Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/297

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A. D. Mj6. Anno vieefimo octavo II -■•. n rici VIII. C. 16. 259 1 for the Hundred; (5) and fuch as (hall be convid of any fuch Th« Pm ■ ■ Proi i , by Authority of any fuch Commiffion, (lull ' • and Ch iti n attainted ,' I of any Tn ries, or other the- faid Offences done upon th I ID. And bi it Authority aforcfaid, That for Trcafons, Robberies, Felonies, Murthers and M ' r s - - 1 l - ■ tli me upon the Sea or Seas, I ' •*• to h vi ill Bi in fit ol his or theii Clergy, but be utterly excluded thereof and from the fame, and [V. Provid to be prejudicial or hurtful to any Perfon or Perfona forj talcing any Victual, C bles, Hopes, Anchors or Sails, which any fuch Perfon or Perfona (compelled ""* Neceflity) taketh of or in any Ship which may conveniently fpare the fame, lb the fame Perfon or Pcrfo ol Hand foi h I n - 1 : lal, Cable, Ropes, Anchors or Sails, Money or Money-worth, to the for .f the Thin;; Co taken, or do deliver for the fame a fuffkicnt Bill obligatory to be paid in Form tewing, that i to fay, If the taking of the fame Things be on this Side the Straits of Marroke. then to h l iid within four Months, an it 1 beyond th lid Straits of Afarrote, then to be paid within tw Months next ei fuing the making of fuch Bills, and that the Makers of fuch Bills well and truly pay the fame Debt at the Day to be limited within the faid Bills. V. Provided alway, That whenfoever any fuch Commiffion for the Punifhmcnt of the Offences aforcfaid, Connniffioni <ti- or of any of them, (hall be directed or fent to any Place within the Jurisdiction of the Five Ports, that then r "' ,cd '? , ' M fuch Commiffion fliall be directed unto the Lord Warden of the faid Ports for the Time being, or fiveV- Deputy, and unto three or four fuch other Perfon or Perfons as the Lord Chancellor for the Time being fliall name and appoint ; any Thing in this prefent Act to the contrary notwithstanding. VI. Provided alway, That whenfoever any Commiffion fTiall be directed unio the Five Ports for the In- 17 n. s. r. •. quifition and Trials of any the Offences expreffed in this Act, that every fuch Inquisition and Trial to be ' Cecx.Sut.*. had by Virtue of fuch Commiffion, fhall be made and had by the Inhabitants in the faid Five Ports, or the r *5- Members of the fame ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. c ^' [' "* aS. Ai.i fit iS C/'«. 2. c. 30. fcr the more cjtaual ■/ Ptrj y . C A P. XVI. A Provifion for Difpen fat ions and Licences heretofore obtained from the See of Rome. 1 1 ' ER E the Bifhop of Rom? and his Prcdeceffbrs, of his and their covetous and ambitious Minds, c VV to the Intent to advance and enrich thcmSelves and the See of Rome, to the great impoverishing of

  • this Realm of England, and other the King's Dominions, contrary to God's Laws, the Laws and Sta-

' tutes of this Realm, and in Derogation of the Imperial Crown of this faid Realm, have heretofore wrong- 2 Roll 451, ' fully pretended, extorted,, ufed and exercifed within the fame divers and many ufurped Powers, Juiiidic- ' tior.s and Authorities, during and by the which Time the faid Bifhop and his Predcceffors arrogantly an 1 ' unjuflly have tak. n upon them, for great Sum's of Money, and other Profits to them given, to grant unto ' the King's Subjects, and other Inhabitants within this Realm and other the King's Dominion--, many, ' d i crs and Sundry Authorities, Immunities, Faculties, Privileges, Licences, Indulgences and Prchcmi- ' nences of divers Kinds, Natures and Qualities, (2) which, although they proceeded by an unjuft and 1 ufurped Authority, have been until now of late, by the Subjects of this Realm, timoroufly and igno- 1 rantly accepted, received, ufed, and erroneoufly put in Exercife and Execution ; (3) the which ufurped ' Authority, Jurisdiction ami Power is now juftly, truly, and ought to be clearly and absolutely extin-

  • guifhed, cxtirped and aholiShed, within this Realm and other the King's Dominions ; (4) and Sorafmuch
  • as all and every fuch PerSon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, which unlawfully, and with-

' out any manner of Authority or juSt Ground, heretofore have timoroufly and ignorantly accepted, re- ' ceived, ufed and erroncouSly put in Execution, and exercifed the faid Faculties, Immunities, Authorities, ' Privileges, Licences, Indulgences and Preheminen'ces, have now Sincere, pure and perfect Intelligence ' and Knowledge of the faid ufurped Authority, Jurisdiction and Power ; and that the Said Faculties, Au- thorities, Privileges, Licences and Indulgences, So as is aforcfaid accepted, received, ufed- and .erroneoufly - ' exercifed, were and been to all Intents and Purpofes clearly void, fruStrate and of none EitcJt ; albeit, 1 ii they ihould be impeached or interrupted of fuch Privileges, Liberties, Preheminenci ., Auth rki . ' Jurisdictions, Profits and other Cornm >dities, which they now have, ufe and exercife, by Colour of fuch ' vain and void Licences, DiSpcnfations and Faculties, it Should be to their intolerable Liquidations and ' utter Undoing.' II. Wherefore be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all Bulls, Breves, F ! and Difpenfations, of what Names, Natures or Qualities Soever they be of, heretofore had or ob the Bilhop of Rome, or any of his PredeccSibrs, or by the Authority of the See of Rome, by or to any Sub- /•.'"«.. ' jeets, Rehants, or Bodies Politick or Corporate, of or in this Realm, or of or in any other the Ring's Do- u , an , ; minions, fhall from henceforth be clearly void and of no Value, Force, Strength nor Virtue ; ( 2 ) a nJ fhall .-■ • never hereafter be ufed, admitted, allowed, pleaded or r.lledged in any Places or Courts of this Realm, of any other the King's Dominions, upon the Pains contained in the Statute of Provifion and Premun're, ' ' ' - ; - made in the Sixteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second : (3) Yet notwithfrandjng, at the moft humble Petition and Intercession of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and theC<<; 1 . this prefent Parliament aSfembled, it may pleaSe the King's Majefty of his moffc gracious Benignity, Goodncfs and bleffed Difpofition, that it may be enacted by Authority of this Parliament, That all -. and Solemnized within this Realm, or in any other the King's Dominions,- before th thi I - cljwfol vtr in the twenty Sixth Year of the King's molt gracious Reign, whereof there is no Divorce or Separation " : '•' L 1 2 • had