Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/376

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338 Anno xxxiv & xxxv Henrici VIII, A. D. 1542-3, Mark, (2) upon Pain that every fuch Owner, Mafter of Ship, or of other Boat or VefTel, and of every other Perfon or Perfons cafting and laying their Ballaft or Roble in the Stream, at the Place or in the River aforefaid, to forfeit for every Time fo offending, iv. Ii. the one Half thereof to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half thereof to the Party that will fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts of Record, as well within Courts of Record within Cities and Towns Corporate, before the Mayor, Alder- men, Sheriffs and Bailiffs, according to their Corporation, as elfewhere in any of the King's Courts of Re- cord, by Bill, Plaint, Aftion of Debt, Information or otherwife; in the which Action the Defendant fhall not wage his Law, neither yet no Protection nor Effbin to be allowed. None (lull load HI. And further that it may be enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons from any Corn m any henceforth fhall enboat or lade, or caufe to be enboated or laden, any "Wheat, Malt, Beans, or any other vftti -'of Severn kind °^ Grain or Corn, whatfoever it fhall be, in any Picard, Boat or other VefTel, at any Creek, Pile, to rranfporf, be. Bank or elfewhere upon the Severn Stream, between the Key of the City of Glocefter, and the faid City or fore he be bound Town of Briftol, by the Water of Severn, to the Intent to be tranfported into the utter Parts beyond the to the Cuftomers Sea, out of the King's Dominions, before that the faid Owner, or Lader of the faid Picard, Boat or other of Briftol 1 to VefTel, hath been with the King's Cuftomers of the faid Port and Town of Briftol, and there by himfelf, fjBgit there. an( i one ITafHciexit Surety with him, bounden unto the King's Cuftomers of the faid Port and Town of Brif- tol aforefaid, in fuch reafonable Sums of Money, to the Ufe of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, as (hall amount to the double Value of the faid Grain or Corn there to be laden, or to be enboated, (2) upon con- dition that the faid Owner or Mafter of the faid Picard or Boat or other VefTel, fhall not repair, nor tranf- port the faid Corn or Grain, nor no Part thereof, into any utter Part beyond the Sea, out of the King's Dominion, before the faid Mafter, Owner thereof, fhall come and bring the faid Grain and Corn unto the Key of the faid Town of Brijhl, and there to be viewed or feen the Contents thereof, and the Contents thereof to be declared unto the King's Cuftomers, and to the Mayor of the faid Town for the Time being, if there be any fuch Licence, or lawful Caufe for to convey or tranfport Grain or Corn into the Parts be- yond the Sea out of the faid King's Dominion, there to be meafured and mete by the common Meafure of the faid Town. The Penalty jy, A n( j a f ter the faid Obligation with Condition fo made, fealed and delivered unto the faid Cuftomer, where one ^ tnen the faid Cuftomer fhall deliver a fufficient Cocket unto the Party, Owner or Owners, or Mafter fo Corn to BHftoi bounden, to convey the faid Grain or Corn unto the Key of Briftol, (2) upon Pain that every Picard, Boat to be meafured, or other VefTel fo laden with Grain, or other kind of Corn, fo to be carried or tranfported into the utter and thence to Parts beyond the Sea, out of the King's Dominion, to be forfeited as well the faid Corn and Grain fo laden, be tranfported, as t h e faid Boat fo laden, contrary to this prefent AcT:, whereof the Kino; our Sovereign Lord to have the Tin his Li- tnree P arts tnel ' e °f» an <i the Party that will fue for the fame the fourth Part, before the King's moft ho- cence. nourable Council, according to the King's Proclamation in that Behalf made and provided. The Penalty fo ^ ' ■^ n< ^ further be it enarSted by Authority aforefaid, That if it fhall appear upon the meafuring thereof, denying the unto the Mayor of the faid Town of Briftol, and to the King's Cuftomers then for the Time being, that rneafuring of there is more Corn or Grain la!ded to be tranfported into the Parts beyond the Sea, within any of the faid Com at Briftol. Veffels, Boats, Picards or Trows, over and above four Quarters; then it fhall be lawful unto the faid Mayor and Cuftomers there for the Time being, to caufe the Owner and Conveyor thereof unto the faid Town of Briftol, to make Sale of fuch Corn and Grain as fhall be brought, over and above the Contents of the faid Cocket or Licence, and over and above four Quarters befide the laid Cocket or Licence, accord- ing as the Prices of fuch Grain and Corn are commonly worth and fold in the open Market of the faid Town of Briftol; (2) the faid common Meter to have for the meafuring of every Weigh of Corn ii. d. on Pain of every Perfon being Owner of the faid Grain or Corn, or having the Charge of the fame, denying the meafuring of the faid Grain at the faid Key of Briftol, to lofe and forfeit for every Time fo denying v. IL the one Half thereof to be to our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half thereof to be to the Party that will fue for the fame in any Court of Record, by Aftion of Debt, Information or otherwife; in the which Adlion the Defendant fhall not wage his Law, nor Protection nor EfToin be allowed. The Penalty for VI. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons, after the firft Day of caflingofRub- ^ U g t tft next coming, do caft or unlade out of any manner of Ship, Crayer or any other VefTel, being within channel Haven an Y Haven, Road, Channel or River, flowing or running to any Port-Town, or to any City, Borough or RoadorRiver, Town within this Realm, or any other the King's Dominions, any manner of Ballaft, Rubbifh, Gravel, or any other Wreck or Filth, but only upon the Land above the full Sea Mark, (2) upon Pain that every Perfon and Perfons offending this A&, to lofe and forfeit for every Time fo offending v. Ii. the one Half to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half thereof to fuch Perfon and Perfons as will fue for the fame, - by Bill, Plaint, original Writ or Information, in any the King's Courts of Record; in which Adlion or Suit no Wager of Law fhall be admitted, nor any EfToin or Protection allowed. CAP. X. The Bill for making of Coverlets in York. 'HEREAS the City of Tori, being one of the ancient and greateft Cities within the Realm of England, afore this Time hath been maintained and upholden by divers and fundry Handicrafts

  • there ufed, and moft principally by making and weaving of Coverlets, and Coverings for Beds, and there-

' by a great Number of the Inhabitants and poor People of the faid City, Suburbs thereof, and other Places

  • within the County of York, have been daily fet on Work in fpinning, carding, dying, weaving, and

5 otherwife concerning the making of them, to the great Commodity of the Inhabitants and poor People of

  • the faid City, having thereby honeft Livings, and not made elfewhere in any Part of the fame County;
  • [2} for the true, fubftantial, and perfect making whereof, many good and beneficial Ordinances and Oj>
  • ders