Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/302

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164 C. io. Anno tricefimo primo Henri ci VIII. A. D.1539, tfone fha',1 I'll itherSiJe of the , high Court of Parliament, that it fhall be enacted by Authority of the fame, in Manner and Form as here- after folio weth.' II. Firfr, it is enacted by Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, Degree or

Condition foever he or they be of, (except only the King's Children) fhall at any Time hereafter attempt

.10 te. or p re c ame t0 rj t or jj ave pj ace at an y Side of the Cloth of Eftate in the Parliament Chamber, neither of the one Hand of the King's Highnefs, nor of the other, whether the King's Majefty be there perfonally pre- fent, or abfent.' (2) And forafmuch as the King's Majefty is juftly and lawfully fupreme Head in Earth, ' under God, of the Church of England, and for the good Exercife of the faid moft Royal Dignity and Of- ' fice, hath made Thomas Lord Critmwd and Lord Privy Seal, his Vicegerent, for good and due Miniftra- ' tion of Juftice to be had in all Caufes and Cafes touching the Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiction, and for the Godly ' Reformation and Redrefs of all Errors, Herefies and Abufes in the faid Church :' (3) It is therefore alfo The King's enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the faid Lord Crumvicl, having the faid Office of Vicegerent, and all y'^r'n" C other Perfons which hereafter fhall have the faid Office of the Grant of the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or tifUiction!" Succeflbrs, fhall fit and be placed, as well in this prefent Parliament, as in all Parliaments to be holden hereafter, on the Right Side of the Parliament Chamber, and upon the fame Form that the Archbifhop of Canterbury fitteth on, and above the fame Archbifhop and his Succeflbrs, and fhall have Voice in every Par- liament to affent or difTent, as other the Lords of the Parliament. How Bifhops HI. And it is alfo- enacted, That next to the faid Vicegerent fhall fit the Archbifhop of Canterbury; and •'"'h^Pa'lia- t ^ len next to k' m .' on the f ame Form and Side, fhall fit the Archbifhop of York; and next to him, on the men^Houfe. " fame Form and Side, the Bifhop of London; and next to him, on the fame Side and Form, the Bifhop of Durham; and next to him, on the fame Side and Form, the Bifhop of Wincheftcr; and then all the other Bifhops of both Provinces of Canterbury and York fhall lit and be placed on the fame Side after their An- cienties, as it hath been accuftomed. The Lord Chnn- ' IV. And forafmuch as fuch other Perfonages, which now have, and hereafter fhall happen to have c ^"° r ' p, ' d,Jcnt ' other great Offices of the Realm, that is to fay, the Offices of the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treafurer, Council 'and ' t ^ le Lord Prefidcnt of the King's moft honourable Council, the Lord Privy Seal, the Great Chamberlain Lord Privy Seal. ' oi England, the- Conftable of Eng land, the Lord Marfhal of England, the Lord Admiral, the Grand Maf- ' ter or Lord Steward of the King's moft honourable Ploufhold, the King's Chamberlain, and the King's ' Secretary, have not heretofore been appointed and ordered for the placing and fitting in the King's moft ' high Court of Parliament by reafon of their Offices :' (2) It is therefore now ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treafurer, the Lord Prefident of the King's Council, and the Lord Privy Seal, being of the Degree of Barons of Parliament, or above, fhall fit and be placed, as well in this prefent Parliament as in all other Parliaments hereafter to be holden, on the Left Side of the faid Parliament Chamber, on the higher Part of the Form of the fame Side, above all Dukes, except only fuch as fhall happen to be the King's Son, the King's Brother, the King's Unkle, the King's Nephew or the King's Brothers or Sifters Sons. "The Great_ V. And it is alfo ordained and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the Great Chamberlain, the Con- Conftabie' 1 Mar ^ a ^' e ' x ^ t Marfhal, the Lord Admiral, the Great Mafter or Lord Steward, and the King's Chamberlain, Jhal Admiral " ft 13 ' 1 fit ar >d be placed after the Lord Privy Seal, in Manner and Form following; that is to fay, every of Steward, &c. ' them fhall fit and be placed above all other Perfonages being of the fame Eftates or Degrees that they fhall See 1 Geo. i. happen to be of, that is to fay, the Great Chamberlain firft, the Conftable next, the Marfhal third, the A private Aft Lord Admiral the fourth, the Grand Mafter or Lord Steward, the fifth, and the King's Chamberlain the c -3- _ fixth. TheKing's VI. And it is alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the King's chief Secretary, being of the Degree chief Secretary. f a g aron G f the Parliament, fhall fit and be placed afore and above all Barons, not having any of the Of- fices abovementioned; (2) and if he be a Bifhop, that then he fhall fit and be placed above all other Bifhops not having any of the Offices above remembered. iefles' Earls VH- And it is alfo ordained and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all Dukes not aforementioned, Vjfcounts," Ba- MarquefTes, Earls, Vifcotmts and Barons, not having any of the Offices aforefaid,. fhall fit and be placed rons. aner their Ancienty, as it hath been accuftomed. The Place of VIII. And it is further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons, which at any Time hereafter fhall Hap- great Officers pen to have any of the faid Offices of Lord Chancellor, Lord Treafurer, Lord Prefident of the King's under the De- Council, Lord Privy Seal, or chief Secretary, fhall be under the Degree of a Baron of the Parliament, by gree of Barons. rea r on w hereof they can have no Intereft to give any Aflent or DifTent in the faid Houfe, that then in every fuch Cafe, fuch of them as fhall happen to be under the faid Degree of a Baron, fhall fit and be placed at the uppermoft Part of the Sacks, in the midft of the faid Parliament Chamber, either there to fit upon one :: Form, or upon the uppermoft Sack, the one of them above the other, in Order as is above rehearfed. Places m Trials jx. Be it alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That in all Trials of Treafons by Peers of this Realm, if by Peers. jmy Q f the Peers that fhall be called hereafter to be Triours of fuch Treafons, fhall happen to have any of the Offices aforefaid, that then they, having fuch Offices, fhall fit and be placed according to their Offices, above all the other Peers that fhall be called to fuch Trials, in Manner and Form as is abovementioned and rehearfed. Places in the X. And it is alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That as well in all Parliaments, as in the Star-Cham- Scar-Chamber ^er, anc ] j n a ]j fh er AiTemblies and Conferences of Council, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treafurer. fcmblt" the Lord Prefldent > the Lord Privy Seal, the Great Chamberlain, the Conftable, the Marfhal, the Lord Admiral, the Grand Mafter or Lord Steward, the King's Chamberlain, and the King's chief Secretary, fhall fit and be placed in fuch Order and Fafhion as is above rehearfed, and not in any other Place, by Au- thority of this prefent Act. CAP.