Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/326

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288 C. 21. Anno triceiimo fecundo Henrici VIII. A. D. 154a. The Sheriff or foreign Officer or Minifter, {hall in any wife intromit or meddle in, with or upon any of the PremilTes, cher Officers otherwife or in any other Manner, or for any other Caufe, than they or any of them might lawfully have Sjthin°A?fe done beforc the fald Premi ' res did come t0 the Poffeffion of our faid Sovereign Lord. _ Liberties. XII. Provided always, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall in any wife extend to This Statute abrogate, admit, diminifh nor to taice away any Liberties, Franchifes, Privileges, Jurifdictions, Royalties thebuchyof Privileges, Jurifdictions, Royalties and all other fuch Profits, Commodities and Advantages whatfoever they JLancafter. be, fhall be received, taken and anfwered to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succelfors, by the Chan- cellor, Officer and Minifters of the faid County Palatine of Lancajler and Duchy of Lancajlcr, and either of them, as heretofore hath been ufed and done at any Time before the fourth Day of February in the feven and twentieth Year of his inoft noble Reign ; any Thing, Matter or Claufe in this Act contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. The Liberties of XIII. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, do not extend to difannul or be the Five Ports hurtful to any of the Liberties or Privileges of the Cinque Ports, or the Members of the fame ; but that they referved. an( j ever y of them fhall enjoy, poffefs and have all and lingular Liberties, Cuftoms and Grants to them granted heretofore by the moft famous Prince of Memory King Edward the Fourth, and other his noble Progenitors, n M. feff. z. confirmed by our Sovereign Lord the King's Majefty that now is, in like Manner and Form as though thisr 7 Ed.' 6. c. 2. A£t had never been had ne made. for the umiwg, dijfolvu'.g and new sreBing of Courts, CAP. XXI. Trinity Term, and the Abbreviation thereof. The Caufes of e HERE the Term called Trinity Term of long Time hath been, and yet is, yearly ufed to be holden abbreviating « y y an( j k e pt j n f uc h Time and Seafon of the Year, that by Occafion thereof not only great Peril and 1 Bnlft c"* ' D ;ln £ er of Infection of the Plague, and fundry other SickneiTes have happened to the King's loving Sub- Spsl. Rem. ,71. ' j e< ^ s 5 as we 'I Nobles as other, but alfo hath been and yet is, a great Impediment and Let to a great Multi- ' tude of the King's poor Subjects, for Provifion and gathering in of Harveft, and other their necelTary Bufi- There /hall be ' neis and Livings in that Seafon of the Year moft expedient to be exercifed :' (2) The King's moft Royal only four Days Majefty having efpecial Refpect, as well to the Health as to the Wealth of his People, by the Allen t of the Trinity Term Eords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Au- and not above.' thority of the fame, ordaineth, enaiteth and eftablifneth, That in the faid Trinity Tertn fhall be four com-; ji H. 3. flat. 2. mon Days of Return only and not above ; that is to fay, the firft Day of Return fhall be, and be called, In CraJIino Sancla Trinitatis ; (3) the fecond Day 6f Return of the fame Term fhall be, and be called, In Otlabis Santla Trinitatis ; (4) the third Day of Return of the fame Term fhall be, and be called, In §)uin- dena Santla Trinitatis ; (;) and the fourth Day of Return of the fame Term fhall be, and be called, J die SantlaTri'nitatis in tresj'eptinianas ; (6) and that the fame Days of Return fhall be obferved and kept in all our Sovereign Lord the King's high Courts of Record hereafter to be holden at IVefiminJler, or other Place or Places at the Affignment, Appointment or Agreement of our 'faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Succeflbrs; (7) and that from or after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, there fhall not be, nor be called, any Days of Return In CraJIino Santli Joannis Baptijla, Otlabis Sancli Joannis Baptijla, nor §>uin- dena Sancli Joannis Baptijla, nor any of them. When Trinity II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Term of the Holy Trinity fhall Term fhall be- yearly for ever, from the faid Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, begin the Monday next after gm, andevery Trinity Sunday, whenfoever it fhail happen to fall, for the keeping of the Efloins, Profers, Returns and Return t ereo . otner Ceremonies heretofore ufed and kept, in like Manner and Form as in Times paft hath been ufed to be done in the Day of Return commonly called In Otlabis Santla Trinitatis ; (2) and that the full Term of the faid Trinity Term fhall yearly for ever begin and take his Commencement the Friday next after Corpus Chrijli Day, in fuch and like Manner and Form, to all Purpofes, Intents and Refpects, as heretofore hath been ufed the Wcdnefday next after Corpus Chrijli Day; (3) and that from and after the faid Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, the faid fecond and third Days of Return, called Otlabis Santla Tri- nitatis, and Shiindena Santla Trinitatis, fhall take their Commencement and begin as in Times paft hath 1 been ufed ; (4) and the faid fourth Day, called A die Santla Trinitatis in tres j'eptimanas, fhall take his , Commencement and begin from the fame Trinity Sunday into three Weeks then next following, and fhall a have his Return with the fourth Day, as is accuftomed in other likeDays of Return. Days given in III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if after the faid Feaft of Saint Michael Real Actions, the Archangel next coming, any Writ in any real Action come in or be returnable into any of our faid So- vereign Lord the King's Courts in Otlabis Sancli Hillarii, then Day fhall be given in CraJIino. Santla Tri- nitatis; (2) if in Shtindena Santli Hillarii, in Otlabis Santla Trinitatis; (%) if in CraJIino Purificationis Beata Maria, in £ht[ndcna Sancla Trinitatis ; (4) if in Otlabis Purificationis Beata Maria, then a die Sane- la Trinitatis in tres J'eptimanas : (c) and if after the fame Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel any Writ in any real Action come into any of our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Courts, returnable in CraJIino Sancla Trinitatis, then Day fhall be given in CraJIino Animarum ; (6) if in Otlabis Santla Trinitatis", in Crqjlino Sancli Martini ; (7) if in ghfindena fantlaTrinitatis, in Otlabis Sancli Martini ; (8) if a die Santla Trini- tatis in tresfeptirnanas, in Quindcna Sancli Martini. Days given in a jy. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if after the faid Feaft of Saint Michael «a*H°* c"*".' tbe Archangel next coming, any Writ of Dower come into any of our Sovereign Lord the King's Courts, 5 ' *" ■ and