Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/397

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A. L>. 1542-3. Anno x.vxiv K x.vxv 1 1 1 ;nb ici ill. c. 20. CXXIII. Ami lun'i r be il anaftcd by die Authori (aid, Tbat or by In. fufii ieni Deputj "i Deputii , Dull in all Things to bis Office appertain,

to il" and anfwer in every Cafe, Hk.t- and according as all and <■-.

laud doth or ought i<> do, according to the Laws and Statu-' . of I mtrary doing or excrcifing of the I id Office, fhall in every Cafe and Statutes is ordained, cftablifhcd or cnaftcd for Aulnagers under the Lord Treafurei ol for the Time being. CXXIV. And furthermore the King's Majcfty is contented and pleated, rjotwithftand made in the twenty-feventh Year of his moft graciou I Th re there mould be bui

Waki, that the Town ol liaverfordiveft (hall be a County in itfeJf as it hath been befi lime it the Will and Pleafurc of the Kings faid Majcfty ; (2) and that it fh mry nbroke at the King's (aid Pleafurc. (3) And that the I. [ufti :ol the faid Countj . lhall be High Jufticc of the faid County and Town of Hav 1 rdwejl, and fliall have like P Authority, to anil for the Administration of Jufticc within the fai I I unity and Town of Haverfordu , limited and appointed to the (aid jufticc to and for the Adminiftration of Jufticc in the faid County of Pembroke. (4) And that the Mayor, Sheriff, Bailiffs and Burgcflcs of the laid County and Town of ll, from Time to Time, fhall be as well attendant, and obey all Precepts and Commandments of the Prefident and Council of our laid Sovereign Lord the King in his Marches of IVales, as alfo fhall tendant to all Precepts and Proccfs awarded or direftcd by the laid High Jufticc unto the Sheriff of (he faid County and Town of Havcrfordweft, and to make Return thereof. (5) And the faid Sheriff of id County and Town fliall ferve all Precepts and Proccfs directed from the faid High Jufticc, in like Manner and Form as the Sheriff of the (aid County of Pembroke is bound to do, and according to the Eft'eft and Purport of the King's Ordinances in that Behalf had, made and provided. (6) And that it lhall be lawful unto the laid Mayor, Sheriff's, Bailiffs and Burgcftes of the (aid County and Town of Haverford- foreiaid, to ufe and cxcrcifc all lawful Liberties and Grants, by the King's Majcfty or his noble Progenitors to them granted and confirmed at the King's Majefty's Will and Pleafurc, according to the Laws of the Realm of England, and not otherwife. (7 J And that the judicial Seal of the faid Shires of ThejudiciilS.-jl Pembroke., Caermarthen and Cardigan, being in the Cuftody and Keeping of the King's High Juftice there of Pembroke, for the Time being, fhall be ufed in the faid County and Town of Haverfordivefl, as the original and ju- &c - diei.J Seal of the laid Town and County. (8) And that the faid Juftice of "the faid Shires of Pembroke, Caermarthen and Cardigan., fliall have like Power and Authority, by Virtue of the King's Letters Patents to him made, as well to do all and every Thing and Things concerning common Juftice to be miniftered within the faid Town and County of Havcrfordweft, as he hath in his faid Letters Patents within any of the faid Shires of Pembroke, Caermarthen and Cardigan. CXXV. Provided alway, That this Article touching and concerning the County and Town of Haver- fordweft, and all Things therein contained, lhall Hand and endure but only at the King's Majefty's Will "and Plcafure, and none otherwife. CXXVT. Provided alway, That this Aft or any Thing therein contained fhall not be prejudicial nor This A& preju- hurtful to any Perfon or Perfons, or Bodies Politick, for or concerning any Lands, Tenements, Rents, ^'^ to no Services, Bondmen, Tolls or other Hereditaments; but that they and every of them, their Heirs, Sue- Man ' s Inheri- cefiors and Affigns, and the Heirs, Succeffors and Affigns of every of them, fhall have, hold and enjoy tancc ' their Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Bondmen and other their Hereditaments, in fuch like Manner, Form and Condition, as they had the fame before the making of this Aft, and as if this Act had never been had ne made. CXXVII. Provided alfo, That this Act nor any Thing therein contained fhall be hurtful or prejudicial Every cf the to any Perfon or Perfons, for or concerning any Office or Offices, which they or any of them have by Vir- Kin e' ! Officen tue of any of the King's Letters Patents, being now in Force before the making of this Aft, nor to the officc"°dF " Fees of Money ufed and accuftomed to be paid for the Exercife of any fuch Offices, but that every Per- as he did before, foil and Perfons having fuch Offices and Fees, and their Subftitutes and Deputies, fhall and may have and exercife their faid Offices as is limited by this Aft, and as they might have done before the making of this Aft, and lhall alfo have and perceive all fuch Fees for the Exercife of the faid Offices, in as large and ample Manner, Form and Condition, as they might afore the making of this Aft, and as if this Aft had never been had ne made. No Gavelkind CXXVIII. Provided always, That all Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, within the faid Dominion Land > Du t d<: - of Wales, fhall defcend to the Heirs, according to the Courfe of the Common Laws of the Realm f f«ndable accord- England, according to the Tenor and Effect of this Aft, and not to be ufed as Gavelkind ; any Thing „" E ,hc Common" contained in thefe Provifions or any of them to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. L3v. CXX1X. Provided always, That this Aft, ne any Claufe, Article or Thing therein contained, be in T ), e offices and any wife prejudicial or hurtful to George Blunt Elquire, Son and Heir of Sir Jol.m Blunt Knight, deceafed, Fees of Geoige for or concerning the Offices of Stewardfhips of the King's Lordfhips, or Manors of Beivdly and Clebury, Blur.; refervtd. or any other Office or Offices heretofore granted unto the faid George Blunt by the King's Letters Pa- tents, fealed under the Great Seal of England, for Term of Life of the fame George, or for or concerning any Fees, Wages, Rewards, Annuities, Profits, Commodities, Advantages or Emoluments, appertaining or belonging unto the laid Offices or any of them ; but that the faid George, his Deputy and Deputies, fhall and may at all Time and Times, during the Life of the fame George, have, hold, exercife and enjoy the fame Offices, and every of them, and alfo perceive, levy and take the Fees, Wages, Rewards, and all other Profits and Commodities to the fame Offices, and every of them, or to any of them belonging, Ol*in any wife appertaining, in as large and ample Manner, Form and Condition to all Intents, Construc- tions and Purpofes, as though this Aft had never been had or made; any Thing before in this Aft con- tained to the contrary notwithstanding. exxx.