Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/286

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24-8 C. 28. Anno vlcefimo feptimo Henrtci VIII. A. D. 1535.. Rights, Entries, Conditions, and other Hereditaments appertaining or belonging to every fuch Monaftery,. Priory or other Religious Houfe, nothaving as is aforefaid, above the faid clear yearly Value of two hundred- Pound, in as large and ample Manner as the Abbots, Priors, Abbeffes, Prioreffes, and other Governors of fuch Monafteries, Priories and other Religious Houfes now have, or ought to have the fame in the Right The King (hall f their Houfes. (3) And that alfo his Highnefs fhall have to him and to his Heirs all and fingular fuch have ali^r.'ionr.- Monkeries, Abbies and Priories, which at any Time within one Year next before the making of this fireTtolvrii or && nat ' n been given and granted to his Majefty by any Abbot, Prior, Abbefs or Priorefs, under their Co- that have been vent Seals, or that otherwife hath been fuppreffed or diflblved, and all and fingular the Manors, Lands,' hipureiTed. Tenements, Rents, Services, Reverfions, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, Churches, Chapels, Advovvfons, Hob. 307. Patronages, Rights, Entries, Conditions, and all other Interefts and Hereditaments to the fame Mona- Hob. 242. fteries, Abbeys and Priories, or to any of them appertaining or belonging; (4) to have and to hold all- and fingular the Premiffes, with all their Rights, Profits, Jurifdiftions and Commodities, unto the King's Majefty, and his Heirs and Afligns for ever, to do and ufe therewith his and their own Wills, to the Plea- fure of Almighty God, and to the Honour and Profit of this Realm. T'heyftall en- . n. And it is ordained and enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, and joy thoie Abbey J> 0c ]j es politick, which now have, or hereafter (hall have, any Letters Patents of the King's Highnefs, of thTKinehauV 1?Jl y °^ t ^ le Sites, Circuits, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Services, Tithes, Penfions, given them. Portions, Churches, Chapels, Advowfons* Patronages, Tithes, Entries, Conditions, Interefts or other Hereditaments, which appertained to any Monasteries, Abbies or Priories, heretofore given or granted to- the King's Highnefs, or otherwife fuppreffej or diffolved, or which appertaineth to any of the Monafteries, Abbies, Priories or other Religious Houfes, that fhall be fuppreffed or diflblved by the Authority of this- Aft, fhall have and enjoy the faid Sites, Circuits, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Ser- vices, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, Churches, Chapels, Advowfons, Patronages, Tithes, Entries, Condi- tions, Interefts and all other Hereditaments, contained and fpecihed in their Letters Patents now being thereof made, and to be contained and exprefled in any Letters Patents hereafter to be made, according to the Tenor, Purport and Effeft of any fuch Letters Patents; and fhall alfo have all fuch Actions, Suits, Entries and Remedies to all Intents and rurpofes, for any Thing and Things contained in every fuch Let- ters Patents now made, or to be contained in any fuch Letters hereafter to be made, in like Manner, Form and Conditions, as the Abbots, Priors, Abbeffes, Prioreffes, and other chief Governors of any Re- ligious Houfes which had the fame, might or ought to have had, if they had not been fuppreffed or diffolved. A Saving of the HI. Saving to every Perfon and Perfons, and Bodies Politick, their Heirs and Succeffors, (other than' Sight of others, the Abbots, Priors, Abbeffes, Prioreffes, and other chief Governors of the faid Religions Houfes fpecified in this Aft, and the Covents of the fame, and their Succeffors, and fuch as pretend to be Founders, Pa- trons or Donors of fuch Religious Houfes, or of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments belonging to the fame, and their Heirs and Succeffors) all fuch Right, Title, Intereft,- Poffeffions, Leafes for Years, Rents,. Services, Annuities, Commodities, Fees, Offices, Liberties and Livings, Penfions, Portions, Corrodies, Synodies, Proxies, and all other Profits, as they or any of them hath, ought or might have had, in or to any of the faid Monafteries, Abbies, Priorie5' or other Religious Houfes, or in or to any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, or other Hereditaments appertaining or be- longing, or that appertained to any of the faid Monafteries, Priories or other Religious Houfes as if the fame Monafteries, Priories or other Religious Houfes had not been fupprefled by this Aft, but had continued in their effential Bodies and States that they now be, or were in. Fraudulent Af- IV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That forafmuch as divers of the chief Governors of fuch Reli- furances made gious Houfes, determining the utter Spoil and Deftruftion of their Houfes, and dreading the Suppreffing: H u'lT'bef 're tnereor J f° r the Maintenance of their deteftable Lives, have lately fraudulently and craftily made Feoffments, theirDidblutions Eftates, Gifts, Grants and Leafes, under the Covent Seals, or fuffered Recoveries of their Manors, Lands,- ftaii be void. Tenements and Hereditaments in Fee-fimple, or Fee-tail, for Term of Life or Lives, or for Years, or charged the fame with Rents or Corrodies, to the great Decay and Diminution of the Houfes; that all fuch crafty and fraudulent Recoveries, Feoffments, Eftates, Gifts, Grants and Leafes, and every of them, made by any of the faid chief Governors of fuch Religious Houfes, under their Covent Seals, within one Year next before the making of this Aft, fhall be utterly void and of none Effeft : (2) Provided always, That fuch Perfon and Perfons as have Leafes for Term of Life or Years, whereupon is referved the old Rents and Ferms accuftomed, and fuch as have any Offices, Fees or Corrodies, that have been accuftomed or ufed in fuch Religious Houfes, and have bought any Livery or Living in any fuch Houfes, fhall have and enjoy their faid Leafes, Offices, Fees, Corrodies, Liberties, Liveries and Livings, as if this Aft had never been made. Ornaments, V. And it is further enafted, by Authority aforefaid, That the King's Plighnefs fhall have and enjoy c? Vcls 'ic G D > bt' to k' s own P ro P er Ufe, all fuch Ornaments, Jewels, Goods, Chattels and Debts, which appertained or be- efTionarrerW I on g e( i t0 an Y °f the chief Governors of the faid Monafteries or Religious Houfes, in the Right of their given to the ' ^ a 'd Monafteries or Ploufes, at the firft Day of March in the Year of our Lord God 1535. or any Time King. flthen whenfoever, and to whofe Poffeffion foever they fhall come or be found, except only fuch Bcafts, Grain and Woods, and fuch other like Chattels and Revenues, as have been fold before the faid firft Day of March, or fithen, for the neceffary or reafonable Expences or Charges of any of the faid Mona- fteries or Houfes. Provided always, that fuch of the faid chief Governors which have been eleft or made Abbot, Prior, Ab-- befs or Priorefs of any of the faid Religious Houfes fithen the firft Day of "January, which was in the Year of our Lord God 1534. and by reafon thereof be bounden to pay the Firft-Fruits to the King's Highnefs, at Dayes to come, limited by their Bonds made for the fame, that in every fuch Cafe fuch chief Governors und their Sureties, or any of them, fhall be clearly difcharged by Authority of this Aft, againft the King's Highnefs