Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/323

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A.D. 1540-' Anno tricefimo fecundo Hf.nrici VIII. C. 17 — 20. 285 an y /, Denizen, and ufing no Handicraft, fhall retain or keep in hi-, Houihold, Service or Fa- mily, together at one Time, above the faid Number "I foui Strangers; (3) upon Pain that the Offender ■ mrary to this Article, ih.ill lofc and forfeit for every Stranger bom out of the King's d and kepi above that Number, ten Pounds ; (4) the Moiety of all v. -'ires fliall be- i<> the King's Highncfs, liis Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof to fuch Perfon or 1 fame I",- ( )riginal Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of the King's Courts; I (loin. Protection nor Wager of Law (hall be admitted or allowed XI fuch fame . had never been made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. XII. Provided alio, Thai every Lord of the Parliament may keep the Number of fix Strangers born p,,ii.,mcnt m>y die King's Obeifance, together at one time; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof not- kecpfixSwn- uding.

I i^ further enacted by Authority aforcfaid, That all Leafes of any dwcliing-houfc or Shop No s '« r ?<;"». 

within tl ; ' aim, or .my the King's Dominions, made to any Stranger, Artificer or Handicraftfman, born ^ayVakciny" out ol the King's ObcHancc, not being Denizen, from and after the faid Feaft of St. Michael the Arch- LcifciofHcufx. angel next coming, fhall be void and of none Effect; (2) and that no Stranger, Artificer or Handicraftf- man, born out of the King's Obeifance, not being Denizen, fhall after the fame Feaft take anv Leafe of any Dwclling-houfe or Shop within this Realm, or in any other the King's Dominions, upon Pain to lofe ry time doing contrary to this Act, one hundred Shillings; (3) and that no Pcrfons after ft fhall "iint or let to Fcrm any Dwelling-houfe or Shop to any fuch Stranger, Artificer or Handicraftfman, not being Denizen, to the Intent to dwell or inhabit in the fame, upon like Pain of one hundred Shillings ; (4) the one Moiety of which Pains and Forfeitures to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Moiety to fuch as will fue for the fame, in Manner and Form as in this Aft is above expreflcd. CAP. XVII. P R. For paving of High-Holborn and other Places, Aldgate and JFbite-Chapel. , 3 & l4 Car. 2. CAP. XVIII. The Bill for re-edifying of Towns. p r. CAP. XIX. For the re-edifying of certain Towns in the Weft Parts. p r, C A P. XX. Concerning Privileges and Franchifes.

  • ^T/HFRF. divers and fundry Sites, Circuits and Precinfts of late Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Cfl . f _
    • YV Nuj , Colleges, Hofpitals and other Ecclefiaftical and Religious Houfes and Places, and di- ,46,
  • vers Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes and
  • other H iments, by divers and fundr ■ Statutes heretofore made, been afligned, limited and appointed

' t .-■ r, Rule, Su.vey and Governance of the Court of our Sovereign Lord the King, called the ' C g nen ations of the Revenues of his Crown, and of the Chancellor, Officers and Minifters

  • of the Mine, (2) by the which Statutes it is not fully, plainly nor exprefly declared or rehearfed, how
  • and in what wife, and by what fpecial Officers and Minifters, the Liberties, Privileges and Franchifes,

' which the late Owners of the fame Sites, Circuits, Precinfts, Honours, Caftles, Manors, Meffuages, ' Lands, Tenements and other the PremifTes had, ufed and exercifed, fhould be ordered, ufed, exercifed 4 and put in Execution :' (3) Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the AfTent of ThefameFrau- the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Commons, of this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the <$»Tes that the_ Authoruy of the fame. That all and fingular the fame Liberties, Franchifes, Privileges and temporal Jurif- ^'^.9 wnl i? °£ dictions, which the faid late Owners had, ufed and exercifed lawfully, by themfelves, or by their Officers haYfvkh in three or Minifters, or might have ufed or exercifed, within three Months next before that the faid Sites, Cir- Month; cuits, Precincts, Honours, Caftles, Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements and other the PremifTes, came theirDinblutios to the Pofleffion of the King's Highnefs, fhall be by Virtue of this prefent Aft revived, and be really and fta11 bc revives, Jim; iictiens, and all manner Fines, lflue's, Amerciaments, and other Profits and Commodities, of what Augm< Kinds or Natures foever they be, coming, growing or rifing by Reafon or Occafion of them, or any of Mocr2 9r> them, fhall be ufed, exerciled and occupied to all Intents, Purpofes, Conditions and Refpcfts, and ih.itl be claimed, levied, collefted and taken by fuch Stewards, Bailiffs, and other Officers and Minifters, as (hall pleafe the King's Highnefs to name and appoint, in like Manner, Form, Fafhion and Condition as they or any of them were lawfully ufed, exercifed, executed, claimed, Isvied, coiiefted and taken, before that they came to the Hands and Pofleffion of our faid Sovereign Lord ; fcl and that the fame Stewards, Badtfii