Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/353

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A. D. 1 54 1. Anno tricefimo tertlo Henrici VIII. C. 13 — 16. 315 ■ ice, by th I imandment, or of any ol his Grace's* !.'.-! Offi- fh al 1 1 1 a p p e n , f b r t h Hands or Fifts, or with ai Stick, or with any Staff commonly called a Tip-f iff, within the or Houfi , or any I , aforefaid, me Stroke or Strokes thi re h; pp n to be any Blood (hoi of fui 1. Pi i the Perfon fo ftricken do die ol the i; Stroke within i fo given. [I. And alio be ii furthci enadted by irefaid, '/'hat if any Perfon 01 from t lie full 1 )ay of April next com ine, fteal or felon ioufly take away any Plate, ; of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, hi ; Heirs 01 Su< c fl « , Kings, of th<- Value of a/7. </, break or enter into any the King's Houfes, to the Intent to fteal any of ihc King's Goods, his Hi , Kings, though his Majcfty be abfent, or any other Houfc, while it fhall fortune the fame hi., Ma- jefty to be lodged or abiding therein, every fuch Offence to be deemed Felony ; (2) and the Perfon or Per- c - '*•'

, their Abettors, Procurers, Counfellors and Receptors, thereof lawfully coi ■ ' '•

fufFer like Penalties, Forfeitures and Pains of Death, as appertained) to Felon! , without havii nefit of their Clergy or Sanctuary ; (3) and every fuch Offender being apprehended within the Verge of the > Bulflr. 19V King's Houfe, to be arraigned and tried by Men of the Country, as other Offenders for Offences done "" j;"' * within the V 1 the Steward of the faid Marjhalfey, and other unto him affociated, are to be ar- l " ■ 1 and tried within the lame Precinct. CAP. XIII. pR Lonlfhips in Wales removed from the County of Denbigh to the County of Flint, &c. When and where 32 '•'• S- e, 43. the Shire Court of Chijler fhall be kept. There fhall he two Coroners chofen for the County of Ckcficr. 3 1 Ed - 3- f '"- '• When the Scffions for the County of Cbejler fhall he holden. Certain Lordfhips and Parifhcs in finales £' 'jj g c „ € annexed to the County of Flint. Certain Towns in the County of Flint in It ales affigned to be within Explained by 34 the Hundreds of Moldefdak and Rutland. & 3 cH. 8.c'.»6." §• 97- CAP. XIV. It fliall be Felony to declare any falfe Prophefy upon occafion of Arms, Fi elds, Letters, Z$c. r e P. 1 Ed. 6. c. iz. I Man Sat. 1. c. 1. 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 15. See 5 El. c. 15 C A P. XV. A Repeal of fo much of the Statute of 32 H. 8. c. 12. as doth afiign the Town of Manchc/lcr to be a Place REP. 1 j«, 1. of Sancluary. But inftead thereof, the City of Wejlchefier in the County of Chejhr fhall be a Place of c 2 S- *■' 2 «  Sanctuary. J CAP. XVI. A Bill for Worfted Yarn in Norfolk. ' X 7 HERE AS for the mod part in all the Shires and Counties of this Realm of England; there be and 7 Ed. 4. r. 1. ' W have been certain private Commodities growing and arifing only within the faid Shires or Counties, li H ' "■ '• u

  • by the which only Commodities politickly provided for and continued, the Cities and Towns within the

' faid Shires and Counties, and the Inhabitants of the fame, be and have been, without any foreign Aid or ' Succour, plenteouily and wealthily kept, maintained, defended and preferved ; (2) all which Commo- ' dities, by the Deceit and fubtile Practices, as well of Merchant Strangers, as of divers other covetous and ' evil-confcienced Perlons, have been and be many Time clearly deftroyed and fubverted, to the great Lois ' and Decay as well of the faid Cities and Towns within every fuch Shires and Counties, as of the Inha- ' bitants of the fame; (3) amongft the which faid Cities, Towns, Shires and Counties, having private Worfle'd Yam ' Commodities, the City of Nor-wich, and divers other and many Towns in the County of Norfolk, hath ' ' been always heretofore kept, preferved and maintained, and the poor Men, and other Dwellers and In- l ; m ™ ,c ' habitants in the fame, godly, honeftly and vertuoufiy brought up, occupied and exercifed, by a Com- Klc ^ ^t ih'e

  • modity growing and rifmg only within the laid County, that is to fay, by the making and weaving of Count) I

' Worfteds and other Cloths, which hath been made and woven of the Yarn called Worfted Yarn, fpun fi 1 of the Wooll growing and coming of the Sheep bred only within the County of Norfolk, and in no Place

  • elfewhcre : (4) And forafmuch as the faid Commodity of making and weaving of Worfteds within the

' faid City of Norwich and County of Norfolk, by the Deceit and crafty Practices of the great Multitude of

  • Regrators and Buyers of the faid Yarn called Worfted Yarn, is wholly decayed and taken away from the

' laid Dwellers and Inhabitants in the faid City and Shire ; that is to fay, in that, that the faid Regrators

  • do buy the faid Yarn by frnall Parcels of many Men, and after that they have fo by little and little bought
  • a great Quantity of the faid Yarn, do not caufe it to be woven, cr otherwife wrought in the (aid Cit ;

c County, but do fell, fend and carry away the fame Yarn out of this Reahn of England, into France, F

  • ders, and fuch other like Places beyond the Sea ; (5) where with the laid Yarn, Strangers, not being '

' under the King's Dominions, do make and weave Says, Ruflets, Worfteds, and divers and fundry other ' Cloths and Things, the which after they havefo made and woven, the faid Strangers do fell again unto us ' Englijhmen, within this faid Realm of England, to their great Profit, Lucre and Advantage, and to the c ' Decay and DeftrucTtion of the faid Commodity; (6) by reafon whereof the faid City of Norwich, and ' other the faid Towns in the faid County of Norfolk, are not only moft likely to be brought to utter Ruin ' and Decay, and the poor Men, and other Dwellers and Inhabitants of the fame, winch have been here- ' toforc fet on work, kept and maintained only by the faid Commodity, illudcd and deceived thereof, S f 2