Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/307

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A. D. 1539. Anno tricefimo primo Henrici 'III. C. 13. 269 ' .'ut heretofore in this prcfent Act to the contrary OOtwitl XIII. Provided alway, ami be it alfo further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon orHo«th< truly, without Fraud or Covin, paid or given any Sum or Sums of Money to any ■■■ rnoi Goyerneflcs, for the Bargain ana Sale of any Woods, beii ii any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, which appertained or belonged to the laid* Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, or other | Ecclcl iftical ; laces, or unto any of them, which Bargain and Sale by Authority of this Act ide void and of none Fffe< I, ami by mean thereof the King's Highnefs may have and take the Com- modity and Profit of fuch Woods fo bargained and fold; that then the Chancellor and other Officei of nd Sovereign Lord the King's Court of Augmentations, or three of them, whereof the Chancellor for the Time being fliall be one, of our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Treafure remaining in the Trca- fury of the fame Court, fliall fatisfy and rccompcnfc every fuch Pcrlon or Perfons fuch Sum of Money, or Other Recompence, as the fame Chancellor and Officers, or three of them, whereof the laid Chan- cellor fhall be "one, fliall think meet and convenient. (2) And if any other Perfon or Perfons (hall hap- pen to take Profit and Commodity, by rcafon of avoiding of fuch Wood-Sales by Authority of this Act, that then every Perfon and Perfons, which may or fliall take fuch Profit, fliall be ordered for Satisfaction to be made to the Parties that fliall happen to be grieved by this Act, by the faid Chancellor and other the Officers of the fame Court. XIV. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon AflWinee to and Perfons, their Heirs and Afligns, which fithen the faid fourth Day of February, by Licence, Pardon, others by the Confirmation, Releafc, Aflent or Con lent of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, under his Great Seal King'5 Licence heretofore given, had or made, or hereafter to be had or made, have obtained or purchafed by Indenture, of in t Abbey Fine, Feoffment, Recovery or othervvife, of the faid late Abbots, Priors, Abbcfles, Prioreffes, or other Lands - Governors or Governeffes of any fuch Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals,

Houfes of Friers, or other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes or Places, any Monafteries, Priories, Col-

leges, Hofpitals, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Failures, Woods, Churches, Chapels, Par- ! fonages, Tithes, Pcnfions, Portions or other Hereditaments, fliall have and enjoy the fame, according to fuch Writings and Affuranccs, as been thereof before the fir ft Day of this prefent Parliament or here- | after fliall be had or made : XV. Saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons, and Bodies Politick, their Heirs and Succeffors, and a Saving of the

to the Heirs and Succeffors of every of them (other than the faid late Abbots, Abbcfles, Priors, Prio- Right of other;

I relies, and other Governors and Governeffes, and their Succeffors, and the Succeffors of every of them, accrued unto i and fuch as pretend to be Founders, Patrons or Donors of the faid Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, j. h ' m p bcf " rc ( . the Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals and other Religious or Ecclefiaftical Houfes or Places, or of any of them, , 2 Cc ^ . ' ■ ■ or of any Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments late belonging to the fame, or to any of them, and their Heirs and Succeflors, and the Heirs and Succeffors of every fuch Founder, Pa- tron or Donor) (2) All fuch Right, Title, Intercft, Poffeflion, Rents, Annuities, Commodities, Offices, Fees, Liveries and Livings, Portions, Penfions, Corodies, Synods, Proxies and other Profits, which they or any of them have, ought or might have had, in or to any of the faid Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Colleges, Hofpitals, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Reverfions, Tithes, Penfions, Por- tions or other Hereditaments, at any Time before any fuch Purchafe, Indentures, Fines, Feoffments, Re- coveries, or other lawful mean between any fuch Parties had or made, as is above faid ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to ftie contrary notwithftanding. ' XVI. And where our faid Sovereign Lord, fith the fourth Day of February the faid twenty-feventh Year ' of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord, hath obtained and purchafed, as well by Exchanges, as by Gifts, . ■ Bargains, Fines, Feoffments, Recoveries, Deeds enrolled, and otherwife, of divers and fundry Perfons, ' many and divers Honours, Caftles,. Manors, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Paftures, Woods, Rents, ' Reverfions, Services and other Hereditaments, and hath not only paid divers and fundry great Sums of ' Money for the feme, but alfo hath given and granted for the fame, unto divers and fundry Perfons, di- ' vers and fundry Manors, Lands', Tenements and Hereditaments, and other Recompences, in and for full ' Satisfaction of all fuch Honours, Caftles, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Services and ' other his Hereditaments, by his Highnefs obtained or had, as is abovefaid :' (2) Be it therefore enacted by A Confirmation the Authority aforefaid, That our faid Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeflors, fliall have, hold, of the King's poffefs and enjoy, all fuch Honours, Caftles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments, as his ? u , ? * de Highnefs fith the laid fourth Day of February the twenty-feventh Year abovefaid, hath obtained and had .^""/h.s!' by Way of Exchange, Bargain, Purchafe, or other whatfoever mean or means, according to the true Meaning and Intent of his Highnefs Bargain, Exchange or Purchafe ; Mifrecital, Mifnaming or NonrecitrJ, or not naming of the faid Honours, Caftles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments, com- prized or mentioned in the Bargains or Writings made between the King's Highnefs and any other Party or Parties, or of the Towns or Counties where the fard Honours, Caftles, Manors, Lands, Tenements . and Hereditaments lie and been, or any other Matter or Caufe whatfoever it be, in any wife notwith-.- Handing. XVII. Saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons and to their Heirs, Bodies Politick and Corporate and ASaving of tie to their Succeffors, and to every of them, (other than fuch Perfon and Perfons, and their Heirs, and 'their R ' gh * °' a " , W'ives,. and the Wives of every of them, Bodies Politick and Corporate, and their Succeffors, and every of jhe'sc'jicrT ihei- them, of whom the King's Highnefs hath obtained by Exchange, Gift, Bargain, Fine, Feoffment, Re- Heirs and Wives! covery. Deed enrolled or otherwife, any fuch Honours, Caftles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments, as is aforefaid) (2) all fuch Right, Title, Ufe, Intercft, Poffeflion, Rents, Charges, An- An Exception o£ Huities, Commodities, Fees and other Profits. (Rents Services and Rents Seek, enly except) which they Rents Service* „_ Rants Secl^,