Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/306

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2 Roll 402. A Leafe tor Years made to the old LeiTee 268 C. 13. Anno tricefimo primoHENRici VIII. A. D. 1539, 2 Roll 171. make, any Leafe or Grant for Term of Life, or for, Term of Years, of any Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Te- eafes oi- Abbey nementS) Meadows, Paftures, Woods, Parfonages appropriate, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, Churches, Cha- t b diffolve/' 6 P e ' s ' or otner Hereditaments, whatfoever they be, upon which Leafes and Grants the ufual and old Rents not rcferving the a "d Ferms accuftomed to be yielden and referved by the Space of twenty Years next before the faid firft Day old Rent. of this prefent Parliament, is or be not, or hereafter fhall not be thereupon referved and yielden ; (5) or Wood-Sales if any fuch Governor or Governefs of any fuch Monastery, Abbathy, Priory, Nunnery, College, Hof- madeortobe pital, Houfe of Friers, or other Religious or Ecclefiaftical Houfe or Place, which hereafter fhall happen to madewithm be diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relinquiflied, forfeited, given up or come to the King's Highnefs, within tlT Diffohnion 6 one Year next before the full Day of this prefent Parliament, hath made, or hereafter fhall make, any Bar- gain or Sale of his Woods, which Woods be yet growing and {landing ; (6) that then all and every fuch Leafe, Grant, Bargain and Sale of Wood or Woods, fhall be utterly void and of none Effect. AiTurances made VIII. And it is alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Feoffments, Fines and Recoveries had, by Governors of made, knowledged or differed within one Year next before the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, or Houfesuf Re- h er eafter to be had, made, knowledged or fuffered by any Governor or Governefs of any Monaftery, Ab- o'f'any of'their ' hathy, Priory, Nunnery, College, Hofpital, Houfe of Friers, or other Religious or Ecclefiaftical Houfe Lands within or Place, which hereafter fhall happen to be diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relinquifbed, forfeited, given sne Year before, up, or come to the King's Highnefs, without the King's Licence under his Great Seal, of any Manors, Meafes, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, whatfoever they be, which the faid Abbots, Priors, Abbeffes, Prioreffes, and other Ecclefiaftical Governors and Governeffes, which hereafter fhall happen to be diffolved, fuppreffed, relinquiflied, forfeited, given up, or come unto the King's Highnefs, as is afore faid, or any of them, or any of their Predeceffors had or held, or have and hold, of the Gift, Grant or Confirmation of our faid Sovereign Lord, or of any of his Highnefs Progenitors, or of the which Mona- fteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, or other Religious and Ec- clefiaftical Houfes and Places our faid Sovereign Lord is Founder or Patron, or which Manors, Meafes, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, were or be of the ancient or old Foundation or Poffcflion of the faid Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, or other Re- ligious or Ecclefiaftical Houfes or Places, fhall be utterly void and of none Effect. IX. Provided alway, and be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That if any Abbot, Prior, Abbefs or Priorefs, or other Governor or Governefs abovefaid, within one Year next before the firft Day of this pre* . ferit Parliament ; or if any late Abbot, Prior, Abbefs, Priorefs or other late Governor or Governefs above-, for Years within fad, within one Year next before any fuch Diffolution, Supprefiion, Renouncing, Relinquifhing, For- a Year before feiting, Giving up, or coming to the King's Highnefs, of the PremifTes, or of any Parcel thereof, as is. the Diffolution, afore faid ; have made any Demife, Leafe or Grant to any Perfon or Perfons for Term of Years, of any or of this Par- Manors, Meafes, Lands, Tenements, Parfonages appropriate, Tithes, Penfions, Portions or other Here- CoTplV f. 1S8 ditaments aforefaid, which Perfon or Perfons, at the Time of the faid Demife, Leafe or Grant, had and 2, Leonard^, held the fame to Ferm for Term of Years then not expired ; that then the faid Perfon or Perfons, to whom- 3 Leonard 164. any fuch Demife, Leafe or Grant, hath been fo made, fhall have and hold the fame for the Term of one Plow. 102. an d twenty Years only from the Time of the making of the faid Demife, Leafe or Grant, if fo many Dyer 102, 352. Years be by the fame Demife, Leafe or Grant fpecified, limited and expreffed, or elfe for fo many Years as in fuch Demife, Leafe or Grant been expreffed, fo that the old Rent be thereupon referved, and fo that the fame Leafe or Leafes exceed not twenty-one Years ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. A Leafe for Life X. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Abbot, Prior, Abbefs, Pri- madeto the eld orefs, or other late Governor or Governefs, within one Year next before any fuch Diffolution, Supprefiion Leflee for Life or Renouncing, Relinquifhing, Forfeiting, Giving up, or coming unto the King's Highnefs, of the PremifTes, or any Parcel thereof, as is afore faid, have made any Demife, Leafe or Grant to any Perfon or Perfons, for Term of Life or Lives, of any Manors, Meafes, Lands, Tenements, Parfonages appropriate, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, or other Hereditaments aforefaid, which Perfon or Perfons, or any of them, at the Time of the faid Demife, Leafe or Grant, had and held the fame for Term of Life or Lives, or for Term of Years then not expired; that then the faid Perfon or Perfons, to whom any fuch Leafe or Grant hath' been fo made, fhall have and hold the fame for Term of their Life or Lives, fo that the old Rent be thereupon referved ; this Act or any other Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof notwith- standing. AH Copies for XI. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and fingular Leafes and Grants,. Life granted ac- made by Copy to any Perfon or Perfons, of any of the faid Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Parfonages wording to the appropriate, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, or other Hereditaments aforefaid, for Term of Life or Lives,. Cuftom ftall be wn j cn by fne Cuftom of the Country hath been ufed to be demifed, letten or granted by Copy of Court-Roll, fhall be good and effectual in the Law, fo that the old Rent be referved by and upon every fuch Leafe and Leafes ; this Aft or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wife not- withstanding. Leafes allowed XII. Provided alway, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Leafes heretofore in the Court of made of any of the PremifTes by Authority of our Sovereign Lord the King's Court of Augmentations of Augmentations, the Revenues of his Crown, (2) and all fuch Leafes, Feoffments and Wood-Sales, made by the faid Governors and Governeffes, or any of them, under their Covent Seals, or under the Covent or common Seal of any of them, within one Year next before the Diffolution, Supprefiion, Renouncing, Relinquifh- ing, Forfeiting, Giving up or Coming to the King's Highnefs, of the faid Monafteries, Abbathies, Pri- ories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, or other Religious or Ecclefiaftical Houfes or Places, (3) which faid Leafes, Grants, Feoffments and Wood-S ales have been examined, enrolled, de- creed or affirmed in our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Court of Augmentations, and the Decree of the- fame put in Writing, fealed with the Seal of the faid Court of Augmentations, ihall be good and ef- feflual t>vcr f. 80.