Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/338

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300 C. 42. Anno tricefimo fecundo Henrici VIII. A. D. /54a. ' Faculty of Surgery, he abiding and inhabiting, and have more commonly the daily Exercife and Experience ' of the fame Science of Surgery, than is had or ufed within other Parts of this Realm; and by Gccafion ' thereof many expert Perfons be brought up under them as their Servants, Apprentices and others, who ' by the Exercife and diligent Information of their faid Matters, as well now as hereafter, fhall exercife ' the faid Science within divers other Parts of this Realm, to the great Relief, Comfort and Succour of By whom, and ' much People, and to the fure Safeguard of their bodily Health, their Limbs and Lives; (3) and foraf- at what Time ' much as within the faid City of London there be now two feveral and diftinct -Companies of Surgeons, Barbers of Lon- ' occupying and exercifing the faid Science and Faculty of Surgery, the one Company being called The Aon were mcor- c jg ar }, ers of London, and the other Company called The Surgeons of London; (4) which Company of Bar- i>ora e ' ' bers be incorporated to fue and to be fued by the Name of Mafters or Governors of the Myftery or Com- ' monalty of the Barbers of London, by Virtue and Authority of the Letters Patents under the Great Seal ' of the late King of famous Memory, King Edward the Fourth, dated at JVeftminJler the four and twen- ' tieth of February in the firft Year of his Reign, which afterward, as well by our now moft dread So- ' vereign Lord, as by the right noble and virtuous Prince -King Henry the Seventh, Father unto the King's ' moft excellent Highnefs now being, were and be confirmed, as by fu'ridry Letters Patents thereof made, ' amongft other Things in the fame contained, more at large may appear; (0 and the other Company, The Benefit like s called the Surgeons, be not incorporate, nor have any manner of Corporation; (6) which two feveral to enfue by join- i anc [ djftindt Companies of Surgeons were neceffary to be united, and made one Body incorporate, to the ing; the Barl> s r f ' intent that by their Union and often afiembly together, the good and due Order, Exercife and Knowledge one Company. ' °f the ^ a '^ Science or Faculty of Surgery, mould be, as well in Speculation as in Practice, both to ' themielves and all other their laid Servants and Apprentices, now and hereafter to be brought up under ' them, and by their Learnings and diligent and ripe Informations, more perfect, fpeedy and effectual Re- ' medy fhould be, than it hath been, or mould be if the faid two Companies of Barbers and Surgeons ' fhould continue fevered afunder, and not joined together, as they before this Time have been, and ufed ' themfelves, not medling together;' (7) wherefore in Confideration of the Premiffes, be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and by the Commons, in this pre- The Batbevs and fent Parliament aftembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid two feveral and diftinct Com- SurgeonsofLon- nanies of Surgeons, that is to fay, both the Barbers and the Surgeons, and every Perfon of them, being a jon made one Freeman of either of the faid Companies after the Cuftom of the faid City of London, and their Succeflors, incorporated. from henceforth immediately be united and made one entire and whole Body corporate, and one Com- monalty perpetual, which at all Times hereafter fhall be called by the Name of Majlers or Governors of the Myftery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London, for evermore, and by none other Name; (S) and by the fame Name to implead and be impleaded before all manner of Juftices, in all Courts, in all manner of Actions and Suits; (9) and alfo to purchafe, enjoy, and to take to them and to their Succeflors, all manner of Lands, Tenements, Rents and other PofleiTions, whatfoever they be; (10) and alfo fhall have a Common Seal, to ferve for the Bufinefs of the faid Company and Corporation for ever; (11) and by the fame Name peaceably, quietly and indefeafably fhall have, poflefs and enjoy to them, and to their SuccefTors for ever, all fuch Lands and Tenements, and other Hereditaments whatfoever, which the faid Company or Commonalty of Barbers have and enjoy to the Ule of the faid Myftery and Commonalty of Barbers of London; (12) and alfo fhall peaceably and quietly have and enjoy all and lingular Bene- fices, Grants, Liberties, Privileges, Franchises and free Cuftoms, and alfo all manner of other Things at any Time given or granted unto the faid Companies of Barbers or Surgeons, by whatfoever Name or Names they or any of them were called, and which they or any of them now have, or any of their Pre- deceffors have had, by Acts of Parliament, Letters Patents of the King's Highnefs, or other his moft noble Progenitors, or otherwife by any other lawful Means have had at any Time afore this prefent Act, in as large and ample Manner and Form, as they or any of. them have, had, might or fhould enjoy the fame; this Union or Conjunction of the faid Companies together notwithftanding; (13) and as largely to have and enjoy the Premiffes, as if the fame were and had been fpecially and particularly expreffed and de- The Barbers and clared with the beft and moft cleared: Words and Terms in the La?7, to all Intents and Purpofes; ( 14) and Surgeons in Lon- that all Perfons of the faid Company now incorporate by this prefent Act, and thejr Succeflors, that fhall frorn bear in" of k e l awnj 'ly admitted and approved to occupy Surgery, after the Form of the Statute in that Cafe or- Arms or to be dained and provided, fhall be exempt from bearing of Armor, or to be put in any Watches or Inquefts; in Watches or ( 1 9 ) and^that they and their Succeflors fhall have the Search, Overfight, Punifhment and Correction,, as Inqu-efb. well of Freemen as of Foreigners, for fuch Offences as they or any of them fhall commit or do againft 5 H ' 8, c -?■ the good Order of Barbery or Surgery, as afore this Time among the faid Myftery and Company of Bar- i 19 • 7- c - 1- berg f London hath been ufed and accuftomed, according to the good and politick Rules and Ordinances by them made, and approved by the Lord Chancellor, Treafurer and two chief Juftices of either Bench, or any three of them, after the Form of the Statute in that Cafe ordained and provided. The Surgeons II. And further be it enacted by the Authority- aforefaid, That the faid Mafters or Governors of the may take yearly Myftery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London, and their Succeflors yearly for ever, after PeTfonTforTna their!aici I}if creti °ns, at their free Liberty and Pleafure, fhall and may have and take without Contradiction tomies. °' ™~ ^ our P en " ons condemned, adjudged, and put to Death for Felony by the due Order of the King's Laws of this Realm, for Anatomies, without any further Suit or Labour to be made to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeflors for the fame; (2) and to make Incifion of the fame dead Bodies", or otherwife to order the fame after their faid Difcretions at their Pleafures, for their further and better Knowledge, Inftrudttpn, Infight, Learning and Experience in the faid Science or Faculty of Surgery; (3) Saving unto all Perfons, their Heirs and Succeflors, all fuch Right, Title, Intereft and Demand, which they or any of them might lawfully claim or have in. or to any of the Lands and Tenements, with the Appurtenances, belonging unto the faid Company of Barbers and Surgeons, or any of them, at any Time afore the making of this Act, hi- as