Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/298

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260 C. i6, 17. Anno vicefimo o&avo Henri ci VIII. A. D. 1536. had by the Ecclefiafiical Laws of this Realm, and which Marriages be not prohibited by God's Laws limited and declared in the Act made in this prefent Parliament for the Eftablifhment of the King's Suc- ceffion, or otherwife by Holy Scripture, fhall be by Authority of this prefent Parliament good, lawful and effectual, and fhall be from the Beginning of fuch Marriages reputed, efteemed, taken, adjudged, received, approved and allowed, by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, to all and Angular Purpofes, Effects and Intents, as good, as fuffieient, and as available, as though no Impediment of Matrimony had ever been between them that have contracted and folemnized fuch Marriages; (4) and that all Children procreated and to be procreated in and under fuch Marriages, fhall be lawful to all Intents and Purpofes. A Confirmation HI. And that it may be alfo enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all Archbifhops of all Archbi- anc j gjfhops f this Realm, or of any the King's Dominions, confecrated, and at this prefent Time taken ft° P s 3 "nd their an d re P ute d for Archbifhops and Bifhops,_may by Authority of this prefent Parliament, and not by Virtue Au'ihorUy, and of any Provifion or other foreign Authority, Licence, Faculty or Difpenfation, keep, enjoy and retain other Ecclcfiarti- their Archbifhopricks and Bifhcpricks,. in as large and ample Manner, as if they had been promoted, eledt- cal Perfons and ed, confirmed and confecrated according to the due Courfe of the Laws of this Realm; (2) anJ that every Orders. Archbifhop and Bifhop of this Realm, and of other the King's Dominions,' may minifter, ufe and exercife all and every Thing and Things pertaining to the Office or Order of an Archbifhop and Bifhop, with all Tokens, Enfigns and Ceremonies thereunto lawfully belonging. IV, And that all Ecclefiafiical Perfons of the King's Realm and Dominions, which at this Time be taken, had and reputed for Abbots, Priors, Abbeffes, Prioreffes, and other Heads of Religion, (which be not neither fhall be excluded from their Dignities by the late Act of SuppreffionJ and the Religious Perfons living under their Obedience, and all Perfons now taken and reputed as Mafters, Prefidents, Provofts and Wardens of Cathedral Churches and Colleges, with the Companies and Fellowfhips of the fame, all Priefts and Clerks which have received any of the Ecclefiafiical Orders, all Archdeacons and Deans, and other having Offices, Cures and Dignities Spiritual, may by Authority of this Act, and not by the Virtue of any • foreign Power or Auihority, adminifter, ule and exercife all Things pertaining to their Dignities, Qffices, Orders,' Cures, Religions and Fellowfhips, and may lawfully hereafter ufe all Tokens, Enfkns and Ce- remonies, which they have been accuftomed to ufe in Times paft, fo it be not exprefly againft the Laws of God and this Realm; any Thing or Things contained in any Ait or Acts made fithen the Beginning of this prefent Parliament to the contrary of any of the Premiffes in any wife notwithstanding. ' V. And where divers and many of the King's faid Subjects have purchafed and obtained many Difpen- ' fations, Bulls, Breves and Faculties of the Bifhop of Rome for the Time being, or by Authority of the ' See of Rome, as Pluralities, Unions, Trialties, Appropriations, Commendams, Exemptions and other ' Bulls, Breves and Faculties, for divers Caufes and Matters, other than be afore expreffed, which be of ' no Strength or Virtue :' (z j It may therefore pleafe the King's Majefty, that it may be enacted by Au- thority aforefaid, That all and every his faid Subjects, during the Time of one whole Year next after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, may enjoy, ufe and have, by Authority of this prefent Act, and not by the Virtue of the faid Bulls, Breves and Faculties, all and every the Effects contained and fpe- cified in fuch Bulls, Breves and Faculties, in all fuch Cafes only as may be difpenfed with by the Arch- bifhop of Canterbury, by Authority of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm. The Effefl and VI. And that it may be further enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all and every the King's faid Sub- Contents of jeevts, bringing, rendring and delivering to fuch Perfons of his Council, or of the Mafters of his Chancery, Facikifs^&c' as the king's Highnefs fhall name and appoint, any Bulls, Breves, or any other Faculties concerning any purchased o/t'he the Premiffes, that then, if it fhall appear to fuch Perfons as the King's Highnefs fhall fo name and appoint See of Rome, ,to receive fuch Bulls, Faculties and Breves, after due Examination thereof had, that the Effects contained which be allow- an d fpecified in fuch Bulls, Faculties and Breves, or any Part thereof, may be lawfully granted by the faid able, fhall be Archbifhop of Canterbury, by Authority of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm; that then and in every the G™at Seal." *" uch Cafe the Kin £ s faid Subjects' making humble Suit to have the Effeas contained in the faid Bulls, Dyer, f. 233, ' Breves and Faculties to be granted unto them, fhall have, receive and obtain of the Chancellor of England, 345>'35 2 - ' or Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, by fuffieient Writing in due Form to be made, and to be fealed under the King's Great Seal, all and every fuch Effects contained and fpecified in fuch Bulls, Breves and Faculties, as may be lawfully granted by the faid Archbifhop of Canterbury, by Authority of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, (2) paying only for fealing of every fuch Writing xx. s. iv. d. and over that, for the reafonable Cofts for Pains of the writing thereof, ilj. s. iv. d. and not above; and for the Pain taken for due Examination of every fuch Bulls, Breves and Faculties, iij. s. iv. d. and not above. (3) And that this prefent Act fhall be fuffieient and immediate Warrant to the Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal, for enfealing and Delivery of fuch Licences, Faculties, Difpenfations and other Writings, which fhall be made, granted and fealed under the King's Great Seal, by Virtue and Authority of this Art. .VII. And it is alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all and every fuch Licence, Difpenfation, Fa- culty, Confirmation or other Writing, to be had, made or granted under the King's Great Seal out of the. faid Court of Chancery by Authority of this Act, in Form as is above rehearfed, fhall be good and effectual Repealed by 1 to the faid Parties fuing for the fame, according to the Tenor and Effects thereof, and fhall be admitted, & 2 Ph. & M. accepted and allowed in all Courts and Places of this Realm, and in all other the King's Dominions; any c. 8. and reviVed ufage, Prefcription, foreign Laws, Cuftoms or Ordinance to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. by 1 EI. c. 1. D J ^ ° CAP. XVII. REP. j Ed. 6. Any inheritable to the Crown (to. be limited by King Hen. viij.) after his Age of xxiv. Years, may repeal 1. 11. fuch Statutes as were made in his Time before that Age. CAP.