Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/374

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336 C. 6 — B. Anno xxxiv & xxxv Hen rici VIII. A. 0.1542-3; Affunnces by XV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons having Eftatc th™ Kin" tn f " Ud °^ Inheritance of or in Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, holden of the King by Knights Ser- orhtr Lonbof v ' ce .' n cme f» or otherwife of the King by Knights Service, or of any other Perfon or Perfons by Knights their Ward/hips, Service, hath given at any Time fithen the twentieth Day of the faid Month of July, or hereafter {hall give, Marriages, &c will, devife, or affign by Will or other Act executed in his Life, his Manors, Lands, Tenements or He- 51 H.3. c. 6. , -reditaments, or any of them, by Fraud or Covin, to any other Perfon or Perfons for Term of Years, Life -6 Co 76 J ' VGr Lives, with one Remainder over in Fee, or with divers Remainders over for Term of Years, Life, or in Tail, with a Remainder over in Fee-fimple to any Perfon or Perfons, or to his or their right Heirs ; (z) or at any Time fithen the faid twentieth Day of July hath conveyed or made, or hereafter {hall convey or make, by Fraud or Covin, contrary to the true Intent of this Aft, any Eftates, Conditions, Menalties, Te- nures or Conveyances, to the Intent to defraud or deceive the King of his Prerogative, Primer Scijin, Livery, Relief, Wardship, Marriages or Rights, (3) or any other Lord of their Wardfhips, Reliefs, Heriots, or other Profits, which fhould or ought to accrue, grow, or come unto them, or any of them, by or after the Death of his or their Tenant, by Force and according to the former Eftatute, and of this prefent Aft and Declaration : (4) And the fame Eftates and other Conveyances being found by Office to be fo made or con- trived by Covin, Fraud or Deceit, as is above faid, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid

A Remedy for former Aft and of this Aft; (5) that then the King fhall have as well the Wardfhip of the Body, and

ahe King to avoid Cuftody of the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, as Livery, Primer Sei/m, Relief, and other Profits, ""nccsT ° n " wmcn ftiould or ought to appertain to the King, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid for- mer Aft and of this prefent Aft, as though no fuch Eftates or Conveyances by Covin had never been had or made, until the faid Office be lawfully undone by Traverfe or otherwife. A R ™ ed H y f ° r XVI. And that the other Lord and Lords, of whom any fuch Manors, JLands, Tenements or Here- avoid fraudulent ditaments fhall be holden by Knights Service, as is aforefaid, fhall have their Remedy in fuch Cafes for his Conveyances. or their Wardftiips of Bodies and Lands, by Writ of Right of Ward; (2) and fhall diftrain and make 9 Co. 129. Avowry or Cognifance by themfelves or their Bailiffs, for their Reliefs, Heriots, and other Profits, which fhould have been to them due by or after the Death of their Tenant, as if no fuch Eftate or Conveyance had The Rights ef been had or made : the Donees, &c. XVII. Saving and referving always, by the Authority aforefaid, the Right and Title of the Donees, Kind's *&' the' F e °ff" ees ' Leffees and Devifees thereof, againft the faid Devifor and his Heirs, after the Intereft and Title lord's Intereft °f the King or other Lord therein ended and determined. expired. XVIII. Provided always, That this Aft of Explanation or Declaration, or any of them, or any Thing I>yer 287. in this faid Aft, Explanation and Declaration contained, fhall not extend to the Will or Devife of Sir Certain Perfons John Gainsford, late of Croivherft in the County of Surrey. Knight, deceafed ; nor to the Will or Devife of to whofe Wills 'Richard Crcfivell, late of Mattingly in the County of Southampton, Gentleman, deceafed; nor to the Will ♦endeth'noV" or -^ ev 'f e °' Thomas Untort, late of the County of Berks, Gentleman, deceafed, Son of Sir Thomas Unton, Knight, alfo deceafed ; (2) or fhall be in any ways prejudicial or hurtful to any Perfon or Perfons for or concerning any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, contained or fpecified in the faid "Wills or Devifes, or in any of them, but that the faid laft Wills and Devifes, and every of them, fhall ftand, abide, remain, and be in the fame Cafe, Force, and Effeft in the Law to all Intents, Purpofes and Conftruftions, as the faid laft Wills and Devifes, and every of them, were before the making of this Aft, Declaration and Explanation, and of none other Effeft or Force ; this Aft, Declaration and Explanation, or any of them, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. -Contribution for XIX. Provided alway, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Per- th™ K^ttketh f° ns > f rom whom the King or other Lord or Lords fhall take any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Heredita- ry Lands to C ments, for his or their full third Part, or to makeup his or their full third Part, fnall and may by Autho- makeup his rity of this prefent Aft, in any of the Cafes aforefaid, upon his or their Bill exhibited in the King's high third Part. Court of Chancery, againft all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons which fhall be intitled by or under any Jjktfi the '9 th fuch Will, Gift, Difpofition or Devife, to the other two Parts, have fuch Contribution or Recompence ce'de the igthon fo !; the f ? me > as b V the Lord Chancellor of England, or by the Keeper of the Great Seal of England for the the Roll. Time being, fhall be thought good and convenient. 300.15. Co. Lit. 76. a. 78. a. m.b. For farther Provj/ions conternir.g Wills, fie 29 Car. 2. c. 3. 4 W, &? M, c. 2. 2 & 3 Ann. c. 5. 4 Ann. e. 16. and 25 Geo. 2. c. 6. CAP. VI. REP. 37 H. 1. No Perfon fnall put to Sale any Pins, but only fuch as fhall be double-headed, and have the Heads foldered'

  • • J 3- faft to the Shank of the Pin, well fmoothed, the Shank well {haven, the Point well and round filed,-.

cauted and Iharpened. CAP. VII.- IXP. 37 H. t. The Lords authorized by the Statute of z8 H. 8. c. 14. to fet the Prices of Wine in grcfs, may mitigate e -*3' and enhance the Pricc*of Wines to be fold by Retail, as Time and Occafion fhall require. C A P. VIII. A Bill that Perfons, being no common Surgeons, may minifter Medicines, notwithftanding the Statute.

  • T7HERE in the Parliament holden at Wejiminfler in the third Year of the King's moft graciou:
  • VV Reign, amongft other Things, for the avoiding of Sorceries, W itchcrafts, and other Inconv

4 niencies, it was enafted, That no Perfon within the City of London, nor within feven Miles of the fam ? ' fhon