Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/301

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A. D. 1539. Anno tricefimo primo He nrici VIII. C. 4 — m. 263 t •■ ind in the C.i.l County of Kent, fhall from henceforth be accepted, taken, inherited, deemed, and ■ , ' '.. . I.m, Ifhips, Manors, Lands, Tenements and oth H attheConu Realm, and in fin h Mam Manors, 1 . I iml other 1 Icrcditamcnts had never been of the laid Nature of ( ravelkind ; any Ufnge or Cuftom in the fjid „. .mp..... uaitis, William Roper* /inibony Sondes, Edtuard Ifiaac, Pa Edward Mm , n ll'h, //.■■.■/, ': ; / , /■ '• i ! Fetyplacf, Thou /' , /.' .'.' // ,. > /, ti - l/oili; Thomas / . . i fames Hales, Henry Huffee and Thomas Roidon, or any of tin in, and to every of thi any other of them, all fuch Right, Title, Intereft and Inherit ■ i them had before the making of this Aft, of, to or in any of the (aid Manors, 1. . I - ."?-/• Is, Failure., Rem., Services, Revcrfions, Remainders, Advowfbns, and other the Pre- v - : ' '■■;'"■/ lc6 - «l this prefent Act had never been had nor made. ;"" C A P. IV. 23 '" The Mayor and Bailiffs of Exeter may break all Wears and Lets in the River of Ex, and fhall pay to the P R. Own* ■■'■ and Farmi of lb much Ground as they fhall dig, the Rate of twenty Years Purchale, or fo much as fliall be adjudged by the Juftices of Aflife in the County of Devon. CAP. V. The Manor of Hampton-Court, with divers Lordfliips, Lands and Tenements thereunto united, (hall be called the Honour of Hampton-Court ; (2) and the King fhall have therein a Chafe, and free Chafe and Warren lor nil Beads of Venery and Fowls of Warren, which fliall be call d Hampton-Court-Chafe-. {) and all Offenders in the fame fliall incur fuch Penalties as the like Offenders do in any other Foreft or Chafe : And the faid Honour and Chafe of Hampton-Court, and all the Manors and Land; within the fame, fhall be in the Survey and Governance of the Court of Augmentations. (4) The Manor of Shep- t pon in the County of Berks, made Parcel of the Duchy of Cornwal in refpeft of the Manors of Biflete and '/; tibrtdge, by this Aft taken from the faid Duchy. p r. CAP. VI. Religious Perfons are enabled to fuc and be fucd. Religious Perfons dereigncd fliall not fue for any former o B S. Right defcended unto them. Explained by 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 13. Religious Perfons being Pricfts, or that 3* H. S. 24. have vowed Religion at 21 Years of Age, mail not marry. EipUincd by 3,3 c. 19, CAP. VII. A Continuance, until the Lift Day of the next Parliament, of the Statutes of 22 H. 8. c. 12. 27 H. S. c. 25. 2; H. 8. c. 7. 26 H. 8. c. 11. 25 H. 8. c. f>. 21 H. 8. c. 10. 21 H. 8. c. 12. 23 H. 8. c. 17. 2+ H. 8. c. 9. 23 H. 8. c. 3. 25 H. 8. c. 9. 24 H. 8. c. 4. 23 H. 8. c. 2. 28 H. 8. c. 6, 8, 9, concern- E x P ing Beggars, bfc. , ei. c. ■>. CAP. VIII. The King for the Time being, with the Advice of his Council, or the more Part of them, may fet forth Proclamations under fuch Penalties and Fains as to him and them fliall feem neceffary, which fhall be obferved as though they were made by Aft of Parliament ; but this fliall not be prejudicial to any Al- ton's Inheritance, Offices, Liberties, Goods, Chattels or Life ; and whofoever fliall willingly offend any Article contained in the (aid Proclamations, fhall pay fuch Forfeitures, or be fo long imprifbned, as fliall RE p (,„, gj_ g, be expreffed in the faid Proclamations ; and if any offending will depart the Realm, to the Intent he will c. ». not anfwer his faid Offence, he fhall be adjudged a Traitor. 34H. g. c. xj. CAP. IX. An Aft authorizing the King's Highnefs to make Bifhops by his Letters Patents. rep. by i &z Ph. & M. c. i. CAP. X. 8E1 • C • , • For Placing of the Lords. TTOrafmuch as in all great Councils and Congregations of Men, having fundry Degrees and Offices in 4 jnft. 36^ 4 JU the Commonwealth, it is very requifite and convenient that an Order fhould be had and taken for ' the placing and fitting of fuch Perfons as been bounden to refort to the fame, to the intent that ..hey, ' knowing their Places, may ufe the fame without Difpleafure or Let of the Council ; (2) therefore the

  • King's molt Royal Majefty, although it appcrtaineth unto his Prerogative Royal to give fuch Honour,
  • Reputation and Placing to his Councillors, and other his Subjcfts, as fhall be feemfng to his moil excel-

' lent Wii'dom, is neverthelefs pleafed and contented, for an Order to be hud and taken in this his molt