Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/377

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A. D. 1542-3. Anno xxxiv & xxxv Hen rici VIII. C. 10. 339 ind made, as well for the pond Stuff, concerning the laid Cov irlefj Utd C Ifo for the Length h of them and otherwife ; (3) of the which Coverlets and Covering • beft Sort fhould and oughi by the fame Ordinances to contain in Length three Yard . aids and .1 Quartt r at the lc.ill ; (4) the fecond Son to contain in Length thre<- '/ • • two Yards*, (<;) and the lowefl or third Son mould contain two yards and a. Hall in Length, and in 1 liicadth one Yard and three (.Hunters ; mu!u Pain of Forfeiture of the fame; the oncH A tiety

paid Forfeiture to be to the Mayoi and Commonalty of the faid C ity, and the other Moiety to be

< t the V ardi 11 1 and Company of the (aid Handi raft of Coverlet-majcei • II. Ami l"' Iniui h as the fame Coverlets and Covering-; were well and fubftantially mnde and wroi ' the King's Sub} els of di ci Parts of the Realm, and ither foreign Realms knowing tfie 1 Good ne Is ol them, were very defirous to have and buy the faid Coverlets ami C tvi ring , 2 ' late divers and fundry evil difpofed Perfons, Apprentices not expert in the lame Occupation, withdraw- 4 ing themfclvcs out "I the faid City ol J 'ofk into the County of 1 iik and other Places thereabouts, and alio Noni 1 Voife- 4 divers other Perfons inhabiting in Villages and 'Towns within the laid County, and nigh to the fame, in- l! ' ' , :1 malce ' termeddling with the fame Craft 01 ( )ccupation, having little Experience therein, not being bound to the ^ ' faid Rules ami Ordinances, do daily make Coverlets and Covering , neithi r <>t "<>',d Stuff, nor of good .. • Alli/.c, Length or Bicadth, and lor the Utterance of the lame ufe daily the Craft and Subtilty of hawking 1 abroad in the Country, to Villages and to Mens Houles, putting the lame naughty Ware to bale fecretly, ' nol only to the great impoverishing of the Inhabitants ol the faid City, and alio to the great Deceit of 1 the Kind's tine and faithful Subjects buying the laid Coverlet-', to the great defaming and fiander of the ' faid Handicraft, but alio to the impoverifhing of the Inhabitants of the laid City, and utter Decay of the ' fame, if Remedy the fooner herein be not provided :' (3) it may therefore our Sovereign Lord the King, with the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Commons, in this prefent Par- liament affemblcd, that it may be enacted by the Authority of the lame, That no manner of Perfon or Per- In what PIjccj dwelling and inhabiting within the faid County of Tori, or nigh unto the fame, fhall, after the Feaft only Covfrleu of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, make any Coverlets or Coverings to be put to Sale, unlefs fuch JT'i'jV" . , Perfon or Perfons, alter the faid Feaft, be inhabiting or dwelling within the City of 1'ork, or within the s a 'e. C?U Suburbs of the fame, upon Pain of Forfeiture of every fuch Coverlet or Covering made, wrought and put to Sale, contrary to the Tenor of this Eftatute, or the Value thereof. III. And be it further enacted by the laid Authority, That no manner of Perfon or Perfons of the Oc- cupation of Handicraftlmen of Coverings or Coverlet-makers, dwelling within the faid City of York, or the Suburbs of the fame, or elfcwhere within the laid County, fhall from and after the faid Feaft ufe the faid i Craft of Hawking, or go as Hawkers, or put to Sale any Coverlets in any other Place or Places out of the faid City and Liberties thereof, but only in the open Markets and Fairs, (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Coverlets and Coverings, or the Value thereof; the one Half of the faid Forfeitures, if it be in any City, Borough or Town corporate, to be to the Mayor and Commonalty, Bailiff, Governor or other Ruler and Commonalty of every fuch City, Borough or Town corporate, authorized to have the fame by Grant or Prefcriptiou or otherwife lawfully ; and the other Half thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall feize or fue for the fame by Bill, Plaint, Action, Information or otherwife, in any Court of Record, wherein no Wager of Law, dilatory Plea or Protection fhall be allowed or admitted. IV. And if the faid Forfeiture happen to be taken or found out of the faid Cities, Towns or Boroughs, having no fuch Authority, then the one Moiety of the faid Forfeiture to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon and Perfons as will fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts, in Form aforefaid. V. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Wardens and Searchers of the faid Oc- Serr cupation and Handicraft of Coverlets and Covering-makers within the faid City of York for the Time ^V being, and their Succeffors, fhall, after the faid Feaft of St. Michael, have full Power and Authority, by^'w*! Virtue of this Act, to make Search in all Fairs and Markets from Trent Northward within this Realm ofiize. England, for all fuch Coverlets and Coverings as fhall be put to Sale, not being well and fufficiently wrought, and made of fufficient Stuff, or not containing the Affizes before limited and expreffed, according to the Tenor of this Act, (2) and to feize and take the lame as forfeited ; the one Moiety and Half or" lucn Forfeiture, if any fuch fhall be out of the faid Cities, Boroughs or Towns corporate, to be to our Sove- reign Lord the King, and the other Moiety thereof to be to the laid Searchers and Wardens that (hall feize and take the fame ; to be had and recovered in like Manner and Form as is afore rehearfed. VI. Provided always, That it fhall be lawful to every Perfon and Perfons dwelling within the County of York, at their free Will and Pleafures, at all Times hereafter to make Coverlets of what Affize, or of what- foever Stuff they will, for their own Ufe or Store of their Houfliolds, or for their Lords to whom they be Tenants ; fo ahyays, that the fame Coverlets lb made fhall not be put to Sale. VII. And alfo, That when and as often as the faid Searchers or Wardens of the Occupation of Coverlet- Cover! mi* makers of the faid City of York fhall make Search in any Liberties or Franchifes within the laid County, fo ' *em( u * for any the Caufcs in the faid Act mentioned ; that then and fo often they (hall require the head Officer orlhe " Lurtu - of the fame Liberties and Franchifes, or his Deputy, to be aiding and afiifting, and alfo to go with them to make the faid Search. (2) And if the fame Officer or his Deputy, upon Requeft fo made, refute or will not fo do, that then upon fuch Denial and Refufal, the fame Searchers or Wardens to make Search themfelves ; any Tiling in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. VIH. Provided alfo, That the Lords of the laid Liberties and Franchifes, where any fuch Searches fhall Whej be made by Authority of this Act, fhall have fuch Fines and Forfeitures, as of Right they ought to have j by reafon of any fuch Searches, in as large and ample Manner as they ought to have had the lame befo the making of this Act, and as if this Act had never been had nor made. X x 2 CAP.