Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/382

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3+4- c '*7' Anno xxxiv & xxxv Henrici VIII. A. D. 1542-3. For farther Pi o- by Authority of this prefent Act, without other Warrant, or any further Suit to be had or made in this •vifiom comernirg Behalf; fo that all the Allowances for the Cofts above faid, to all the Sheriffs, do not amount in any one Sheriffs, fee i Year above the Sum of three hundred forty and two Pounds fix Shillings and Eight-pence : This AcT: to ^x'^k'fT continue and endure only to the End of the next Parliament. 16. 2jEl.c.T2. 29EI.C.4. II Jac. I. c. 5. 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 21. 3 Gn. 1. c, 15. 6 Gen. 1. c. 21. feci. 53. 20 Geo. 2. c 37. 24 Geo. 2. e. 48". feci. 12. and 31 Geo. 2. c. 14. C A P. XVII. An Aft for Bifiiops newly erected, to pay their Tenths in the Court of the Firft-Fruits and Tenths only. 16 H. 8. c.j. it was enafted, That (he King fhould have a yearly Tenth of all fpiritual Pro- motions. 32 Co. 45. Vm.V.%, 564. 52 H. 8. c. 45. the King's Court cf Firtt-Fruits was ereiled. Five new Biftop ricks erected by HERE in the Parliament begun and holden at London the third Day of November in the twenty- firft Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned to Wcjlminjler, and there holden and continued by divers Prorogations until the DilTo- lution thereof, it was among other Things eftablifhed and enacted, That the King's Majefty, his Heirs and SucceiTors, for the Augmentation and Maintenance of the Royal Eftate of his Imperial Crown and Dignity of Supreme Head of the Church of England, fhould yearly have, take, enjoy and receive, united and knit unto his Imperial Crown for ever, one yearly Rent or Penfion amounting to the Value of the tenth Part of all the Revenues, Rents, Farms, Tithes, Offerings, Emoluments, and of all other Profits, as well called Spiritual as Temporal, then appertaining or belonging, or that afterward from thenceforth fhould belong, to any Archbifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, Archdea- conry, Deanry, Hofpital, College, Houfe Collegiate, Prebend, Cathedral Church, Collegiate Church, Conventual Church, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntry, free Chapel, or other Benefice or Promotion Spi- ritual, of what Name, Nature or Quality foever they were, within any Diocefe of this Realm, or inv Wales ; (2) the faid Penfion or annual Rent to be yearly paid for ever to our faid Sovereign Lord, to his Heirs and SucceiTors, Kings of this Realm, at the Feaft of the Nativity of our Lord God, as by the fame Aft, among divers other Things therein contained, more plainly is fliewed and may appear. ' II. And where alfo at the Parliament begun at Wejlminjler the twenty-eighth Day of April in the thirty- firft Year of our faid Sovereign Lord the King's moft gracious Reign, and afterward continued by divers and fundry Prorogations until the Diffolution thereof, there was by Authority of the faid Parliament erected and eftablifhed a certain Court, called The Court of the Firjl-fruifs and Tenths. ' III. And it was further enacted by the Authority of the faid Parliament, That the faid Firft-fruits and Tenths, and all the Revenues and Profits thereof, which then were, or hereafter from henceforth fhould grow or be by any Manner of Means, fhould be from thenceforth in the Order, Survey, and Governance of the faid Court of the Firft-fruits and Tenths, and Minifters of the fame, as by the faid Act, among divers other Things therein contained, plainly appeareth. (2) Sithen the making of which faid Act, our faid Sovereign Lord, of his moft gracious and bleffed Difpofition, by his moft gracious Letters Pa- tents, hath made, erected, jncorporated, and eftablifhed, within this his Realm, divers and fundry Bi-. fhops, and Sees of Bifhops, that is to fay, John now Bifhop of Che/ler, John now Bifhop of Gloucefter, John now Bifhop of Peterborough, Paul now Bifhop of Bri/lol, and Robert now Bifhop of Oxenford; and he King's Let- ' by the fame his feveral and. fundry Letters Patents hath fundrily and feverally given and granted unto ters Patents. « t ^ e ^jj gjfhops divers and fundry Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments; (3) in which faid ' feveral Letters Patents there been referved unto his Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, certain yearly ' Rents and Penfions, amounting to the Tenth of the fame. Manors, Lands, Tenements and Heredita- ' ments, fo feverally given to the faid feveral Bifhops, to be paid and payable yearly in our faid Sovereign ' Lord the King's Court of Augmentations of the Revenues of his Crown, as in the faid feveral Letters Patents

  • more plainly appeareth. (4) And forafmuch as by the faid former Eftatutes the faid Bifhops been com-

' peHable every one of them to pay the Tenths of his or their Poffeffions annexed to their feveral Bi- ' fhopricks, in our faid. Sovereign Lord the King's Court of Firft-fruits and Tenths, the faid Bifhops be ' and fhall be double charged and chargeable with the Payments of the faid Rents and Penfions, referved ' and to be paid as is abovefaid, for that, that the Payments thereof in one of the faid Courts is no Dif- ' charge in the other, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the King's Highnefs, and to the great ' Hurt and Decay of the faid Bifhops and their Succeffors, if fpeedy Remedy be not therefore provided:' The Bifbops of (?) For Reformation whereof, be it enacted and ordained by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That cheiier, Glou- all the yearly Rents, Tenths and Penfions, as is or be above rehearfed, referved in and by all and lingular cefter, Peterbo- the King's Highnefs faid feveral Letters Patents, made of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Parfonages- 10 d 8 o' f X ft ,, appropriate, or other Hereditaments whatfoever they be, fithen the twenty-eighth Day of April in the (aid paytheirTenihs 1 "' 1 '^"^ 1 '^ Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord, to any of the faid feveral Bifhops, fhall, from in the Court of the firft Day of May next coming, be in the Rule, Governance, and Survey of the faid Court of Firft - Firtt-Fraits. fruits and Tenths. (6) And that all fuch and the fame Rents, Penfions and Tenths, fhall be from the - faid firft Day of May payable, and always paid, in the faid Court of Firft-fruits and Tenths, and not elfewhere, nor in any other Court or Place ; any Thing rehearfed in the faid feveral Letters Patents, or in any of them, or any Ait, Statute, or Law had, made, or ufed to the contrary thereof notwith- ftanding. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid BifhoDS, nor their Succeffors, ne any of them, fhall at any Time hereafter he impeached or fued in the faid Court of Firft-fruits and Tenths, of or for any Tenth, yearly Rent, or Penfion, referved in or by any of the faid feveral Letters Patents which now is, or before the firft Day of May next coming fhall be, due unto the King's Highnefs ; (.2) and that all and lingular Procefs and Suits now had and purfued, or hereafter on this fide the faid firft Dr.y