfons is under the Number of twelve Perfons, where-

  • by the Governors of fuch Religious Houfcs, and their Covent, fpoyle, deflroye, confume and utterly

' wafte, as well their Churches, Monaflcries, Priories, principal Houfes, Farms, Granges, Lands, Tene- ' merits and Hereditaments, as the Ornaments of their Churches, and their Goods and Chattels to the high P Difplcafurc of Almighty God, Slander of good Religion, and to the great Infamy of the King's Highnefs ' and the Realm, if Redrefs fhould not be had thereof. And albeit that many continual Vifitations hath

  • been heretofore had, by the Space of two hundred Years and more, for an honeft and charitable Refor-

' mation of fuch unthrifty, carnal and abominable Living, yet nevcrtheleffe little or none Amendment is ' hitherto had, but their vicious Living {hamlefsly increafeth and augmenteth, and by a curled Cuflom fo ' rooted and infected, that a great Multitude of the Religious Perfons in fuch fmall Houfes do rather choofe !',to rove abroad in Aportafy, than to conform themfelves to the Obfervation of good Religion ; fo that ' without fuch fmall Houfes be utterly fuppreffed, and the Religious Perfons therein committed to great and P honourable Monafteries of Religion in this Realm, where they may be compelled to live religioufly, for ' Reformation of their Lives, the fame elfe be no Redrefs nor Reformation in that Behalf. In Conlidera- P tion whereof, the King's moll Royal Majefty, being lupreme Head on Earth, under God, of the Church ' of England, dayly fludying and devyfing the Increafe, Advancement and Exaltation of true Doctrine and 4 Virtue in the faid Church, to the only Glory and Honour of God, and the total cxtirping and Dyftruc- ' tion of Vice and Sin, having Knowledge that the Premiffes be true, as well by the Accompts of his late ' Vifitations, as by fundry credible Informations, confidering alfo that divcrfe and great folemn Monafteries

  • of this Realm, wherein (Thanks be to God) Religion is right well kept and obferved, be deftitute of

' fuch full Number of Religious Perfons, as they ought and may keep, hath thought good that a plain P Declaration fhould be made of the Premiffes, as well to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, as to other P his loving Subjects the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled : Whereupon the faid Lords and ' Commons, by a great Deliberation, finally be refolved, that it is and fhall be much more tothePlea- 4 furc of Almighty God, and for the Honour of this his Realm, that the PofTeffions of fuch fmall Rclegi- ' ous Houfes, now being fpent, fpoiled and wafted for Increafe and Maintenance of Sin, fhould be ufed 'and committed to better ufes, and the unthrifty Religious Perfons, fo fpending the fame, to be compelled ' to reform their Lives :' And thereupon moil humbly defire the King's Highnefs that it may be enacted by Cn. Car, 42c Authority of this prefent Parliament, That his Majefty fhall have and enjoy to him and his Heirs for ever, All Aloiulieriea all and lingular fuch Monafteries, Priories and other Religious Houfes of Monks, Canons and Nuns, of P yen to the what kinds of Diverfities of Habits, Rules or Order foever they be called or named, which have not in ^'"5 ^hich Lands, Tenements, Rents, Tithes, Portions and other Hereditaments, above the clear yearly Value of u ^ e .^ f. b ^ ve two hundred Pounds. (2) And in like manner fhall have and enjoy all the Sites and Circuits of every pounds Lands, fuch Religious Houfes, and all and fingular the Manors, Granges, Meafes, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverlions, Services, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, Churches, Chapels, Advawfons, Patronages, Annuities, Rights,