Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/344

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306 C 5—7. Anno tricefirao tertio Henrici VIII. A. D. 1 541, REP. 21 Jac. 1. c. a8. 4&5PI1.&M, c a. CAP. V. Plow many Honed trotting Horfes for the Saddle every Man mall keep for his Degree. CAP. VI. The Bill for Crofs-bows and Hand-guns. See Appendix. 11H. 8. c. 10. No Man may •onvey any Brafs, &c. out of the King's dominions. See <; &S W. &M. c. 17. Altered as to the Penalty by a & 3 Ed. 6. c.37. §. »• Trial within this- Realm of a fo- reign Ail. He that carrieth. Brafs, &c. in any Ship (hall be fcound to dif- charge the fame within this Realm. The Penalty of a Caflomer ma- king a falfe Cer- tih*te. A Remedy if the drowned or .jobbed. CAP. VII. The Bill for Conveyance of Brafs, Latten and Bell-metal over the Sea. HERE in the Parliament holden at Wejlminjler the third Day of November in the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King that now is, amongft other Things it was enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons fhould from thenceforth carry or convey any Brafs, Copper, Latten, Bell-metal, Gun-metal, ne Shroff-metal, into any Part or Parts beyond the Sea, upon Pain of Forfei- ture of the faid Metal, as by the faid Act more plainly appeareth ; (2) fith the making of which Efta- tute divers Perfons, as well Englijhmen as Strangers, have deceitfully obtained Licences of the King's High- nefs to carry over Bell-metal, -and other broken Metal, furmifing the fame Metals not to be meet for making of Guns, and other Engines of War, nor for Implements necefl'ary for Houfhold, which Surmife is proved untrue, as the common Experience thereof daily declareth ; fo that all other Realms and Coun- tries be full of Artillery and Munitions, and this Realm is like to lack, if more hafty Remedy to ftop the Conveyance of the fame be not further provided than is in the fame Act :' II. Wherefore may it pleafe the King's Highnefs, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, to ena£t, That no Perfon or Perfons from henceforth fhall carry or convey by Water or otherwife any Brafs, Copper, Latten, Bell- metal, Pan-metal, Gun-metal, ne Shroff-metal, whether it be clean or mixed (Tin and Lead only ex- cepted) into any Part beyond the Sea, or into any outward Realm or Dominion whatfoever it be, upon Pain to forfeit the double Value of the fame Metal fo carried and conveyed, the one Half thereof to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other to the Party that will fue for the fame by Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information, in the which no Effoin or Protection fhall be allowed. III. And further be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, for the true Meaning of this Eftatute, That the Arrival, Difcharge and Delivery of the faid Metals in any Parts beyond the Sea, or in any other fo- reign Realm or Dominion, fhall be tried and determined within this Realm, in fuch County or Place where the faid Metal or Metals were fhipped, or firft carried, with like Procefs and Determination as all other Informations or Actions be tried and adjudged within this Realm, or as if the fame Fact had been done within this Realm and Dominion. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons at any Time here- after fhall fhip or carry any of the faid Metals afore rehearfed, to carry or difcharge the fame in any Part of this Realm, unlefs fuch Perfon or Perfons before the fhipping thereof do declare and manifeft unto the Cuftomer of fuch Port or Creek where the fame Metal fhall be fhipped, the true Weight of all fuch Me- tal as fhall be fhipped, (2) and alfo fhall make a fufficient Obligation in the Law, in the which he fhall be bounden to the faid Cuftomer to the King's Ufe, in fuch Sum as fhall amount to the double Value of the fame Metal fo declared and manifefted, with Condition that the fame fhall be difcharged at fome Port or Creek within this Realm, and in no other Place, upon Pain to forfeit the fame in Manner and Form above rehearfed; (3) and that every fuch Perfon or Perfons that fhall fhip fuch Metal, and be and fhall be bounden as is aforefaid, fhall within eight Months next after the_ Shipping thereof bring a true Certificate from the Cuftomer of the Port, Creek or Place where he or they fhall happen to difcharge the fame Metal, teftifying that the fame Metal fo fhipped, and the true Weight thereof, is there difcharged ; (4.) which Certificate the Cuftomer of fuch Place, where the faid Metal fhall be difcharged, fhall upon the Difcharge thereof, make and deliver to the Party fo difcharging, or to his Factor, without any Delay. V. And be it further enacted, That if any Cuftomer or his Deputy, by Covin, or bv any otter undue mean, do make any falfe or untrue Certificate concerning the faid Difcharging of fuch Metal, contrary to the true Meaning of this Act, that then fuch Cuftomer fo falfly or untruly Certifying as is aforefaid, fhall lofe his Office, and alfo the Value of the Goods fo concealed out of the faid Certificate. VI. Provided alway, That if the faid Metal, by Tempeft of Weather be drowned, or by Enemies or,, Pirates robbed and fpoiled, and that fufficiently proved without Fraud or Covin, before the Cuftomer and Comptroller, or their fufficient Deputies, in the Port where the Party or Parties fa fhipped the Mefals aforefaid, or any of them,, by the faid Party or Parties, or their Executors, that then he or they fo bring- ing fuch fufficient Proof fhall have his Obligation to him delivered, or elfe he and his Executors thereof to be acquitted and clearly difcharged ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary contained notwithftandin VII. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this A£t fhall only take his and after the firft Day of jigriLaexx. coming. Effect and be put in Execution,, from ; CAP.