Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/339

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A. D. 1540. ifVaao tricefimo fecundo Hen met VIII. C. 43. 30J m I m they or any of them had or oughl to ] Thing in] omprilcd to the contrary liei of in any wife notwithftanding, 1 III. And fucli Perfon ultyof Surgery, oftentimes meddle and HoB»it*rln into their Cures and Houfcs fuch fi k ind dil been in reeled with the P , .ind fuch othc agious Infiri Barbery, as wafhing unto belonging, i ir infecting the King's liej Peop ' their Shops and Houfi , thei n ;' (~) Wherefore it is now ei led by the Authority aforefaid, Thai within the City of London, i 1 ] 111 lil tl I 1 f London, afl of the Nativity of our ! cxt coming, tiling liarbcrj oi Shaving, or that hereafter fhall ufe any Barbery or Shaving within ! City of London, Suburbs, or on : Mile Circuit of the fame City of London, he nor they, nor none other for them, to his or their Ufe, fhall occupy any Surgery, letting of Blood, or any other Thing be- longing to Surgery ; drawing ol Teeth only only except. (3 I And furthermore in like Manner, whofoever nor any Surgeon thai ul'eth the Myftery or ( !i ift ol Sure in til'- Circuit 1 forefaid, as long as he fhall fortune to ufe '■' L, 'i"'-»" ofe Myftery or Craft of Surgery, in. ill in no wife occupy nor exercife the Feat or Craft of Barbery El,k "y- living, neither by himfelf, nor by none other for him, to his or their Ufe : (4J And moreover, that Every Surgeon all Manner of Perfons ufmg Surgery for the Time being, as well Freemen as Foreigners, Aliens and Stran- of "ers within the (aid City of London, the Suburbs thereof, and one A'lile compafs of the laid City of London, n ;> vr » s 'fn *<■ before the Fcaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, fhall have an open J ig n on the Street-fide '" where they fhall fortune to dwell, that all the King's liege People there paffing by, may know at all Times whither to refort for Remedies in Time of Neccffity. IV. And further be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Manner of Perfon, after the I fj*» Feall oi St. Michael Lhc Archangel next coming, prcfume to keep any Shop of Barbery or Shaving within don'but aFrec" the City of London, except he be a Freeman of the fame Corporation and Company. man ,f ,h lt V. And furthermore at fuch Times heretofore accuftomed, there fhall be chofen by the fame Company Con paqy. four Mafters or Governors of the fame Corporation or Company, of the which four, two of them fhall be Fo ' jr w -"<i«s" expert in Surgery, and the other two in Barbery; (2) which four Mafters, and every of them, fhall have *j l b *- ch A ftn * full Power and Authority from Time to Time, during their faid Office, to have the Overfight, Search, Pu- t hority. nifhment and Correction of all fuch Defaults and Inconvcnicncics as fhall be found among the faid Company ufmg Barbery or Surgery, as well of Freemen as Foreigners, Aliens or Strangers, within the City of Lon- don and the Circuits aforefaid, after their faid Difcretions : (3) And if any Perfon or Perfons ufing any The'Forfeitures Barbery or Surgery, at any Time hereafter offend in any of thefe Articles aforefaid, that then for every 01' Offender!. Month the faid Perfons fo offending fhall lofe, forfeit and pay V li. the one Moiety thereof to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Moiety to any Perfon that will or fhall fue therefore by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of the King's Courts, where no Wager of Law, Efibin or Protection fhall be admitted or allowed in the fame. VI. Provided that the faid Barbers and Surgeons, and every of them, fhall bear and pay Lot and Scot, and fuch other Charges as they and their PredecefTors have been accuftomed to pay within the faid City of London ; this A£t, nor any Thing therein contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. VII. Provided alway, and be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful to any of the Any Perfon nuv King's Subjects, not being Barber or Surgeon, to retain, have and keep in his Houfe as his Servant, any keep a Barber or Perfon being a Barber or Surgeon, which fhall and may ufe and exercife thofe Arts and Faculties of Bar- Surgeon as his bery or Surgery, or either of them in his Mailer's Houfe, or elfewhere by his Mafter's Licence or Com- Servant - miu'idment ; anv Thing in this Act above written to the contrary notwithftanding. SectbcReferaus-- ' •■ . is Ci:p:?r 4.0. CAP. XLIII. An Aft concerning the County Palatine of Chejler for Shire-days. HERE it is enacted and eftablifhed in the xxvij. Year of our Sovereign Lord the King that now »~H. g. e. 5. is, as well for the Increafe and Augmentation of good Rule and Order to be had and done in the In what manner ' County Palatine of Chejler, and other Shires, as for the Adminiftration of Juftice among the King's Sub- g !^ a> j '"^ ' jeers there, That the Lord Chancellor of England, or the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time {^chi'.oat~ ' being, fhall have Authority from Time to Time to nominate and appoint Juitices of Peace, Juftjcesjof to be kept. ' Quorum, and Juftices of Gaol- delivery, as well within the faid County Palatine oi Chejler, and other 1 !!• 4- (■ iS. ' Shires and Parts of Wales, by Commiffion under the King's Great Seal ; (z) which Perfons fo named ' fhall have full Power and Authority to inquire, hear and determine all manner Thing and Things in-

  • quirable, prefentable, or determinable before Juftices of Peace, Juftices of Quorum, and Juftices of Gaol-

' delivery in other Shires of this Realm of England, and to do, ufe and execute every Thing and Things ' as other Juftices of Peace, Qiiorum, and Gaol-delivery, do in other Shires of England, (%) and that ' they fhall keep their Seffions there, as they do in other Shires of England, upon like Penalty as hath ' been ordained for fuch Abufes, in fuch Juftices in other Shires of England; any Law, Act, Stattite, Ufage, ' Cuftom, Privilege, Prefcription or Liberty to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding, as in the ' (aid Statute made in the faid xxvij. Year, amongft other Things more plainly appeareth : (4) By Rea- ' fon of which Ait it is now ufed to keep SefEons in the faid County Palatine of Chejler, as it is ufed in ' Other Shires of England. (5.) Alfo it is ufed in the faid County Palatine of Chejler, that the Juftteer of 4 the fame for the Time being hath yearly, Time out of Mind, ufed to keep the Shires or County-days ' in Manner and Form following, that is to lay, one Year eight Shires or County-days, and another 4 Year nine Shires or County-days, to which the Gentlemen, Freeholders and Suitors of the faid County, ? arc bounden of ancient Cuftom and Duty to appear and give their Attendance to ferve the King; (6) 4 which-