Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/347

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D. 1 54-T. Anno ti tertio J; i /III. C. 9. 309 i), in the I in. County . '..ill be committed to ward, or find fufTu inc. n, not being born within the made Dcr.i/ uTc within the Km.. ' ling's Licence, D100 c Authority ; (?) and that Milium ..1 Aflife, ol Gaol-delivery, Juftices of I' I Power to enquire o in their Scflions, Lccts and i . and determine retion examine all Pcrfo I , and not having I ■ • to th : -laid. XI. I iliomacted by the Authority aforefaid, Tl n merofPerfon i , »f wiin Dc- Th??cr Quality or Condition f'oevci he 01 they be, from tl ol the Nativity of St. ,'/ nueiui oming,, Factor, Deputy', Servant or other Perfon hi or then ' p, have, hold, occupy, i rcife 01 maintain, any common Houfe, Alley or PI lyfli-cayls, half bowl, tennis, dicing tabic or carding, 01 any other Manner of G ited by any Eftatute heretofore made, or any unlawful new Game now invented or made, or any other new un- lawful Game hereafter i en ted, found, hadormade, (2) upon Pain to forfeit and pay for every 1 ingor maintaining, or fufFcring any fuch Game to be had, kept, executed, played rained within any fuch Houfe, Garden, Alley or other Place, contrary to the Form and Effect of this 1 tdte, forty Shillings. XII. And alfo every Perfon ufing and haunting any of the faid Iloufes and Plays, and there playing, to T1 ' c 1 for every Time fo doing, iix Shillings Light-pence-. »nU w . XIII. And if any Perfon hereafter luc for any Placard, to have common gaming in his Houfe, contrarj to this Eftatute, that then it fhall be contained in the lame Placard, what Game inall be ufed in the lame , and what Perfons fhall play thereat, and every Placard granted to the contrary to be void ; (2) and k a'Houfe of alfo that the Party obtaining any fuch Placard, before he put the fame in Execution, fhall be bound with i,.mirj. fulTicient Sureties with him by Recognizances in the Chancery, in a certain Sum, to be appointed by the All fuch I . . Difcretion of the Lord Chancellor ol England, that he fhall not ufe the faid Placard contrary to the Form n»<kv<ml thereof. ct 3 XIV. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful to all and every the Juftices Magtfh-atei may of Peace in every Shire, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other head Officers, within every City, Town and repteftun Borough within this Realm, from Time to Time, as well within Liberties as without, as Need and Cafe Game*, and pu- fhall require, to come, enter, and retort into all and every Houfes, Places and Alleys where fuch Games oiOxQBkaien. {hall be fufpected to be holden, exercifed, ufed or occupied, contrary to the Form of this Eftatute; (2) and as well the Keepers of the fame, as alfo the Perfons there haunting, reforting and playing, to take, ar- rcft and imprifon, and them fo taken and arretted to keep in Prifon, unto fuch Time as the Keepers and Maintainers of the faid Plays and Games have found Sureties to the King's Ufe, to be bound by Recogni- fance or otherwifc, no longer to ufe, keep or occupy any fuch Houfe, Play, Game, Alley or Place; (3) Farther ProviJ and alfo that the Perfons there fo found, be in like Cafe bound by themfelves, or elfe with Sureties, by the fiom relating. Difcretions of the Juftices, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, or other head Officers, no more to play, haunt or hereto, exercife from thenceforth, in, at, or to any of the faid Places, or at any of the {aid Games. ? • z ' c ' 2?> XV. Alfo be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Confta- Searching of bles, and other head Officers within every City, Borough and Town within this Realm, where any fuch Houfes where Officers fhall fortune to be, as well within the Franchifes as without, fhall make due fearch weekly, or at unlawful Games the fartheft at all Times hereafter once every Month, in all Places where any fuch Houfes, Alleys, Plays, bc ^ C P C * or Places fhall be fufpected to be had, kept and maintained ; (2) and if the faid Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Conftables,and other head Officers within their Cities, Boroughs and Towns, as well within Franchifes as with- out, do not make due Search at the fartheft once every Month, if the Cafe fo require, according to the Tenor of this Act, and do not execute the fame in all Things according to the Purport and Force of the fame; that then every fuch Mayor, Sheriff, Bailiff, Conftable, or other head Officer, to pay and forfeit for every ■ Month not making fuch Search, nor executing the fame, xl. s. XVI. Be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Manner of Artificer or Craftfman of any Pe - Handicraft or Occupation, Hufbandman, Apprentice, Labourer, Servant at Hufbandry, Journeyman, ort: tcdco . Servant of Artificer, Mariners, Fifhermen, Watermen, or any Serving-man, {hall from the faid Feaft of unlawful! the Nativity of St. 'John Baptijl, play at the Tables, Tennis, Dice, Cards, Bowls, Clafh, Coyting, Lo- outofChriftmas. gating, or any other unlawful Game, out of Cbrl/lmas, under the Pain of xx. s. to be forfeit for every Time ; l Lut '- V - «33- 1 {2) and in Cbrijhnas to play at any of the faid Games in their Mafters Houfes, - or in their Mafters Prefence ; , (3) and alfo that no Manner of Perfons fhall at any Time play at any Bowl or Bowls in open Places out of pi ay ingatS his Garden or Orchard, upon the Pain for every Time fo offending, to forfeit vi.s. viii. d. (4 J and that all Certain c. Juftices of Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and all other head Officers, and every of them, finding ormaycomr. knowing any Manner of Perfon or Perfons ufing or exercifing any unlawful Games, contrary to this prefent fenders t:i l -•- Statute, {hall have full Power and Authority to commit every fuch Offender to Ward, there to remain !or without Bail or Mainprize, until fuch Time that they fo offending be bounden by Obligation to the King's Ufe, in fuch Sums of Money 'as by the Difcretions of the laid Juftices, Mayors, Bailiffs, or other head Officers, fhall bc thought reaionable, that they or any of them {hall not from henceforth ufe fuch unlawful . Games. XVII. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all other Statutes made for the Reftraint of Alio: unlawful Games, or for the Maintenance of Artillery, as touching the Penalties or Forfeitures of the fame, tu ; c:rn - ihall be from, henceforth utterly void 5 (2) and that all Informations^ Plaists, Actions, or Suits that fhall Games"™ v . 4 k? the Maintenance