Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/348

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jg*o C. 10, it. Anno tricefimo tertio Henrici VIII. A. D. 1541, of Artillery, re- be taken or fued upon any Part of this Statute, fhall be commenced within the Year after the Offence com- fealed. mitted and done, or othervvife no Advantage, or Suit thereof to be taken. Within what XVIII. And where any fuch Forfeitures ftiaH happen to be found within the Precinct of any Franchife, Time any Suit Leet or Lawday, then the Lord of the fame Franchife, Leet or Lawday, to have the one Moiety thereof, /hall be profe- and the other Moiety thereof to any of the King's Subjects that will fue for the fame in any of the King's cmed upon this Courts, by Action, Information, Bill or otherwife, in which Action or Suit the Defendant fhall not be ad- ~^ tat . u ' e,and , wno mitted towage his Law, nor any Protection nor Effoin fhall be allowed; (z) and where fuch Forfeiture Forfeitures. fhall be found out of the Precinct of any Franchife, Leet or Lawday, that the Moiety of all fuch Forfei- tures fhall be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Moiety thereof to any the King's Subjects that will fue for the fame, by Bill, Plaint, Action, Information or otherwife, in any of the King's Courts, in which Suit or Action the Defendant fhall not be admitted to wage his Law, nor any Protection or Effoin fhall be allowed. Proclamation of XIX. And to the Intent that every Perfon may have Knowledge of this Act, and avoid the Danger and this Statute. Penalties of the fame, be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Mayors, Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and all other head Officers, fhall four Times in the Year, that is to fay, every Quarter once, make open Procla- mation of this prefent Act in every Market to be holden within their feveral Jurifdiitions and Authorities. XX. And alfo that the Juftices of Gaol-delivery, Affiles and Juftices of Peace, do caufe the fame to be proclaimed in their feveral Circuits and Seffions before them holden, and that this Statute fhall begin to take his Effect concerning the Penalties of the fame, from the faid Feaft of St. 'John Bapiifl now next coming, and to continue and endure for ever. Learesof Houfes XXI. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons have ^where u " h ^ ful taken by Leafe, whether it be by Word, Writing or otherwife, any Houfe, Alley or Place, wherein any ames e u e . ^^ unlawful Game now is, and at the Time of fuch Leafe made, was ufed, that then every fuch Leffee fhall, at the Liberty of him or them to whom fuch Leafe is made, their Executors, Administrators or Affigns, from the faid Feaft of the Nativity of St. John Bapti/i, be utterly void, except it be for Breach of Cove- nants or Agreements, or Payment of Rent due or to be due at the faid Feaft, or any Time before, fo that then at the fame Feaft, or within one Month next after the fame, the faid Leffee give Knowledge to fuch Leffor or Leffors, their Heirs and Affigns, that he will no longer occupy the fame, and that then it fhall be lawful to the Inheritor, Leffor or Owner thereof, or to his Heirs or Affigns, in the fame Houfe, Alley or Place, to re-enter. The Servant by XXII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful for every Xicence may Mafter to licence his or their Servants to play at Cards, Dice or Tables with their faid Mafter, or with any phy with his other Gentleman repairing to their faid Mafter, openly in his or their Houfe, or in his or their Prefence, Mafter. according to his or their Difcretion; (z) and that it fhall be lawful to every fuch Servant, for every Time {o being commanded or licenfed by his faid Mafter, as is aforefaid, to play at Cards, Dice or Tables with his faid Mafter, or other Gentleman fo to him repairing; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwith- ftanding. In what Cafes XXIJI. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful to every No- Servantsmay bleman and other, having Manors, Lands, Tenements, or other yearly Profits, for Term of Life in his - ' Cards" Tables own R'S nt > or ln ms Wife's Right, to the yearly Value of an hundred Pounds or above, to command, ap- ■Bowls'or Tennis, point or licenfe, by his or their Difcretion, his or their Servants, or Family of his or their Houfe or Houfes, ' for to play within the Precinct of his or their Houfes, Gardens or Orchards, at Cards, Dice, Tables, Bowls or Tennis, as well amongft themfelves as other repairing to the fame Houfe or Houfes; (2) and that they fo playing by Commandment, Appointment or Licence, as is aforefaid, fhall not incur any Danger or Penalty contained in this Act for the fame; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. Suits depending XXIV. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Informations, Actions at this Time and Suits now depending in any of the King's Courts for or concerning any Penalty or Forfeiture contained upon any Statute j n an y f the { aic Statutes, by this Act repealed, and no Judgment therein yet given, the fame Informa- Enforcedby tions, Actions and Suits, fhall be, remain and ftand as good and effectual in the Law, to all Intents, Con-' z Geo. a. c 28. ftructions and Purpofes, as if this Act had never been had ne made; any Thing in this Act contained to the Far farther Pro- contrar y thereof in any wife notwithstanding. iz/ifiotu relating to unlawful Games, fee z £T 3 P. & M, c. 9. 16 Car, 2. c, 7. 9 Ann. c. 14. jS Geo, 2. c, 34. 25 Geo, 2. c. 36, and 30 Geo. 2. c, 24. CAP. X. All Juftices of Peace within every County, City, Borough, &c. fhall yearly, at the General Quarter-Sef- fions holden next after Eafter, divide themfelves, and limiting two at the leaft, into Hundreds, Wapen- takes, Number of Towns, CSV. they fhall hold one Seffions for the Limits of their Divifions, befides the Quarter-Seffions, Six Weeks before the Quarter-Seffions, wherein they Shall enquire of Vagabonds, Re- tainers, giving of Liveries, Badges, Maintenance, Imbracery, &c. and hear and determine the fame ac- cording to the Statutes for fuch Offences provided. And that they may reform Panels .returned before them. Exp. and Rep. 37 H. S. c. 7. for the fix Weeks Seffions. CAP. XL* An A 61 for Butchers to fell at their Liberty by Weight or othervvife. A Rejiearfal and <■ Tr^N moft humble wife Shewn unto your Highnefs, the Wardens, Mafters and Fel'owfhip of Butchers cf Kc-pcilofthe t. 1 youx City of London, and all other the-Butchers within this your Realm of Endar.d b that where in vour Statutes -"■ ' ' ' Jv iDi- ' .Parliament