Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/325

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A. D. 154.0. Anno triccfimo fccundo Hi. >: p ici VIII. • C, 20. z c y the Tin the faid Court called the Common Pla ai ' •'. " . (Hall accept, all 1 : ledges ol Conco the faid Chancellor and Attoi ■ ! certified ' M he faid Courl called the Common 11 the Cam o b i ual in the I. ■ tents an I I 1 11 made, 1 i ledged bi fore the chiel ! id . the fame Court, or op i Court; (2) and alfo that the laid Chano being, and every of them, anil the 1 I them, (hall have full I 1 take 1 for Inrollnicnl of all Deeds made or to ign Lord, his Hi 1 , of any Manors, Lan i to be made to th Ilia I icceflbr . or to any other Perfon 01 1 the Uk of the King, his Heirs and Succcflors, for any Matter or Caufe concerning the I irt of Aug- I Minors, Lands and Tenements, without any Fee, Gift 1 cm or any of them therefore: (4) And the fame Deeds, fo knowledged, to be inrolled a I Court ol Augmentations, and fo being thej giftered among other Re- ■ nd ." gulrings of the lame, to Hand and be of Record, and n** 8 *• f fc e *"* , as if the fame were or had been knowledged before any other Judge or Jufticc of Record, and inrolled in any other Court of Record. tioat. ' E *' VII. I'ii" ided ■ , and he it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all fuch of the faid Liberties, xheKWi or- Franchifcs and Placi privileged, and in every of them limited to tl Court of Augmentations, and fleers m»y keep to the Surveyoi Court, wherefoever the King's Highncfs in his own moll Royal Perfon (hall come to reft, Court v , abide or make his Repofe within this his Realm, or any of his Dominions, within Liberty or with- !*l e ( y cr P r ' ,nJ out, there and within the Verge 'limited and accuftomed to his Grace's Court during the Time of his V? l, °i e le, the Steward or Great Mailer of his Grace's Houfhold, theMarflial, Coroner, Clerk of the Market, eJ^^ I and all oilier his Miniftcrs, fhall and may keep 'their Courts for Juftice, and excrcife their Office and Of- fi , , as fhall appertain to them according to the Laws, Cuftoms and Statutes of this Realm, as well within 27H. S. c. z: Liberties and Franchifes as without : (2) And that his Grace's Clerks of the Market, and none other, dining the fame Time, as well within the faid Liberties and Franchifes as without, fhall excrcife the Of- fice of Clerks of the Market within the faid Verge; any Privilege, Grant, Allowance or other Thing to ntrary thereof notwithstanding. VIII. Provided alway, That this Article next above rehearfed, or any thing therein contained, be not The Liberty of in any wife prejudicial to the City of London; but that the fame City fhall have and ufe fuch Liberties ,h * City of bon- us they might if that Article had never been had ne made. don '-■■ ' IX. And where alio the Sites, Circuits and Precincts of the late Monaftery of Fumes, and of the late

  • Monafieries and Priories of Cartemele, Coningjhead, Burf cough and Holland; and alfo divers Honours,.

' Caftles, Manors, Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes and other Heredita- ' ments, late parcel and appertaining to the faid late Monafieries and Priories, or to any of them, which ' been comen into the King's Hands, been affigned, limited and appointed to the Order, Rule, Survey

  • and Governance of the Chancellor, Officers and Minifters of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lnn-

' cajler : (z) And forafmuch as it is not fully, plainly nor exprefly known or declared, how and in what

  • wife, and by what fpecial Officers and Minifters, the Temporal Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes and

' temporal Jurifdiclions, which the late Owners of the faid Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Honours, Caftles,. 1 Manors, Mefluages, Lands, Tenements and other the Premilles had, ufed or exercifed, fhould be ordered,. ' ufed and put in Execution :' X. Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and Angular the fame Liberties, Fran- The-L'amte-of chiles, Privileges and temporal Jurifdiclions, which the faid late Owners of the faid Sites, Circuits, Pre- "'""? latt *J° M einfts, Honours, Caftles, Manors and other the Premises, lawfully had, ufed and exercifed by themfelves,,"^ ^"flall b~ or by their Officers or Minifters, or which they might have ufed or exercifed within three Months next in the O before the fame Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Honours, Caftles, Manors and other the Premifles, came to meuwol . the Poficffion of the King's Highnefs, fhall be by Virtue of this Aft revived, and be really and actually ficcr£ c: in the King's Highncfs, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and fhall be for ever in the Rule, Order, Survey and Ducll > Governance of the faid Chancellor, Officers and Minifters of the faid County Palatine and Duchy of Lan- cajhr : (2) And that the fame Liberties, Franchifes, Privileges and Temporal Jurifdiclions, and all manner of Fines, Iflues, Amerciaments and other Frofits and Commodities, of. what Kinds or Nature foever they be, coming, growing or riftng by reafon or occafton of them, or any of them, fhall be ufed,. exercifed' and executed, to all Purpofes, Intents, Conditions and Refpefts, and fhall be claimed, levied, collected and taken by fuch Stewards, Bailiffs and other Officers and Minifters, as fhall pleafe the King's High- nels to name and appoint for the fame, in like Manner, Form and Condition, as they or any of them were ufed, exercifed, executed, claimed, levied, collected and taken before they came to the Hands and Pof- ieffion of our faid Sovereign Lord : (3) And that the faid Stewards, Bailiffs, . Officers and Minifters fhall be compelled to accempt for the fame before the faid Chancellor, Officers and Minifters of the faid County: Palatine and Duchy of Lancafter, as other Officers and Accomptants in the Court of the faid Duchy here- tofore have done, or owe to do. XI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Stewards, Bailiffs and other Officers Tie $ tir . and Miniftcrs, fnall be attendant and obedient to all' other the King's Courts, as well for all Executions and Bailifl and Returns of Writs, Warrants and Precepts, as for perfbnal Appearances and other Dirties of their Of- tht>fe Liberties lie.;,, like as the Officers and Minifters of the faid late Owners did or ought to do, or fhould have ha " bc a " en " ne; by reafon of their faid feveral Offices, before that the fame Liberties;, Privileges and Temporal fii- i a . nt ? n i lictions did come to the roneffion or our laid Sovereign .Lord : (:.; and that to be done and obierved, ' all Pains and Penalties by the Laws of this 'Realm limited and ordained or Default tie fame : (5) And that no Sheriff, Under- iheriff or other Officer or Minuter of aijy Sheriff or 3 foreign.