Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/396

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358 C. 26. Anno xxxiv & xxxv Hen rici VIII. A. D. 1542-3. In what Cour'i. CXIII. Item, That all Errors and Judgments before any of the faid Juftices at any Time of the great Sef- rrro.s in Wales f 10nSj j n pleas real or mixt, fliall be redrefied by Writ or Error, to be fued out of the King's Chancery of ftaU England, returnable before the King's Juftices of his Bench in England, as other Writs of Error be in Eng- land. (2) And that all Errors in Pleas perfonal fliall be reformed by Bills to be fued before the faid Prefi- dent and Council of JVales, from Time to Time, as the Party grieved will fue for the fame. (3) And if in cafe the Judgment be affirmed good in any of the faid Writs of Error or Bills, then there to make Ex- ecution, and all other Procefs thereupon, as is ufed in the King's Bench of England: (4) And that the Purfuarits in every fuch Writ of Error or Bill do pay like Fees therefore as is ufed in England. Falfe Judgment. CXIV. Item, That no Execution of any Judgment given or to be given in any bafe Court be frayed or deferred by reafon of any Writ of Falfe Judgment, but that Execution fhall and may be had and made at all Times before the Reverfal of the faid Judgment, the Purfuit of the faid Writ notwithftanding. (2) And in Cafe the faid Judgment happen after to be reverfed, then the Party purfuant to be reftored to all that he hath loft by the faid Judgment, according to the Laws of the Realm of England. Procefs for CXV. Item, That all Procefs for urgent and weighty Caufes fliall be made and directed into JVales weighty Caufes. by the fpecial Commandment of the Chancellor of England for the Time being, or any of the King's Council in England, as heretofore hath been ufed; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwith- . flanding. Sewdlcy fhall be CXV I. Item, That the Town of Bewdley, which is within the Parifli of Ribbesford in the County of ■within the Wigorn, and all the Ground and Soil of the fame Town, fhall from henceforth be united, annexed and County of Wor- made Parcel of the County of JVigorn, and to be within the Hundred of Dodingtrc. (2) And that all teller. t j le J n habitahts of the faid Town and Parifh fliall from henceforth be attendant, and do every Thing and Things with the Inhabitants of the faid Hundred, as the fame Inhabitants be now bound to do by trie Laws of this Realm of England. (3) Saving always to the Burgeffes and Inhabitants of the faid Town of Bewdley all fuch Liberties and Franchifes as they lawfully had and exercifed within the faid Town before the making of this A£t, in like Manner and Form as though this Act had never been had nor made. . llanftiffan, CXVII. Item, That the Lordfhip of Llanjliffan, Ujlerloys and Langbam, and the Members of the fame, J,." 8!"" 1 /v n?l ar >d all Manors, Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments in the fame Lordfhip, and the Members of be within the the fame, be from henceforth united, annexed, joined, named, accepted and taken as Part and Parcel of County of Caer- the County of Caermartben, and reputed, joined, united, named, accepted and taken as Part and Parcel matthen. of the Hundred of Derles in the faid County of Caermartben. (2) And that the Tenants and Inhabitants of the faid Lordfhips and Members be attendant, and do every Thing and Things with the Tenants and Inhabitants of the faid Hundred of Derles, as the faid Inhabitants now be bound to do, according to the Laws there ufed. County Court of CXVIII. Item, That the County or Shire Court of the County of Radnor fliall from henceforth be Radnor. holden one Time at Nezu Radnor, and one other Time at Prejlon, alternis vicibus, and never from hence- 27 H. S.c. 26. forth to be kept or holden at Rather Gowey; any former Act or other Thing to the contrary thereof not- withftanding. The King may CXIX. Item, It is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the King's molt Royal Majefty add and alter fhall and may, at all Times hereafter from Time to Time, change, add, alter, order, minifli and reform Laws and Ordi- a ]j manner of Things afore rehearfed, as to his moft excellent Wifdoni and Difcretion fliall be thought This^Branch is conven ' ent j i z ) and alfo to make Laws and Ordinances for the common Wealth and good Quiet of repealed 21 his faid Dominion of Wales and his Subjects of the fame, from Time to Time, at his Majefty's Plea- Jac. 1. c.10. fure; any thing contained in this Act, or in the faid Act made for the faid Shire-Ground of JVales, §'• 4- or any other Act or Acts, Thing or Things, to the contrary thereof heretofore made in any wife notwith- standing. CXX. And that all fuch Alterations of the PremiiTes, or any Part thereof, and all fuch Laws and Ordi- nances to be hereafter made, devifed and publiflied by Authority of this Act, by the King's Majefty, in Writing under his Highnefs Great Seal, fhall be of as good Strength, Virtue and Effect, as if they had been had and made by Authority of Parliament. How much the CXXI. Item, Be it further enacted and ordained by Authority aforefaid, That where the King's Majefty ofThe'subfitTof ^ zt now ' s? ^Y ^' s Letters Patents bearing Date the firft Day of May in the thirty-fourth Year of his moft Woollen Cloths profperous Reign, demifed and granted to William Webb e the Subfidy and Ufage of all Woollen Clothes in Wales fliall made or to be made in the County of Monmouth, and in the twelve Shires of Wales, that is to fay, in the take for the County of Brecknock, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermartben, Glamorgan, Pembroke, Cardigan, Angle fey, Flint, ftahng of a Denbigh, Caernarvon and Merioneth, and in nil and Angular Towns and other Places whatfoever they be, within the Precinct and Limits of the faid Counties, and elfewhere within the Dominion of Wales; to I have and hold to the faid William Webbe and his Affigns, for certain Years yet enduring, (2) that the faid William Webbe, his Deputies and Affigns, fliall have from henceforth full Power and Authority, by Force of this Act, to take for the fealing of every Woollen Cloth hereafter to be made in the faid twelve Shires, and elfewhere within the faid Dominion of JVales, as hereafter is declared, and none otherwife; that is to fay, for every whole Piece of Frize, j.d. every half Piece of Frize, ob. every Piece of Cotton and Lining being xxiv. Yards and under, ob. and for every Piece of the fame being above xxiv. Yards, j. d. of every Broad-Cloth, j. d. of every Piece or Kerfey being xviij. Yards and above, j. d. of every Piece of Kerfey being; under xviij. Yards, ob. Cloths made CXXII. Provided always, That this Act, ne nothing therein contained, extend not to charge any man- within the Own- ner of Perfon or Perfons, being or that hereafter fliall be Inhabitant in any of the faid twelve Shires, or ers Houfe not elfewhere within the Dominion of JVales, for any Clothes, Frizes, Kerfeys, or Linings made or here- out to Sale. a f ter t0 k e ma( j e ant j OCCU p;ed within their Houles, and not to put to Sale to any Perfon or Perfons, but to their Servants for their wearing. 4 CXXIII.