Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/388

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35© C. 26. Anno xxxiv & xxxv Henrici VIII. A. D. 1542-3. a6H. S.c. 6. XXV. And that from henceforth no Leet nor Lawday be kept by the Steward or other Officer of any Lordihip or Manor in the faid Dominion of Wales, but in iuch Lordfhips and Places where it was accuftomed to be kept before the making of the Act of Parliament concerning Wales, made in the twenty-fixth Year of our (aid Sovereign Lord's Reign ; fo always the Place where fuch Court £hall be kept, be meet and conve- nient for that Purpofe. Officers of Cor- XXVI. Item, That all Mayors, Bailiffs and Head Officers of Corporate Towns in Wales, may hold 1 iW oTn'Vas ^' eas anl * determine Actions, and do every other Thing concerning common Juftice, according to their ™7determine lawful Grants and laudable Cuftoms of fuch Towns ; (2) fo always they follow the Courfe, Trade and Actions. Falhion of the Laws and Cuftoms of the Realm of England, and not of any Welfh Laws or Cuftoms. (3) And that in every of the faid Towns they may try all lilues joined, or hereafter to be joined, in any Ac- tion perfonal, by fix Men, according as heretofore in divers Places in the faid Country it hath been ufed ; any Thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. The King may XXVII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That forafmuch as there be di- difiblve Bn- vers and many fmall Boroughs and Towns Corporate within the faid Dominion of Wales, whereof many loughs, and ereft have their Commencement by Grants made from the Lords Marchers, and fome by other Means, (2) our tatters Patents. *~ a '^ Sovereign Lord fhall from henceforth, by Virtue of this -Act, have full Power and Authority, by his Letters Patents, to be inrolled in his Grace's High Court of Chancery, at any Time within feven Years hereafter next enfuing to the End of this prefent Parliament, to repel, annihilate and difiblve fuch and as many of the faid Boroughs and Towns Corporate, and ail Liberties and Cuftoms of the fame, as to his Highnefs fhall be thought expedient, (3) to the Intent his Majefty, at his Grace's Pleafure, may duly eredt, ordain and make fuch and as many other Boroughs and Towns Corporate within the faid Dominion, being more apt and convenient for that Purpofe, and endue them with fuch Liberties and Franchifes, as to his moil exellent Wifdom fhall be thought neceffary for the Wealth of the faid Country. Officers certain XXVIII. Item, The King's Majefty is pleafed and contented of his moft gracious Goodnefs, that fuch Fees ihall cori- as have Patents of any Office of Stewardfhips, Chamberlainihips, Chanceliorfhips or Jufticefhips within thelr'cafuat tue *" a '^ Dominion of Wales, for Term of their Lives, fhall have and enjoy their certain, ordinary and an- Fees. nual Fees of Money, ufed and accuftomed to be paid and born by the King's Highnefs, by Virtue of any their Letters Patents, during their Intereft therein, but in no wife to take or claim any cafual Fees claimed by colour of their Offices, contrary to this prefent Ordinance; any Cuftom in Wales, or any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. There (hall be XXIX. Item, Over and befides the faid original Seals, there fhall be four judicial Seals devifed by the s'eak "irTwhofe King's Majefty, whereof one fhall remain with the Juftice of Chejler, which is appointed by this Act to be Cuftody they Tuftice of the Shires of Flint, Denbigh and Montgomery, to be ufed within the faid Shires, to feal all judicial (hall be, and Procefs and Bills that fhall be fued before the faid Juftice, in the Seffions to be holden within the fame what (hail be Shires : (2) And that one other of the faid judicial Seals fhall likewife remain and be in the Charge and Cu- (ealed with ftody of the faid Juftice of North Wales : (3) And that the third of the faid Seals fhall be and remain in the Cuftody and Charge of the Juftice of the three Shires of Glamorgan, Brecknock and Radnor: (4) And the fourth of the faid Seals fhall remain in the Charge and Cuftody of the Juftice of the faid three Shires of Pembroke, Caermarthen and Cardigan : (cj And the faid Juftices fhall feal with the faid judicial Seals, that is to fay, every of them with the Seal committed to his Charge and Cuftody, as well all Bills, as all other judicial Procefs, that fhall be fued before them in the faid Seffions, upon any original Bills or Writs; and all other Procefs that fhall be awarded from any of the faid Juftices fhall be fealed with the faid judicial Seal. Account for the XXX. Item, That every the faid Juftices fhall account and anfwer to the King's Majefty for the Profits Profit of the f t he faid Seal being in his Charge and Cuftody, in Manner and Form as hereafter fhall be declared. TeVe of every XXXI. Item, That the Tejle of every Bill and judicial Procefs that fhall pafs under the faid judicial Seal, Procefs. fhall be under the Name of fuch of the faid Juftices from whom fuch Bill or judicial Procefs fhall pafs, in like Manner and Form as is ufed in the Common Place in England, What Procefs XXXII. Jtem,_ That all Actions real and mixt, Attaints, Confpiracies, Affiles and Qjiare impedit, Ap- ftall be fealed peals of Murder and Felony, and all Actions grounded upon any Statutes, fhall be fued by original Writs, with the original t0 he obtained and fealed with the faid original Seal, returnable before the faid Juftices at their Seffions, within the Limits of their Authorities, in Manner and Form as is aforementioned. Perfonal Aaions XXXIII. Item, That all manner of perfonal Actions, as Debt, Detinue, Trefpafs, Accompt and fuch of xh s. or like, amounting to the Sum of xl. s. or above, fhall be fued by Writs original, to be obtained and fealed as is aforefaid, or by Bills, at the Pleafure of the Party fuing the fame, before the faid Juftices within the Li- mits of their Authorities, as is ufed in North Wales. Perfonal Aflions XXXIV.- And that all perfonal Actions- under the Sum of xl. s. that is to fay, Debt, Trefpafs, Detinue, 1 Accompt and fuch like, fhall and may be fued before any of the faid Juftices in the faid Seffions, by Bill, as it is ufed in North Wales. Original Bill XXXV. And that every original Bill concerning Actions perfonal, fhall be fealed with the King's judicial ^"pTrfontl!" Sea1 ' hem S m the Cuftody of the faid Juftice before whom fuch perfonal Actions by Bill fhall be brought and commenced. Fees for writing XXXVI. And that fuch Fees fhall be paid for the writing and fealing of fuch original Writs and Bills as wlit^andVills ^ erea ^ ter ma ^ De exprelTed, that is to fay, For the fealing of every original Writ to be fued in and upon the Caufes aforefaid, and for every Bill to be purfued in Actions perfonal, whereof the Debt and Damage amounteth to the Sum of xl. s. or above, the Parties purfuing the fame fhall pay for the Seal of every Iuch Writ or Bill, vi.d. (2) And for every judicial Procefs to be fued upon any fuch original Writ or BifJ, the Parties purfuing fuch judicial Procefs fhall pay for the fealing thereof vii. d, whereof the King's Majefty fhall have vi, d. and the Juftice fealing fuch judicial Procefs fhall have /. d. XXXV1J.