Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/324

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286 C 20. Anno triceiimo fecundo Hen rici VIII. A, D. J 54.0'.. Bailiffs, Officers and Minifters, fhall be accomptant for the Iffues and Revenues of their Bailiwicks mid Offices, and {hall be compelled to account in the laid Court of Augmentations, like as the King's Re- ceivers or other Officers Accomptants in the faid Court heretofore have done or ought to do. ' II. And where alio divers and fundry Sites, Circuits and Precincts of late Monasteries, Abbies, Prio- ' ries, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals and other EccleAaftical and Religious Houfes and Places, and alia ' divers Honours, Caftles, Manors, Meffuages, Lnnds, Tenements, Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes and

  • other Hereditaments, which been comen to the King's Hands by Attainder or Attainders of High Trea-

' fori, been affigned, limited and appointed to the Order, Rule, Survey and Governance of the King's ' general Surveyors; (2) and forafmuch' as it is not fully, plainly nor exprefly known or declared, how and . ' in what wife, and by what fpecial Officers or Minifters, the temporal Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes 6 and temporal Jurifdidtions, which the late Owners of the (aid Sites, Circuits, Precinds, Honours, Caftles, ' Manors, Mefluages, Lands, "Tenements and other the Premiffes had, ufed and exercifed, fhould be or- Thofe Lands, ' dered, ufed and put in Execution :' (3) Be it therefore enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all and fee. of the htc f ul gtil ar the fame Liberties, Franchifes, Privileges and Temporal Jurifdictions, which the late Owners of Abbejs, which t he faid Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Honours, Caftles, Manors and other the Premiffes, which Jbeen come Kin^ by At- mt0 the King's Hands by Attainders, as is aforefaid, lawfully had, ufed and exercifed by themfelves, or tainder, fhall be by their Officers or Minifters, or which they might have ufed or exercifed, within three Months next before in the Order of that the fame Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Honours, Caftles, Manors and other the Premifies, came to the the General Sur- Poffeffion of the King's Highnefs, lhall be by Virtue of this Act revived, and be really and actually in the King's ▼■' ols ' Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, and fhall be in the Rule, Order, Survey and Governance of the King's faid General Surveyors, and of the Officers and Minifters of the fame; (+) and that the fame Liberties, Franchifes, Privileges and Temporal Jurisdictions, and all manner of Fines, Iffues, Amerciaments and other Profits and Commodities, of what Kinds or Natures foever they be, coming, growing or rifing by reafon or occafion of them, or any of them, (hall be ufed> exercifed and executed to all Intents, Pur- pofes, Conditions and Refpects, and Ihall be claimed, levied, collected and taken by fuch Stewards, Bai- liffs and other Officers and Minifters as Ihall pleafe the King's Highnefs to name and appoint for the fame, in like Manner, Form, Fafhion and Condition as they or any of them were ufed, exercifed, executed; claimed, levied, collected and taken before they "came to the Hands and Poffeffion of our faid Sovereign Lord by Attainder, as is aforefaid; (5) and that the faid Stewards, Bailiffs, Officers and Minifters there- of, Ihall be accomptant for the Iffues and Revenues of their Bailiwicks and Offices, and Ihall be compelled to account before the faid General Surveyors, as other Officers Accomptants in that Court heretofore have done, or ought to do. The jurlfdiftion TJI. And be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the faid Stewards, Bailiffs and other Officers and ot j t g e M- r a- var f QS Minifters, fhall be attendant and obedient to all other the King's Courts, as well for all Executions and thofe Liberties Returns of Writs, Warrants and Precepts, as for their perfonal Appearanqes, and other Duties of their that were late Offices, like as the Officers and Minifters of the faid late Owners did.and ought to do, or fhould have done, the Abbeys, &c. by reafon of their faid feveral Offices, before that the fame Liberties, Privileges and Temporal Jurifdictions and their At- djj come to the Poffeffion of our faid Sovereign Lord, and that to be done and obferved upon all Pains tendance to the an j p ena ] t j es by the Laws of this Realm limited and ordained for any Offence or Default in the fame: ng s our . ^ ^^j t j i?t no SherifF, Under-Sheriff, nor other Officei or Minifter of any Sheriff or other foreign Of- ficer or Minifter, fhall in any wife intromit or meddle in, with or upon any of the Premiffes, otherwife or in 'any other Manner, nor for any other Caufe, than they or any of them lawfully might have dons before the fame Premiffes did come to the Poffeffion of our faid Sovereign Lord. Every Perfon IV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all and lingular Perfons and Bodies Politick, and the mayui'e fuch Keirs, Succeffors and Affigns of every of them, fhall have, hold and enjoy, ufe, execute and exercife as Liberties as he well by themfelves, their Officers, Servants and Minifters, as by and for their Tenants, Farmers and Re- hath hy the fiants, all and Angular Liberties, Privileges and Franchifes, which they or any of them now have by or or 'otherwife. S ' , from the King's Majefty by any Letters Patents, Indentures, Writings under any his Highnefs Seals, or by Authority of Parliament, or otherwife, or by the lawful Grant or Leafe of any Perfon or Perfons, or ■ by any other Means or lawful Title, in as large, ample and beneficial Manner, to all Intents, Refpects and Purpoies, as they or any of them now have, or of Right ought to have, the faid Liberties, Franchifes and Privileges, or any of them, and as though this Act had never been had ne made; any Thing above writ- ten notwithftanding, (2) (the Privileges of Sanctuaries, Church, Church-yards or Cemeteries, for Tuition Saving to all of Trangreffors and Offenders only excepted;) (3) laving to all and Angular Perfons and Bodies Politick, Perfons their anf ] the Heirs, Succellors and Affigns of every of them, all fuch Office and Offices, Fees, Annuities, Pro- Offices, Fees, £ ts a|1( ] Commodities, which they or any of them now have, or of Right ought to have, in or upon, or Profit rat of" by rea I° n °f the faid Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Caftles, Honours, Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tene,- anyof the Lands rnents, Liberties, Franchifes, Privileges and other the Premifies, or in any Part or Parcel of them, in as of any Abbeys, large and ample Manner, Form, Fafhion and Condition, to all Refpects and Purpofes, as if this Act had & c - never been had nor made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. V. And furthermore, be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the Chancellor of the faid Court of Augmentations now being, and every of his Succeffors, being Chancellor of that Court, and the King's General Attorney, and his Grace's Attorney of the faid Court of Augmentations for the Time being, and every of them, and their Succeffors, and the Succeffors of every of them, fhall have full Power and Authority, by Virtue of this Act, to take to the Ufe of the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Succeffors, Knowledges of all manner of Concords for Fines thereupon to be had and recorded in the Court of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and of his Heirs and Succeffors, commonly called the Com- mon Place, of and upon all and Angular Manors, Lordfhips, Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments, being, and which by reafon of thofe Fines or otherwife fhall be, under the Order, Rule or Survey of the faid Court of Augmentations, without any Fine or Fee to be paid for the fame; (z) and that the Judges and Juftices