Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/291

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A.D. 1536.- Anno victfimo ccflavo II ; :: rici VIII. C, 5. 25 every fuch whole Piece or half Piece, (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame whole Piece or half I' ontaining the Number of Yams or El fo mentioned upon every of the faid whole Piece or half Piece i" put to Sale as is aforel'aid ; the one Half of every fiu h Forfeiture to be to the King our Sovereigri Lord, and the oilier Half to him that fhull feife and will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information orothcrwifc; in which Action, Suit or Information, no Wager of Law nor Lflbin (hall be admitted or allowed. III. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, be not prejudicial nc hurtful to Informstiom »- uy Pei ion or Perfons that before the Hill Day of this Parliament hath made any Seifure or put in any In- e jin(,0 'frnWcr«  ion into any of the King's Courts, for any manner of Forfeiture done or committed by any Per- ~ e "* r- **•*■ *" Perfons contrary to the laid i ftatute made in the laid third Day of November, the twcnty-fiilt Y r> • /■ r • r it- , r ii-i.i ' ' r...: .. d„ any ti'im.llioo tiltr* :inv if th(» K inrr'i: ( .nnrfc ii.r -Tiir in-.innr»r r( r twiiAtwrf irtr* ir rttnn-,Ttni k.# on.. l>. .- ^ Ion or of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Kinir Henry the Eighth. Z*" 1 ". •'"■ 1 H, ,. u. K//'.-.,. 0. 1 Ann.Jtat. 1. c. 8. 3 £f 4 .rf/cs o 8. 7 Ann. e. 7. ft ft. 24. 10 Ann. t. 19. feS. 66. IX Am, fitl, x. t. 9, la 1.036, 3 Gto. 1. c. 7. (3 zi. !7 6a. t. o 3 . 186V0. x. c. 24, 17, 6' 36. zi Cm. 2. t, 16. 29 GV.. 2. c. 15. <md;i Go. 2. t. 32. C A P. V. For Apprentices. 1 XX 7 HERE in the Parliament begun at London the third Day of November in the twenty-firft Year of 19 H. -. c. -. ' VV the Reign of our molt dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned No Ordinances ' and prorogued to Wcjiminjier the iixtccnth Day of 'January in the twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of our p a '.' l><: ""& k T ' faid Sovereign Lord, and there then alfo holden ; it was and is recited. That where before that Time it crift^ but by ' was cftablifhed and enacted in the nineteenth Year of our late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Seventh, theConfent of 4 that no Mafter, Wardens and Fellowfhip of Crafts, or any of them, nor any Rulers of Guilds or Era- the Chancellor, ' temities, fhould take upon them to make any Acts or Ordinances, ne to execute any Acts or Ordinances &c - 4 by them before that Time made, or then hereafter to be made, in Difheritancc or Diminution of the ' Prerogative of the King, nor of other, nor againft the common Profit of the People, except the fame ' Acts or Ordinances were examined or approved by the Chancellor, Treafurer of England, or Chief ' Juftice of cither Bench, or three of them, or before the Tuftices of Afhfe in their Circuit or Progrefs, in

  • the Shire where fuch Acts or Ordinances be made, (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of fourty Pounds for

' every Time that they do the contrary, as more plainly in the laid Act doth appear; (3) Sith which 4 Time divers Wardens and Fellowfhips have made Acts and Ordinances, that every Prentice fhould ' pay at his firft Entry in their Common Hall, to the Wardens of the fame Fellowfhip, fome of them ' xl. s. fome xxx s. fome xxs. fome xiij. s . iv. d. fome vi. s. viij. d. fome iij.s.iv.d. after their own finiftcr

  • Minds and Pleafure, contrary to the Meaning of the faid Act made in the faid nineteenth Year of

4 the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Seventh, and to the great Hurt of the King's true Subjects ' putting their Children to be Prentices : (4) It was therefore, in the faid Parliament holden at Weft- " H ' ? - c> *• ' mlnjhr in the faid twenty-fecond Y'ear of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, eftablilhed and enacted ^cmfnAe' 4 by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Com- i n . r) „f ln a p . 4 mons, in the fame Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Mailer, Wardens prentice or Frce- 4 or Fellowfhips of Crafts, or Mafters of any of them, nor any Rulers of Fraternities, fhould take from """ int0 lhc; * ' thenceforth of any Prentice, or of any Peribn or Perfons, for the Entry of any Prentice into their faid~ Fe]iow( '"P' 4 Fellowfhip, above the Sum of ij. s. vi. d. nor for his Entry, when his Years and Term is expired and 4 ended, above iij. s. iv.d. (5) upon Pain of Forfeiture of xl, li, for every Time that they do to the cori- ' trary ; the one Half to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half to the Party that therefore fhall ' fue by Action of Debt, Information or otherwife ; and that in the Action aforel'aid, no Protection or Ef- ' foin fhall be allowed, as by the fame Act, amongft other Things therein contained, more plainly may ' appear: (6) Sithen which faid feveral Acts eitablifhed and made as is aforefaid, divers Mafters, War- ' dens and Fellowfhips of Crafts have by cautil and fubtil Means compalTed and practifed to defraud and 1 delude the faid good and wholefome Statutes, caufing divers Prentices or young Men, immediately after ' their Years be expired, or that they be made free of their Occupation or Fellowfhip, to be fworn upon 4 the Holy Evangelift at their firft Entry, that they nor any of them, after their Y'ears or Time expired, ' fhall not fet up or open any Shop, Houfe nor Cellar, nor occupy as Freemen, without the Aflent and ' Licence of the Mafter, Wardens or Fellowfhips of their Occupations, upon the Pain of forfeiting their 4 Freedom, or other like Penalty ; by reafon whereof, the faid Apprentices and Journeymen be put to as- ' much or more charges thereby, than they beforetime were put unto for the obtaining and entering of

  • their Freedom, to the great Hurt and Impoverishment of the faid Apprentices and Journeymen, and ether Bx**, Phf. r . 4-4,

' their Friends :' (7) For Remedy whereof, be it now by the Authority of this prefent Parliament efta- t^ p rent ; ce or blifhed, ordained and enacted, That no Mafter, Wardens or Fellowfhips of Crafts, nor any of them, Journeyman nor any Rulers of Fraternities, Guilds or Brotherhoods, from henceforth compel or caule any Apprentice (hall be rciirain- or Journeyman, by Oath or Bond heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, or otherwife, that he, after '* b - v ° a ' !> or his Apprcnticefhip or Term expired, fhall not fet up nor keep any Shop, Houfe or Cellar, nor occupy bl" tok "B as a Freeman, without Licence of the Mafter, Wardens or fellowfhip of his or their Occupation, for and concerning the fame, (8) nor by any Means exact or take of any- fuch Apprentice or Journeyman,- The widens n- nor any other occupying for themfelves, nor of any other Perfons for them, after his or their laid Years Officers Fees ("or expired, any Sum of Money, or other Things, for or concerning his or their Freedom or Occupation, f "try if an otherwife or in any other Manner than before is recited, limited and appointed in the faid former Act ^EP™^" or made in the faid twenty-fecond Y'ear of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, (9) upon the Pain to forfeit J ' Jrnc >' man ' for every Time that they, or any of them, fhall offend, contrary to this Act, xl, li. the one Hall thereof to