Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/375

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A. D. 1542-3. Anno xxxiv C<, www Hbnrici Vill. C, 9. 337 1 Qjould take upon him to excrcife and occupy as Phyfician or Surgeon, except h- be firfl ex an

I y the Bifhop of London and ■ and upon

' the fame Act mentioned : (.-.) Sithenccthw making ol which raid Act, thi t ■■> ny I tip of /.• /-■ ' Surgeons of London, minding only their own Lucres, and noth il or fcafc of the ' ' 1 Patient, have fucd, troubled, and i ed divi Women, ith the Knowlcdgi ol the Nature, Kind, ' and the ufmg and miniftrine of them to fuch as been pained with cuftoi 1 being lore, a Pin ami the Web in the Eye, Uncomi f Han lings, fore Mouths, the ' Stone, Strangury, Saucclim ami Morphcw, and fuch other like ' ; and yet the laid I 1 not taken any Thing for their Pains or Cunning, but have ininiftred the lame to poor People onlj • Neighbourhood and God's (ike, and ol Pity and Charily. (3) And it is now well known, ti | ' econs admitted will do no Cure to any Perfon, but where th, y (hall know to be rewarded with a gr ' Sum or Reward than the Cure extendeth unto ; for in cafe they would minifb - their Cunning ' People unrewarded, there fhould n - rot and perifli to • daily do; hut the grcateft Part of Surgeons admitted been much more lobe blamed, thi ' that they trouble.

  • II. For although the moft Part of the Perfons of the faid Craft of Si e final] Canning, yet

' they will take great Sums of Money, and do little therefore, and by reafon thereof they do im- ' pair and hurt their Patients, rather than do them good :' (2) In ConfiJcration whereof, and for the Kale, Comfort, Succour, Help, Relief, and Health of the King's poor Subjects, Inhabitants of this Realm, now pained or difcafed, or that hereafter fhall be pained or difeafed ; III. Be it ordained, cftablifhed, and enadted by the Authority of thi 3 prefent Parliament, That at all Any Subjcrt of Time from henceforth it fhall be lawful to every Perfon being the King's Subject, having Knowledge and the King may Experience of the Nature of Herbs, Roots and Waters, or of the Operation of the fame, by Speculation r " rc o«"«ard or Practice, within any Part of the Realm of England, or within any other the King's Dominions, to prac- ^ 0TC ^, r ' tile, m(c, and minifler in and to any outward Sore, Uncome, Wound, Apoflcmations, outward Swelling Jf"'^ 1 ,, I or Difeafe, any Herb or Herbs, Ointment?, Baths, Pultefs and Emplaifters, according to their Cunning, Stefintercm-' rience and Knowledge in any of the Dife; . : es and Maladies beforefaid^ and allother like to the caning Surgmai i fame, or Drinks for the Stone, Strangury or A of their other A r Drinks for the Stone, Strangury 01 without Suit, Vexation, Trouble, Penalty, or Lofs &'• ' Mar - Goods ; the forefaid Statute in the t I third Year of the King's moft gracious Reign, or any ^['yl. 9 ' cl, Ordinance, or Statute to the contrary heretofore made in any wife notwithftanding. andiCn!%, 'W l l CAP. IX. An Act for the Preiervation of the River of -Severn. HERE divers Perfon :, 1 Inhabitants, Farmers and Dwellers near unto the Stream of Severn Farther provi:tl and unto the Creeks and Piles of the fame, from Kingrod upward toward the City and Town of icr bv 11 & t Z

  • Gloccjlcr, conveyeth and carrieth Grain and Corn out of the Realm of England, unto the Parts beyond the V/ - 3- c - : :-

!< Sea where Grains arc very dear, and now of late Time have made Picards, and ether great Boats with »' '" ' Forcmafts, of the Burthen of fifteen Tun, and lb to thirty-fix Tun ; and by reafon thereof, Wheat, Rye, ' Beans, Barley, Malt and other kind of Grains, by Stealth are conveyed into the utter Parts beyond the ,c Sea, fo that thereby the King's Majefty is not only deceived of his Subfidy and Cuftom for the fame, but ' it caufcth at fuch Times Wheat Grain and other kind of Corn as is aforefaid, to be at high Pi ices ; and ' by the fame Means the Inhabitants within the faid City or Town of Brijlol are often and fundry Times ' deftitutc, 1 ; and fcant may have Grain or Corn to ferve the King's obedient Subjects there dwelling and ' inhabiting; (2) and alfo by reafon of having of the faid great Boats and Veffels, oftentimes divers Ships, as well of the Parts beyond the Sea, as other of Englijb Ships lying in Kingrod and Hwigrod (being ' Ports or Havens of the City or Town of Brijlol aforefaid, diftant five Miles or thereabouts, from the faid ' Town of Brijlol) awaiting and tarrying there the coming of the faid great Boats with Corn and Grain ' down Severn, who there difcharge the Grain and Corn aboard the faid Ships at Kingrod, by reafon where- . j j c faid Ships, and other Veifels there tarrying for the Receipt of the faid Grain and Corn, do then caft out their Ballaft of Stones, and other Roble of Ballaft of their faid Ships and Veffels, into the faid ' Roads and Havens of Hwigrod and Kingrod, and there load the faid Grain or Corn in the Ships and Vei- , to the great Deftruction, and in Continuance, to the utter undoing of the faid Roads and Havens, o that the Mouth, and whole Channel of the faid Haven is fo heaped and" quarred with Stones and Roble el Ballafts of the Ships and Boats there arriving, that great Ships, which ufe the Courfe of Merchandife !' to the laid Town of Brijlol from the Parts beyond the Sea, and from the faid Town laden with Mer- f chandife 'into the utter Parts, may fcantly or. fafely come unto the King's faid Port and Town of Brijlol,' the River of the fame, and lb from the faid Port and Town of Brijlol, unto the faid Severn, without great Danger and Peril ; and by that Means Ships of great Burthen are like to be deftroyed and utterly e caft away ; and if Redrefs be not the fooner had'thercin, it will be to the utter Deftruction of the Haven and Port of the faid Town of Brjlol, which faid Town of Brijhl is chiefly maintained by courfe, ' of Me chandife:' IT. Wherefore it may rdeafe the King's Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in. The Penally far this prefent Parliament aiiembled, and by Authority of the fame, to enact, make and ordain, That affer> caftul B of Ballaft the hft Day of July next corning, no Mailer or Mailers, Owner or Owners of Ship or Ships, or of any x r *°^J '" . Other Bon or Veffel, or any other Perfon or Perfons, do caft or unload their Ballaft or Roble at or jn the- an ir 'p° rt ' f r t j£ 'laid Road called Kingrod and Hungrsd, nor in any of them, nc in any other Place from the Road cf ' „ D j B.-i- 1 Town of Brijlol, nor in no Part, of the Haven thereof, but on the Land only, above the full Sea &>1. V01. II. Xx Mark,