Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/294

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256 C. 12,13." Anno vlcefimo o&avo Hen rici VIII. A. 0,1536. The Succefll (hall have 'the IX. A Recital of 21 H.g. c, 13. ^. 28. and of the Practices made life of to evade the Mean- ing of the fame. 7.5 H, i.e. 16. i. Provided alway, That every SucceiTor, after the Death of his PredecefTor, may and fhall have, upon uv. Month's Warning after the Time of his Induction, the Manfion-houfe of every fuch Parfonage, Vica- rnd^n^Gicbe ra? e ' or other Spiritual Promotion aforefaid, with the Glebe belonging to the fame, not being fown at the not fown. Time of his faid PredecefTor's Death, for Maintenance of his Houfhold, deducting therefore in his Rent, as heretofore hath been born for the fame, or as it is reafonably worth; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. Proviiion for the X. Provided alway, That if the Fruits of the Vacation of the faid Spiritual Promotions be not fufficient Curate who t0 p a y (.jjg Curate's Stipend and Wages for ferving the Cure the Vacation Time, that then the fame to be ferves dunng ^ Qrn an j jj - the next I ncurn bent within fourteen Days next after that he hath the Poflefuon of anv of tne vacation, t ■. . , ~' .' . . . w J See farther con- the ^ ald Promotions Spiritual. certung Fiijl-Fruits, 2 & 3 Ann. c, II. 5 Ann. c. 24. 6 Ann. c. 17. I Geo, I. c. 10. and 3 Geo. I. c, 10. CAP. XII. P R. The Limits of the King's Palace at Wejlmhifler to be from Charing-Crofs to TVeftmlnJler-Hall^ which fhall have fuch Privileges as the King's ancient Palaces have. CAP. XIII. The Bill for Non-re fidence of Spiritual Men and their Benefices. ' TX/^E^-EAS in the Parliament begun at London the third Day of November in the twenty-nrff. Year ' W of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned and pro- ' rogued to the Palace of Wejlminjler the feventeenth Day of December then next enfuing, amongft other ' good Acts and Ordinances, then and there by the Authority of the faid Parliament, it was eftablifhed, ' ordained and enacted, That as well every Spiritual Perfon, then being promoted to any Archdeaconry, ' Deanry or Dignity in any Monaftery or Cathedral Church, or other Church Conventual or Collegial, or ' being beneficed with any Parfonage or Vicarage, as all and every Spiritual Perfon and Perfons, which fhould ' after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel, which was in the forefaid twenty-firfl: Year of the Reign of ' our Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, be promoted to any of the faid Dignities or Benefices with ' any Parfonage or Vicarage, fhould from the faid Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel be perfonally refident ' and abiding at and upon his faid Dignity, Prebend or Benefice, or at one of them at the leaf!; (z) and in

  • cafe any fuch Spiritual Perfon, at any Time after the faid Feaft, kept not Refidence at one of his faid
  • Dignities, Prebend or Benefices, [as is aforefaid) but abfent himfelf wilfully by the Space of one Month
  • together, or by the Space of two Months to be accounted at feveral Times in any one. Year, and make

' his Refidence and Abiding in any other Places by fuch Time, that then he fhall forfeit for every fuch De- ' fault x.l. Sterling, as in the fame Act more plainly doth appear; (3) in which Act, among other Pro- ' vifions contained and fpecified in the fame, it was provided, That the faid Adf. of Non-Refidence fhould

  • not in any wife extend ne be prejudicial to any Scholar or Scholars, being converfant and abiding for Study,
  • without Fraud or Covin, at any Univerfity within this Realm or without, as by the fame Provifion doth

' alfo appear more at large; (4) fithence the making of which good Act. and Statute, divers and many Per-

  • fons being beneficed with Cure of Souls (as is aforefaid) and being not apt to ftudy by reafon of their
  • Age, or otherwife, ne never intending, before the making of the faid Act, to travel in Study within any
  • of the faid Univerfities for the Increafe of Learning, but rather minding and intending their own Eafe,

' fingular Lucre and Pleafure, by the fame Provifion colourably to defraud the fame good Statute and Ordi-

  • nance, do daily and commonly refort and repair to the faid Univerfities of Oxford and Cambridge, and to

' either of them, where they, under the faid Pretence and Colour of Study, do continue and abide, living

  • diflblutely, nothing profiting themfelves by Study at all in Learning, but confume the Time in Idlenefs

' and in other Paftimes, and infolent Pleafures, giving Occafion and evil Example thereby to other young ' Men and Students within the faid Univerfities, little or nothing regarding their Cure and Charge of Souls, ' contrary to the Minds and Intent of the Makers of the forefaid good Statute and Ordinance; -(5) and

  • alfo divers and many old beneficed Men have and do continually remain there, never exercifing nor

' practifing their Learning to the Example of Virtue and Maintenance of the common Weal, in Difcharge

  • of their Confcience, according to their Duty, having neverthelefs and occupying fuch Rooms and Com-

' modifies, as were inftituted and ordained for the Maintenance and Relief of poor Scholars, to the great r . ' Hindrance and Detriment of the fame:' II. Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the AfTent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiTembled, That all and lingular Spiritual Perfon and Perfons, which now be, or hereafter fhall be, to any Benefice or Benefices promoted, as is aforefaid, being above the Age of xl. Years, (the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, CommifTary of the laid Univerfities, or any of them, Wardens, Dean's, Provofts, Prefidents, Rectors, Mafters, Principals and other Head Rulers of Colleges, Halls and other Houfes or Places Corporate within the faid Univerfities, or any of them, Doctors of the Chair, Readers of Divinity in the common Schools of Divinity in any of the faid Univerfities, only excepted) fhall be refident and abiding at and upon one of their faid Benefices, accord- ing to the Intent and true Meaning of the faid former Act, upon fuch Pain and Penalties as be contained in the faid former Act made and appointed for fuch beneficed Perfons for their Non-Refidence. (2) And that none of the faid beneficed Perfons being above the Age aforefaid, except before except, fhall from hence- forth be excufed of their Non-Refidence upon the faid Benefices, for that they be Students or refiant within the faid Univerfities, or any of them; any Provifo, or any other Claufe or Sentence fpecified or contained ■What Spiritual Perfons may be difcharged from Refidence upon theit Benefices, and for what Caufe. sj H. 8. c. 13.