Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/292

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254 C. 6 — rr ° Anno vicefimo o&avo Hen rici VIII. A. D. 1536. See farther em- to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half to the Party that will fue for the fame, in any of ctrnhgAppren- King's Courts, by Action of Debt, Information or otherwife; in which Suit or Action no Protection nor 'tjj. 1. c!'i* Effoin fhall be allowed for the Party Defendant. & 25- 7^.1.^3. 21 J&c. I. c. 28. %Aim,c.<). <jAnn.cii.feB.fic,. 18 Geo. 2. c. 21. fed. 24. 20 G:t. Z. c. 19 & 45. W32 Gf».2. (.13, CAP. VI. ISP, An Aft made for Continuance of the Statutes of 22 H. 8. c. 1 2. 22 H. 8. c. 7. 26 H. 8. c. 1 1 . and 2; H. g. ilil. c iS. c 5 for Beggars and Vagabonds; and againft Conveyance of Horfes and Mares out of this Realm; againft Wctjhmen making Affrays in the Counties of Hereford, .. Gloucejler and Salop; and againft the Vice of Buggery. CAP. VII. t! I" R?p "m! Al1 A<a concerning the Succeffion of the Crown. fefl". 2. c. 1. CAP. VIII. P. X P. x El. An Act for Continuance of the Statutes of 21 H. 8. c. 10, 12. 23 H. 8. c. 17. and 24H. 8. c. 9. againft the

  • ■ ,8 ' Carriage of Brafs, Laten and Copper, out of this Realm; and for making Cables and Ropes; for the

winding of Wooll, and againft killing of Weanlings under tbue Age of two Years. CAP. IX. EXP. 1 El. " An Act for Continuance of the Statutes of 23 H. 8. c. 2, 3. 2;H. 8. c. 9. and 24 H. 8. c. 4. of Perjury, for c iS. making of Jayles, for Pewterers, and for fowing of Flax and Hemp. CAP. X. R E P. 1 & i If any Perfon fhall extol the Authority of t : Bifhop of Rome, he fhall incur the Penalty of Pramunire Ph.&M.c.s. provided Jnno 16 R. 2. c. 5. E.yexy EccleJAaftical and Lay Officer fhall be fworn to renounce the faid See 13 EI. c. 2. Bifhop and his Authority, and co refill it to .his Power, and to repute any Chili taken in Maintenance of the faid Bifhop or his Authority, to be void j r.vl the refufing of the laid Oath, being tendred, fhall be adjudged High Treafon. C A P. XI. For the Reflitution of the Firft- Fruits in Time of Vacation to the next Incumbent. The Reafons for ' "fTOrafmuch as in the Statute of the Pay me it u ico the King's Majcfty, his Heirs and Succeffors, of the realcingthisAft. ' JP Firft-fruits of Spiritual Promotions, Offices^ Benefices and Dignities within this Realm, and other 1 01462, < the king's Dominions, exprefs Mention and Dt Juration is not had ne made, fro what Time the Year

  • (!H,8,c. - ' fhall be accounted, in which the Firft-fruits fhall be due and payable to his Highaefs, that is to wit,

' whether immediately from the Death, R<?fign:. ion or Deprivation of every Incumbent, or from the Time ' of Admiffion or new taking of Poffsflion in dveiiy fuch i romotion. ' II. And alfo by reafon that in the fame Statue-- it is not declared who fhall have the Fruits, Tithes and ■ ' other Profits of the faid Benefices, Offices, Promotions and Dignities Spiritual, during the Time of Va-

  • cation thereof, divers of the Archbiftops and Bifhops of this Realm have, not only when the Time of

' perceiving and taking of Tithes (that is to fay. Wooll, Lamb, Corn and Hay, and Tithes ufually paid ' at the holy Time of Eafter) hath approached, referred the Collation of fuch Benefices as have been of ' their own Patronage, but alfo have, upon Pr-efentations of Clerks made unto them by the juft Patrons, ' protracted and deferred to inftitute, induct and admit the fame Clerks, to the Intent that they might have ' and perceive to their own Ufe the fame Tithes growing during the Vacation; (2) fo that through fuch

  • Delays (over and above the Firft-fruits, which be juftly due to the King's Highnefs) they have been con-

' ftrained alfo to lofe all or the moft Part of one Year's Profits of their Benefices and Promotions, and to

  • ferve the Cure at their and their Friends proper Cofts and Charges, or utterly to forfake and give over

' their Benefices and Promotions, to their great Lofs and Hindrance :' The Time from III. For Reformation whereof, Be it ordained and enaited by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the u wbichFirfl- Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and 1 Ff the S Kin d ' e by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Year, in which the Firft-fruits fhall be paid to the King's Fruits taken Ju- Orace, fhall begin and be accounted immediately after the Avoidance or Vacation of any fuch Benefice or ring the Vaca- Promotions fpiritual afore rehearfed; (2) and that the Tithes, Fruits, Oblations, Obventions, Eniolf- tionof a Bene- ments, Commodities, Advantages, Rents and all other whatfoever Revenues, Cafualties or Profits, certain fke, (hall be re- anf ] uncertain, affering or belonging to any Archdeaconry, Deanry, Prebend, Parfonage, Vicarage, Hofpi- ftoredtothenext ta ] Wardenfhip, Provoftfhip or other Spiritual Promotion, Benefice, Dignity or Office (Chaunteries only Incumbent. ' * • 1 • 1 • -n i i . Sv , r-. • • • r i i 'r>- Pee 1 El. c. 4. except; within this Realm, or other the King s Dominions, growing, riluig or coming, during the lime 421- of Vacation of the fame Promotion fpiritual, fhall belong and affere to fuch Perfon as fhall be thereunto f. 368. b. next prefented, promoted, inftituted, inducted or admitted, and to his Executors, towards the Payment ol I'm. Air. v. 13. trle Fi r ft_f ru i(: S to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors; any Ufage, Cuftom, Liberty, PrivilegJ 375 '"V • or Prescription- to the contrary had, ufed or being, in any wife notwithstanding. T ' h n F o f j' tme ^" ^ nd lt * s a "° ena< ^ ed °y the Authority aforefaid, That if any Archbifhop, Biffo), Archdeacon, which rece'ive'h Ordinary, or any other Perfon or Perfons to their Ufes and Behoof, at any Time heretofore fith the hVlr. 3 Day