Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/409

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A. D. 1545- Anno triccfimo feptioao H b n r i c i VIIF, C. 2— 4. — 1 aflomblcd, and by I Ion or Perfons fhail from henceforth be nominated ' and appointed to • i within .my Shire /:;;./, Wales, and other tl Marches mi; rami: rcnon iu uc Ij«/to Asimsrum, timiu uie mii;; nam, Dy anotner Bill zlfcjjn liVH.ii his own * Hand, ppointed Con to have, o uny and exercife the fame Office of theC '"*' * >0 ' urn, (4) and the faid P< rfon appointed and affigned to be Cufioi Rotulorum as i; abovefaid, (Ball "' , and may occupy, i xen ill- and enjoy t!.< fame ' Jffice of (In- Cuflos Rotulorum, by bimfclf, or I y his fufficient Deputy, learned in the Laws of this Realm, and meet ami able to fupply the laid Office according to th'.- Tenor of the laid Grant or Commiffion. III. And he it further enabled by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That every Cu/los R;tu!orum Th? C " for the Time being fliall, at all Times hereafter in every Shire of this Realm, Wales, and other the Km Dominions, Marches and Territories of the lame, nominate, elect, appoint and affign all and every Per- 'pp ' 1 " ,he fon and Perfons which hereafter Oir.ll be Clerks of the Peace within any of the faid Shires of this Realm of p' c,k uf *" England, Wales, and other the King's Dominions, Marches and Territories of the fame, (z) and to give q ' .-«  and grant the faid Office and Offices of the Clerkfhip of the Peace to fuch able Perfon inftructed in the Laws of this Realm, as fliall be able to exercife and occupy the fame, to hold and enjoy the fame during the Time that the faid Cujios Rotulorum fliall occupy and exercife the forefaid Office of Cu/los Rotulorum, fo that the faid Clerk demean him in the faid Office juftiy and honeftly : (3) And that it fliall be lawful to ThrCIrrk of every fuch Grantees of the faid Clerkfhip, to occupy and enjoy the fame Office of the Clerkfliip of the thePaeemjy Peace, by himfelf, or by his fufficient Deputy inftru&ed in the Laws of this Realm, fo that the fame De- mikc 3 Dc r u| y puty be admitted, taken and reputed by the (aid Cujios Rotulorum, to be fufficient and able to exercife, oc- ? ^r u n^R "* cupy, keep and enjoy the fame Office of the Clerkfliip of the Peace. mio'ium'" °" IV. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority abovefaid, That all fuch as now have any of the faid Offices of Cujios Rotulorum, or Clerkfliip of the Peace, by the King's Letters Patents or Commiffion to them made, fhall and may enjoy, have and exercife their faid Offices by Virtue of the fame Letters- Pa- rents or Commiffion, by thcmfelvcs, or by their fufficient' and able Deputy inftruited in the Laws of this Realm ; any Thing in this prefent Act had or made to the contrary notwithstanding. V. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by Authority abovefaid, That the Archbifliop of Tori, the Bifhop of Perfons havinc Durham, the Bifhop of Ely, and every of their Succeffors, and all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, Cor- Authority to af- porations and Bodies corporated, to whom the King's Majefty, or any of his noble Progenitors by his or fi * n Cu<im R °- their Letters Patents have given and granted any Liberty and Authority, orotherwife have Authority by p, lor 1 !" n | - or j. other lawful A'leans or Ways, to ordain, make and conftitute any of the faid Officers of Cujios Rotulorum, p c 'c- ° or Clerk of the Peace, within any County Palatine, or other Place, fliall and may have and enjoy the fame Liberty and Authority, according as they have had and enjoyed the fame ; any Thing in this prefent Act had or made to the contrary notwithstanding. CAP. II. Hnunjlow-Hcath in the County of Middlcfex, which doth contain four fhoufand two hundred fourfcorc and thirteen Acres and one Rood of Ground, extendeth into feveral Pariflies : So much thereof as is the King's Inheritance, and is meet for Tillage, Pafturc, Meadow or other feveral Ground, fliall be of the Nature and Condition of Copyhold Land : Or the fame may be letten by the Steward of the Manor at Will, or for twenty-one Years, which Leffee fliall or may improve it. V R, CAP. III. Hunting*. cr.-Lane near the City of Chejlcr, being in Length two Miles and Half, fliall be from Time to Time repaired by one that fliall dwell in the laid Lane, and fliall have Pafturc for five Kine or Beads in the Highway from Eotbill to Buttt-rbach-Bridge ; Six William Stanley and Sir Hugh Calverley, and their Heirs Male, being of full Age, and in Default of them, the Mayor and Aldermen of Cbefter, fhall ap- point the fame Party, and remove him if he be negligent in repairing any Part of the faid Way. V K, CAP. IV. A Bill for Colleges, Chantries, &c. e "f N their mod humble wife fhewn unto your Royal Majefly your loving Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and E x. Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament affemblcd, That where there have been divers

  • and Afi'urance, have been incorporated, efhblifhed, founded, erected, had or made by divers Names, Hob. 1a*.

' urnames, Degrees and Corporations, to have had a perpetual Continuance for ever ; (2) fithence which

  • Time divers and many of the Donors, Founders or Patrons, or fuch ?.s pretend to be Donors, Founders

' orPattonsof the fame Colleges, Free Chapels, Chantries, Hofpitals, Fraternities, Brotherhoods, Guilos, 1 and iiipendary Priefts, and divers other, of their Avaricious and Covetous Minds, and of their own Autho- B b b 2 ' nty,