Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/354

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6 C. 17.

Anno tricefimo tertio Henrici VIII/ A. D. 1541. Cro. El. 750. Who only may buy Worfted Yarn in the City of Nor- wich or County ef Norfolk. No Worried Yarn /hall be tranfported, or /hipped to be tranfported. Continued 37 H. 8. c. 33. Made peip-'tual tviEd. 6. c. 6, And fee farther 3 3 &? 14 Car. a. e. 5. ■* alfo are very like to be left deftitute and unprovided of a Living, or any manner of Art or Occupation, ' by the which they fhall be able, within the faid City or County, to acquire to themfelves, their Wjvm ' and Children, any honeft Way and Trade to live :' (7) Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the Af- fentof the King's moft Royal Majefty, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That no Perfon ne Perfons from henceforth mall buy, ne caufe to be bought, within the faid City of Norwich or County of Norfolk, any Yarn called Worfted Yarn, the which mall be fpun within the faid City or County, but only fuch Perfon or Perfons being Weavers or other Artificers, the which fhall weave or otherwife work, or caufe to be woven or other- wife wrought, the faid Yarn fo bought within the faid City and County, in the faid City of Norwich, or fome other Market Town or Towns, or elfewhere within the faid County of Norfolk, (R) upon the Pain of forfeiting for every Pound Weight of Yarn called Woifted Yarn, fo bought within the faid City of Nor- wich or County of Norfolk, and not woven or otherwife wrought within the faid City or County, as is aforefaid, xl. s. the one Half thereof to our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half to him or thern that fhall fo take the faid Yarn, or fue for the fame by Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife ; in which 'Suit no Effoin, Protection, ne Wager of Law mall be allowed or admitted. II. And be it further ordained 'and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons do, from or after the firft Day of April next enfuing, fhip to carry or convey, or caufe to be (hipped to carry or convey into the Parts beyond the Sea, or elfe do carry and convey, or caufe to be carried and conveyed into the Parts beyond the Sea, any Yarn called Worried Yarn, not wrought or made in Cloth, fo fuch Yarn be fpun or made within this Realm of England ; that then every Perfon and Perfons fo (hipping, con- veying or carrying, or cauimg fuch Yarn fo to be (hipped, carried or conveyed, (hall forfeit for every Pound of Worfted Yarn fo (hipped, conveyed or carried, xl. s. the one Half thereof to be unto cur Sove- reign Lord the King, the other Half unto him or' them that will fue for the fame in any Court of Record, by Information, Bill, Plaint or otherwife; wherein no Wager of Law, Effoin or Protection (hall be al- lowed. (2) This Act to continue and endure until the laft Day of the next Parliament. CAP. XVII. An A& for the Confirmation and Continuation of certain Acts. 22 H. 8. Horfes. 26 H.S. c. Welfnmen. 21 H. 8. c. Cable?. 23 H.8. c. Woolls. 24B.8. c. Wainiings. 23 H. 8. c. Perjury. 24 H.S. c. 23 H. S. Gaols. Jeofails, ?I7HE RE in the Parliament begun and holden at London the third Day 01 November in the xxi. Year y V of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned to JVefiminJler, and there holden and continued by divers Prorogations until the Diflolution thereof, an Act was made and eftablifhed, declaring and concerning as well how the aged, poor and impotent Perfons, compelled to live by Alms, mould be ordered and ufed, and alfo how Vagabonds and mighty ftror.g Beggars (hould be whipped and punifhed : And at the faid Parliament one other Act was made and efta- blifhed for the Reftraint of carrying and conveying of Horfes and Mares out of this Realm : And alfo at the faid Parliament one other Act was made and eftablifhed for Puniihment of Welflmien, attempting Af- faults or Affrays upon- any the Inhabitants of Hereford, Gloucejier ox Shropjliire : Which (aid three feveral Acts were alfo made to endure to the laft Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame three feveral Acts more plainly appeareth : And alfo one other Act was there made in the faid Parliament, for the true ma- king of Cables, Halfers and Ropes ; and alfo one other Act for the true winding of Woolls ; and one other Act to reftrain killing of Wainiings, Bullocks, Steers or Heifers, being under the Age of two Years: Which faid three feveral Acts laft before remembred were then made to endure and continue to the next Parliament, as by the fame three feveral Acts more plainly appeareth : And where alfo in the faid Par- liament one other Act was made and eftablifhed for the Attaints to be fued for the Puniihment of Perjury upon untrue Verdicts ; and alfo one other Act was there made in the faid Parliament concerning fowing of Flax and Hemp ; all which faid two feveral Acts laft before rehearfed, were then made and ordained to continue and endure to the laft Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame two feveral Acts more plainly at large is (hewed and may appear : And where alfo in the faid Parliament one other Act was made and eftablifhed for making of Gaols in divers Shires of this Realm, which faid Act was then made to continue and endure for one Year next after the End of the fame Parliament, as by the fame Act alfo more plainly appeareth : And where alfo in the Parliament begun and holden at TVeftminfter the eighth Day of June in the eight and twentieth Year of the Reign of our faid moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and there continued and kept until the DifTolution thereof, it was ordained and enacted, That all and fingular the faid feveral Acts above remembred, and every of them, fhould continue and endure in their Force and Strength, and alfo be obferved and kept, until the laft Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame Act amongft other Things therein contained more plainly appeareth : And where alfo in the Parliament begun and holden at Wcjhninjler the eight and twentieth Day of April, and there continued until the eight and twentieth Day of June in the one and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, it was ordained and enacted by the Authority of the fame Par- liament, that all and fingular the faid feveral Acts above remembred, and every of them, and all Claufes, Articles and Provifions in them and every of them contained, fhould continue and endure in their Force and Strength, and alfo be obferved and kept, until the laft Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame Act amongft other Things therein contained more plainly appeareth : And where alio in the laft Seffion of the fame Parliament, begun at Wejiminjlcr the twelfth Day of April in the faid thirty-firft Year of the King's moft noble Reign, and there by divers Prorogations continued until the twenty-fourth Day of July in die thirty-fecond Year of our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Reign, there was one other Act made and eib.blifhed far and concerning the Reformation of Mifpleading, Jeofails and Attorneys, which fame ' Act,