Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/343

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S'l ' contrary to the true Meaning, Form and KfFecl of th utc, fhould be i'iom thcr '* Authority of the faid Parliament, clear!) void and of A. D. i^i. Anno (riccTinio t-.itio Hen'rici VTfl. C. 4. ul iecls, at Time dwelling in any (trange I wtercrs, did noi repair into thi R ' Warning to him to be given* by "Writing;, I alfctl with I • hi the faiu City ot'i

  • that then and from then mould be i puted and taken as aoEngli/bm in, but (hould ftand and be
  • from henceforth out of the Kind's Prol ction..

• V. And ii was then I lliat where Jiindry evil difpofed Pcrfons, which comr l*%J| Authority bl the King' Letters P rl did hot only . to Place within this Realm, ufing buying and fcllin "ewter, and E 1 Pretence of the fame llj ufe unlawful and di 1 Beams, but alio did ufi to fell both Bi i and Pewt> not good, nor truly or I • ' or wrought, to the en u D ii ol the King's tuie liege People, contr of a

  • pood and laudable Act and Statute, made in the fourth Yiar ol the King's Paid mod noble Reign, (:)

all foch Licences and Pla irds afoi that Time Hay, made'orgranl , fhould be Effect. (5) And an : rth Year, f 4 divers Caufes and Confiderations in the fame Acl: contained, among other Thing! i I c .y, ' no Perfon nor Pcrfons ufing the faid Craft of Pewterers or Brafiers fhould from htrfceforth fell or cHai

  • any Pewter or Brafs, new or old, at any Place or Places within this Realm, but only in open Fairs and *»" -

1 Markets, or in their own Dwelling-houfes, unlefs they were defircd by the Btiyers of fr ' Pain of Forfeiture for every fuch Default x. Ii. (4) And fo then the n'Hou ' Ufe of the King's Highnefs, and the Party fearching or finding the fame was not intitled to have any lit thereby, it was not known that any Perfon or Perfons had taken any Pains to enfearch or make ' any Inquiry thereof; by rcal'on whereof divers and many c il- difpofed Perfons, then ufing buying and ' felling as well of Brafs as Pewter, and not regarding the faid good Act, nor the faid Penaly, went ' daily about from Village to Village, Town to Town, and from Houfe to Houfe, to fell fuchPff

  • and Brafs which was not good, and alio ufed decci able Weights and Beams, as they did before the ma-
  • king of the faid Acl, to the great Hurt and Deceit of the King's true liege Pidple and Subjcc~ts. j?c)

re it was enacted by the Authority of the faid Parliament, That as well the Moiety of the laid Who /hall hare ' Forfeiture of x. Ii. limited in the laid Statute made in tlu laid fourth Year, as alfo the Moiety of all **!■• J"l°j, ' other Forfeitures and Penalties exprefled and fpecified iri the laid Acts, and'cVcry of them, fhould be to smote of*. ' the Ufe of the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other .Moiety of the fame Forfeitures 4I1.S. c.7. anJ ' and Penalties, and every of them, to the Ufe of him or them that would feifc, find, or prefent the 25 H. 8. e.g. ' faid Forfeitures, or any of them, or that would fue for the fame in any competent Court or Courts and b )'"- « within this Realm, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein the Defendant fhould """^f 4 in no wife be admitted to wage his Law, or any Protection or Effbin to any Perfon or Perfons which ' fhould be impeached to have offended contrary to the Form and Effect of this Statute fhould be allow - ' able, as in the faid Acl: more plainly appeareth ; (6) which Act was appointed to endure only to the End

  • of the next Parliament then next following, and which Act was after renewed in the Parliament holden at ;SH. S. c. 9.

Qminfler in the twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord, to endure untill the ' End of the next Parliament then next following, and which Act was alfo renewed at the Parliament 31 H. S. c. 7. ' holden at Wejhmnjier in the thirty-firft and thiny-fecond Years of our faid Sovereign Lord's Reign, to ' endure until the laft Day of the next Parliament then next enfuing.' 1, VI. Prayen therefore in this prefent Parliament our faid Sovereign Lord's true and obedient Subjects, the Pewterers of this his faid Realm, and other the true Commons of the fame, becaufe the fame Aft is beneficial and ncceffary for the Common Wealth of this Realm, That it may be enacted by the King our The Statute of f.iiil Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament 15 H. 8. c. 9. auembled, and by Authority of the fame, forafmuch as the fame Act, and every Thing therein contained, made perpetual, is good and beneficial to the Common Wealth of this Realm, that all and every the faid Acts and Statutes, and all and every Article, Sentence and Claufe comprifed in the fame, may from henceforth fraud and abide in full Strength and Effect for evermore from henceforth to endure, according to the Purport, Tenor and Effect of the fame Act or Acts, as though the faid Articles, Sentences and Claufes were fpecially limited, recited, or declared in this prefent Act. VII. And that no Perfon ne Perfons from henceforth buy or take by Exchange, or otherwife take into or within this Realm, to the Intent to fell, any fuch Things or Wares above rehearfed, made or to be made out of this Realm, upon Pain of like Forfeitures and Penalties as are and were exprefled in the faid 1] Acts ; the fame Penalties and Forfeitures to be levied as is afore expreff d. VIII. And that it may be further enacted by Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons do un- The Penalty for lawfully vvithftand, interrupt, difturb, or let «he Matter and Wardens, or their Deputy, of the faid Craft hindering of of Pewterers, for the Time being, or the Head Officer or Governor, Head Officers or Governors of Cities, fearchingor Towns or Boroughs within this Realm, wherein no fuch Maftei" and Wardens are or fhall be, or any of lcll "' n J ot 1,ew * them, in Searching, Seifing and taking into their Hands and Poffeffioris fuch Wares as fhall happen to be tcr ' c " bought, or brought into this Realm, contrary to the Purport and Effect of the faid Statute, made in the (aid twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord, that then every fuch Perfon and Perfons fo offending, in letting, disturbing or withstanding the faid Seifure or taking of fuch Wares as is aforefaid, 1 fhall lofe and forfeit for every Time fo doing, the Sum of v I. Sterling, the one Half whereof fhould be to the King's Ufe^ and the other Half to him or them that will or fhalf fue for the fame, by Action of Debt, Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of the King's Courts of Record; in which Action or Suit no Protection, Privilege, nor Wager of Law fliall be allowed nor admitted. Vol. II. . R r CAP.