Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/290

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252 C. 2 — 4. Anno vicefimo o&avo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1536. ' Robbers, arraigned before tbem, fhould or ought to have loft their Clergy by Force of the faid Eftatute ' in cafe they had been found guilty of the fame Felonies or Burglaries in the fame Shire where they were ' committed, as by the faid Aft amongft other Things more at large is expreffed. ' VI. And whereas alfo in the faid Parliament it was further ordained, That the deteftable Vice of Bug- ' gery, committed with Mankind or Beaft, fhould be Felony, and that the Offenders therein fhould lofe ' the Privilege of their Clergy; (2) which Aft was made to endure to the laft Day of the next Parlia- ' ment, as by the fame Aft, among other Things, it appeareth more at large. (3) Forafmuch as the faid ' Afts be beneficial and profitable for the common Wealth of this Realm :' Be it therefore enafted by Au- thority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Afts, and every of them, and all Claufes and Pjovifions contained in the fame, fhall ftand in full Strength and Virtue j and fo from henceforth to continue and endure unto the laft Day of the next Parliament. VII. And be it alfo enafted by Authority aforefaid, That fuch as be within Holy Orders fnall from hence- forth ftand and be under the fame Pains and Dangers for the Offences contained in any of the faid Statutes, and be ufed and ordered to all Intents and Purpofes, as other Perfons not being within Holy Orders ; any 5 Provifion or Exception fpecified in any of the faid Afts, or any other Ufage or Cuftom of this Realm, to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. (2) This Aft to endure unto the laft Day of the next Par- liament. 32 H. 8. c. 3. Rep. 1 Mar. flat. 1. c. 1. §. 5. See farther concerning Burglary, 5 6ff 6 Ed. 6. c, 9. 3 W. & M. c. 9.' 13 £f n W. 3. r. 23. 32 Ann. c< 7. 4 C«. 1. c, 1 1, and 6 Geo. I. c, 23 . The Statute of 25 H. 8. c. 6. rehearfed, and made to con- tinue unto the next Parliament, Perfons in holy Orders fubjeft to the fame Pains that other be. 5 2ir. 3 . f .27. 23 H. 8. c. 11. Made perpetual S-d"n.c. 31. CAP. 11. rep. iM. feff. Tfjg Statutes of 21 H. 8. c. 7. and 27 H. 8. c. 17. touching Servants imbeziling their Mafters Goods, made

  • " c " *" perpetual.

EXP. jjH. 8. c. A Rehearfal of the Statute of 21H.8. c. 14. touching the Length ,and Breadth of Dou- las and Locke- ram, How the afore- faid Statute is prejudicial to Cloth-makers. AHepeal of the faid Statute. The Contents of every Piece of Dotihs and Lockeram fhall be fet upon the Goth. CAP. III. Authority given to the King during three Years to allot newly the Towns in the Shires and Marches of Wales, notwithftanding the Statute of 27 H. 8. c. 26. CAP. IV. The Repeal of the Statute made Anno 21. for Doulas and Lockeram. WHERE in the Parliament holden at Wejlminjler the third Day of November, in the xxi. Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, amongft other Things it was enafted and eftablifned, That no Perfon nor Perfons, Englijh nor Stranger, Denizen or Alien, from or after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel then next following, fhould bring or convey, or caufe to be conveyed or brought, by any manner of Means, into this Realm of England, any Linen Cloth called Doulas or Lockerams, unlefs every whole Piece of Doulas contained in Length five fcore Ells of Affife, accounted to every Ell one Inch of Affife, and in Breadth one Yard of Affife ; and every half Piece fifty Ells in Length, and one Yard in Breadth of like Affife, and all the whole Piece and half Piece of one Goodnefs in making. (2) And alfo it was there enafted and eftablifhed, That every whole Piece of Lockerams fhould be of like Length as the whole Piece of Doulas ; and every half Piece of Lockerams fhould be of like Length as the half Piece of Doulas ; and every fuch whole Piece and half Piece of Lockerams to be in Breadth a whole Yard lacking a Nail of the Yard, (3) and every Piece and half Piece to be in like Goodnefs by all the Length of the fame Piece, (4) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Doulas and Lockerams fo to be brought or conveyed into this Realm, not containing the full Length, Breadth and Goodnefs, or the Value thereof, as in the fame Statute more plainly at large doth appear : (5) Sithen the making of which Aft a great Number of the King's Subjefts, that is to fay, Weavers, Tuckers, Spin- ners, Dyers and Wooll-pickers, and many others, have been idle and without Work, to their great im- poverifhing, which more and more is like daily to increafe, if Remedy be not provided ; forafmuch as the Cloth-makers, which before the making of the faid Aft were wont to convey their faid Cloths into Bri- tain, where the faid Linen Cloth called Doulas and Lockerams is made, and from thence to bring with them the faid Linen Cloth called Doulas and Lockeram, which they cannot do, fithence the making of the faid Aft, without Danger and Forfeiture of the faid Linen Cloth, by reafon that there fhall no Eng- ■ lijhman be fuffered to carry or convey any of the faid Cloths, called Doulas or Lockerams, from the Par- ties of beyond the Sea into this Realm, of the Length contained in the faid Aft; which will make the faid Cloth-makers to leave the making of their Cloth, to the great and manifold Perils of the King's Sub- jefts :' Be it therefore enafted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Aft made in the faid xxi. Year, be to all Intents, Purpofes and Conftruftions in the Law, made utterly void and of none Eft'eft, as if the faid Aft had never been had nor made. (6) Neverthelefs, to the Intent that the Buyers of the faid Linen Cloths fhall not be at any Time hereafter deceived by the Length of the faid Cloths : II. Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That after the Feaft of St. Michael the Arch- angel next coming, no manner of Perfon, Englijh nor Stranger, Denizen nor Alien, put to Sale any whoje Piece or half Piece of the faid Linen Cloth, called Doulas and Lockrams, unlefs there be mention exprefled upon every of the faid whole Piece or half Piece of the faid Linen Cloth called Doulas or Lockeram, i'o put to Sale as is aforefaid, the whole and entire Number of the Yards or Ells that is contained in every