Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/327

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A. D. 154.0. Anno triccfimo fecundo HsNRrci VIII. C. 22. 289 pd be rcturnabl inallDe given • irtmtatis; (ij il a die trinitatis; (4) if a die Pafcha in qu'wque fepth <t Craflino Afcenfunis Domini, ti unto the Day of « <//V Sanela Trinitatis in i n. (>) And i I of Saint I. Provided always, and it is further enacted by the Authority abovclaid, J hat in luch and like Cafes where the jo. Procefles, as fpecial Days have been ufed to be appointed, affigncd and given for the returning of Writs n '«> "»Y »ff'&n Procefles, it fhall be lawful to the Juftices of every of the King's laid Courts of Record for the Time { ,'^^^n'°( g, in all the Procefles by them awarded, to afllgn and appoint fpecial Days of Returns, as by their Dif- wriu. " returnable in Quhidena Pafcha, then Day fhall be given in ('■< lflim Sanfla Trinitatis; (z) if a die the Archangel next coming, any VVri of D i anj ol >ui laid S ■ reign Lord the 1 Trinitatis, then Day fhall be given in Oil till; in Oilabis Stintlsc Trinitatis, in Qiiindena '< - lis; (7) f in QuintUna Sanfta Trinitatis, a die Sanfli Micbaelis in tres feptimai . , us in trti Ttptimanat. a die Sanfli Michaclis in tuium men/em ; <>r othcrwifc as 1 appointed, limited and declared by the Statute of Marlebridge, in tlu: twelfth Chapter thereof made and provided.

. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That all common Writs an I Procefles, as well 

mixt, which fhall fortune to be returnable in the laid Trinity Term, fhall have and keep the faid Returns of Craflino Sanila Trinitatis, Oilabis Sancla Trinitatis, ghtindena Sanila Trinitatis, and a die Sanelte Trinitatis in ties feptimanas, or any one of them. VI. Provided always, and it is further enacted by the Authority abovefaid, That in fuch and like Cafes Where the Jo. and Pi and Proccfle being, crctions fhall be thought convenient. D< s , . VII. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the Authority abovefaid, That the Days in AfTife of A^tiof " D ™. Darrain Prefentment, and in Plea of §htare impedit, limited and appointed by the Statute or Marlebridge, rain Prefent- and alio the Days to lie given in Attaint, limited in the Statute made in the fifth Year of the noble King men^Qnin im- Ediv.irr! xc third, being not contrariant to the Tcnour of this Aft, fhall be holden firm and liable, and r c . dit > xni At - lhall Hand in their full Force and Effect. ^' fiaf f c. U. ci //. 3. r. 12. c Ed. 3. c. 7. • Set iG Car, I, c. 6. /or til Abkrtiiiet'u,nif MUhaclnas Term. Aid [« farther 24 Geo. 2. c. 48. for iktja'Ltr Ab- -■ of Miehaclmai Term. • For ir. 7. read c. 6. CAP. XXII. For the Bifhops Accounts, and others, of the Tenth granted unto the King. • T N tnoft humble wife befecching your moft Royal Majefty, your humble Subjects the Archbifhops and By the Sratuie ' X Bifhops of this your Realm, That where in the Parliament begun at London the third Day of Kovem- of 26 H. S. c. 3. ' ier the one and twentieth Year of your moft gracious Reign, and from thence adjourned to JVeJlminfler, a Tfcnth was 1 and there holdcn and conti ' twentieth Year of your mc ' among other Things, That ' mentation and Maintenance of the Royal Eftate of your Imperial Crown and Dignity of Supream He.:J of ' the Church of England, fhould yearly have, take, perceive and enjoy, united and knit to your Imperial ' Crown for ever, one yearly Rent or Penfion, amounting to the Value of the tenth Part of all the Rcve- ' nucs, Rents, Farms, Tithes, Offerings, Emoluments, and of all other Profits, as well called Spiritual ' as Temporal, then appertaining or belonging, or that hereafter fhould belong to any Archbiftioprick, 1 Rifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, Archdeaconry, Deanry, Hofpital, College, Houfe Collegiate, ' Prebend, Cathedral Church, Collegiate Church, Conventual Church, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chaantcry, ' free Chapel, and other Benefice or Promotion fpiritual, of what Name, Nature or Quality foevcr they ' then were, within any Diocefe of this your Realm or in JVales ; (z) the faid Penfion or annual Rent to ' be yearly paid for ever to your Majefty, your Heirs and Succeffors, Kings of this Realm, at the Feaft of ' the Nativity of our Lord God, as in the faid Act more plainly appeareth. 4 II. And furthermore it was enacted by the faid Authority in the fame Parliament, That after a Certifi- Erery Biflioa ' cate made into your Exchequer, and Tax fet, in fuch Manner and Form as by the faid Act is limited, ' ccry Archbifhop and Bifliop then being, and after that to be, fhould be charged and chargeable to levy, >'" J : ] ; "', ' collect and receive within their proper Diocefe, as well in Place exempt as not exempt, all fuch Sums of; 1 Money wherewith theDigniries, Benefices and other Promotions Spiritual aforenamed within their Diocefe, within his Dio- !.' chargeable by the faid Act, fhould be fet, taxed and charged towards the Payment of the faid yearly Pen- ' Hon; (2) and fhould pay and content the faid Sums of Money before the firft Day of April to the Trca- ' hirer of your Chamber for the Time being, or to any other Perfon or Perfons whom it fhould pleafe your ' Highnefs to appoint to receive the fame; (3) and that the Treafurer, Chancellor, Chamberlain and Ba- • rons of vour Exchequer, fhould caufe yearly Procefs to be made by their Difcretions for Nonpayment of ' the faid Penfion or yearly Rent, as by the faid Act, among other Things, more at largeappeareth. 1 IIR And forafmuch as fince the making of the faid Act, all and lingular Abbacies, Priories, Monasteries Cjufes .V. tl e and other Religious Houfes, which were then Conventual, being clearly diffolved, and come to your High- &' } nefs by Authority of Parliament, and otherwife by your Laws, whereby the faid yearly Rents and Pen- fions, which before that Time were of them feverally to be paid, be now not payable or leviable; [i) alfo that the faid Archbifhops and Bifhops, upon Certificate made inio the faid Exchequer, by reafon of the faid Aft made in the faid fix and twentieth Year of your Reign, been charged and chargeable with the -J tj be Jje. laid yearly Rents or Penfions of the Tenth of divers and many Perfons, which were certified into your faid Exchequer by the Commiffioners affigned to tax and cefs the faid Spiritual Dignities and Promotions, to have Perpetuities and Chaunteries and other Salaries, where never any fuch Chauntery or perpetual Salary was founded or ordained, and manv Chaunteries and other Perpetuities fpiritual, then beinr: in • li, Vol. II. P p « been ' Year of your molt gracious Keign, and from thence adjourned to llejinunjter, * '«>tii was rinued by divers Prorogations unto the third Day of November in the fix and i^' lntcJ f l0 , 1 t i" : . loft noble Reign, it was enafted, by the Authority of the fame Parliament, ,,.'"/; ° ;';, at your Majefty, your Heirs and Succeffors, Kings of this Realm, for more Aug-