Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/395

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A. D. 1542-3. Anno xxxiv & xxxv Henrici VIII. C. 26. 357 that Behalf, 1 lake the faid IV fidenl and Coum il, oi n of Imprifonmcnt, and grievous Fine tn idjudged ai the Difcretion of tl ami |ufticcs, "i two ol them, wherei Prcfident to be one; the fame Pain and Penalty toexl 1 I. flial move, 01 procure any fui li End oi although i Procu cment never take Id cl, to make any End or him or them with whom fiich Knd 01 Agreement (hall be made, if the fame happen to take I I t. [tern, Where divers Lordfliips wlarchers, is well in IVal , as in the Borders of the fame, now 1 being by Act of Parliament anni xed to divci . Shires "I En 'land, be lately come to the I. by ' Suppreuion of Houl'cs, by Purchafe or Attaindei , and now be under the Survey of the Con:; oi Aug-

  • mentations, or of the King's general Surveyors, the Liberties, Franchifes, and Cuftoms of all which

• Lordfhips be lately revived by Ac,t of Parliament made in the thirty-fecond Year ol hi, moft gracious ign ; ncvcrthclcfs h! Majefly willcth and comn deth, that no other Liberties, Franchifes, or Cuf- j* H. i c. :o . toms Ihall from henceforth be ufed, claimed, or exercifed within the laid Lordfhips, nor any other Lord- ■"'•■■ ' fhips within Wales, or the County of Monmouth, whofoever be Lord or Owner of the fame, but only fuch Lf ; , | !fi : . Liberties, Franchifes and Cuftoms, as be given and commanded to the Lords of the fame Lordfhips, by and Virtue of the laid Ad of Parliament made for Wales, in the laid twenty-feventh Year of his fj n >e. Grace's Reign, and not altered ne taken away by this Ordinance ; the faid Act made in the faid thirty- 17 H.8. c.zC. fecond Year, or any other Act, Grant, Law, or Cuflom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. CII. Item, That if any Pcrfon or Perfons, their Anceltors, or they whofe Eftate the fame Pcrfon or Per- Pcaeeable PoiTcf- fons have or hath, in peaceable Pollcflion of any Lands or Tenements in Wales, by the Space of five Years, fl0n °' Ljn<J * without Lett, Interruption, or lawful Claim : That then the fame Perfon or Perfons mall flill continue fivc * CJU " their Poffeflion, until fuch Time as it fliall be lawfully recovered againft them by the Order of the King's Laws, or by Decree of the Prcfident and Council there. CIII. Item, In Actions perfonal, taken and purfued before the faid Juflices in Wales, by original Writ Jury de circum. or Bill, if nine of the Jury be fworn to try the Ifliie between the Party Plaintiff and the Defendant, and the "Mi Refiduc of the faid Jury-make Default, or be tried out : Then the Sheriffs fhall and may immediately re- turn other Names in the faid Jury, de circumjlantihus, unto fuch Time there be twelve Men fworn to try the Ifliie between them, as before the Juflices of North Wales hath been afore ufed and accuflomed in fuch I CIV. Item, That if any Goods or Chattels be flolen by any Pcrfon or Perfons, and fold in any Fair or No Sale of fl. lea Market within the faid Dominion of Wales, that no fuch Sale fliall change the Property thereof from the Cooo, (hall Owner of the fame, but that he may lawfully feize, take and have the fame again, upon Proof thereof made, clun E e the Pio- the laid Sale notwithstanding. pcrty " CV. Item, That no Pcrfon or Perfons bargain or buy any manner of Bead or other quick Cattle in any None (hill buy j Place within Wales, out of the Market or Fair, unlefs he can bring forth fufficicnt and credible Witnefs Cattle out of ti«: of the Name of the Perfon, what Place and Time he bought the fame, upon Pain and Danger of fuch Pu- w,rk ' ■> niflimcnt and Fine as fliall be fct upon him by the faid Preiident and Council, or any of the faid Juflices in his Circuit, for the faid Offence, and as he will therefore anfwer at his further Peril. CVI. Item, If any Goods or Chattels be flolen within the Limits of any of the faid Shires in Wales, that Following of then upon Suit thereof bad and made, the Track fliall be followed from Townfliip to Townfliip, or Lord- f «°len Goods, fliip to Lordfliip, according to the Laws and Cuftoms in that Behalf heretofore ufed in Wales, upon fuch Penalty and Danger as therefore hath been accuflomed. CVII. Item, That every Perfon that hath any Lands or Tenements in Fee-fimple or Fee-tail, or for a Freeholder Term of Life, or for Term of any other Man's Life, being Freehold, fhall and may pals in all manner Ju- ma) pats in anj ries ;md Trials, as well in" cafe of Felony or Murder, as in all Actions real, perfonal and mixt, whatfoever J u 7' they be, Attaint only except ; (z) and alio may be impanelled^, and inquire of all Concealments, forcible Entries, and other Caufes of Inquiry for the King's Majefly, albeit he may not difpend forty Shillings bv the Year; (%) faving to every Man his lawful Challenge for any other Caufe, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. C 111. Item, That no Juror fliall pafs in Attaint, unlefs he may difpend forty Shillings by the Year of juror in .a ■ Eflatc of Freehold. C1X. Item, The Tenants and Refiants in Wales fliall pay their Tallage at the Change of their Lords in Tallage at the fuch Places, and after fuch Form, as hath been heretofore accuflomed in Wales. Change 01 Lords. CX. Item, That all the King's Subjects and Refiants in Wales fliall find, at all Parliaments hereafter to Knights for be holden in England, Knights for the Shires, and Citizens and Burgefles for Cities and Towns, to be Shire , Bur. named and chofen by Authority of the King's Writ under the Great Seal of England, according to the Act E H'g , in that Cafe provided, (2) and fliall be charged and chargeable to all Subiidies and other Charges to be| ut; granted by the Commons of any of the faid Parliaments, (3) and pay all other their Rents, Farms, Cuf- Cha toms and Duties to the King's Highnefs, as they have been accuflomed heretofore; Fines for Redemption Fines forRe- of Scffions only excepted, which the King's Majefly of his moft gracious Goodnefs and Liberality is con- ^mptaon of tented and pleafed to remit at the hutrible Suit of his laid loving Subjects of his faid Dominion of If ales. _ t Jj • : CXI. Item, That the Town of Haver-fordivejl fliall after the End of this prefent Parliament for ever find one Biugcfs for the faid Town, at every Parliament after that Time to be holden : (2) And the Charges Haverrbrf of the fame Burgefs to be always born by the Mayor. Burgeffes and Inhabitants of the faid Town, and a Bm &&- none other. CX1I. Item, That the King's Majefly fliall have all Felons Goods, and Goods of Perfons outlawed, Fdoui Waifs, Strays and all other Forfeitures and Efcheats whatfoever they be, anfwered thereof by the Hands Waif »j Strayt. of the Sheriffs ; laving always the Rights and Interefls of every of his Subjects having lawful Title to have the fame, CXIII.