Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/410

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^72 C 5. Anno tricefimo feptimo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1545.. ' rity, without your gracious Licence, have of late entred into the Manfion Houfes, Manors, Lands, Te- ' nements and other Hereditaments, to the fame Colleges, Free Chapels, Chantries, Hofpitals, Fraterni- ' ties, Brotherhoods, Guilds and ftipendary Priefts belonging and appertaining, and have expulfed the ' Priefts, Wardens, Mafters, Minifters, Rulers, Governors and Incumbents of the fame, out and from the ' Poffeffion thereof, and they ? their Heirs and Affigns, do occupy and enjoy the faid Manfion Houfes,

  • Manors, Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments, and do receive, take and employ, and convert

' the Rents, Iflues, Revenues and Profits of the fame to their own proper Ufes': (3) And fome of the faid ' Priefts, Wardens, Mafters, Minifters, Rulers, Governors and Incumbents of the Premifles, by Covin.

  • between them and the Patrons, Donors or Founders of the fame, or of fuch as pretend to be Patrons,

' Donors or Founders of the fame, or other, have alfo of their own Authority, without your Grace's Li- The feveral « cence, bargained and fold all or Part of their Manors, Lands and Tenements annexed, united, pertain- I leans whereby c j n g r belonging to their faid Colleges, Free Chapels, Chantries, Hofpitals, and other the faid Promo- CollVes dS Chan- ' t ' ons » W am * f°'« e °f the faid Priefts, Wardens, Mafters, Minifters, Rulers, Governors and Incum- tries^&c. have' ' bents, by the Aflent and Confent of their Patrons, Donors, Founders, or fuch other as have had Intereft bscn'abufed by « in the fame : And fome of the faid Priefts, Rulers, Governors and Incumbents, of their own Authority, the Governors < without the Affent of their Patrons, Donors or Founders, or of fuch other as have had Intereft in the 1 hereof, and 6 f amej have now of late made Leafes for Term of Life or Lives, or for Term of Years, of their faid free ethers,. t Chapels, Chantries, Hofpitals, Fraternities, Brotherhoods, Guilds, or other the faid Promotions, or of ' the Manors, Lands, Tenements and other the Premifles, or of Part thereof, and have not referved the ' cuftomable Rent and Farm that the fame hath been ufed to be letten for ; (5) and fome of them by Covin ' have fuffered Recoveries, levied Fines, and made Feoffments and other Conveyances of all or Part of their ' faid Poffeffions, by reafon whereof divers of the faid free Chapels, Chantries, Hofpitals and other Pro- ' motions abovefaid, been clearly diflblved, extinct or determined, contrary to the Wills, Minds, Intents ' and Purpofes of the Founders, Donors or Patrons of the fame, and to the great Contempt of your Ma- Several Caufes of ' jefty, and of your Authority Royal. And we your Grace's moft loving humble and obedient Subjects the King's great <■ right well knowing and perceiving the exceeding great and ineftimable Charges, Cofts and Expences Expences and c which your Majefty hath had and fuftained, and daily doth fuftain, as well for the Maintenance of thefe Alf Colleges ' preient Wars againft the Realms of France and Scotland, and for the Prefervation and Defence of us your Chantries, Ho- ' faid Subjects, againft the Invafions and Malice of your Enemies the Frenchmen and Scots (who daily do fpitals, &c made ' ftudy, devife and attempt to grieve, annoy, and hurt your faid loving Subjects) as alfo for the Main- to have Conci- t. tenance of your moft Royal Eftate, Honour, Dignity and Eftimation, which all your faid loving Sub- n"an« for ever, ' jects of natural Duty been bound to conferve and increafe by all fuch Ways and Means as they can de- Manors Lands ' vife, do therefore with our whole Voice, Petition and Intercellion moft humbly befeech your Majefty, and Heredita- ' * that it may be enacted, ordained and eftablifhed by your Highnefs, with the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual « ents given to « and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the ■•v: King. c f ame i n Manner and Form following, that is to fay : &c. EX.' I'iowd. f. 177. ' . ents or Annuities granted by other in Confideration of any Bargain of the faid Lands. He that hath fold and taken Money for any Chantry, College, &c. ':,:r, Is ill a U repay the fame Money again. Affurances of College Lands, &c. to the King (hall be good. All Letters Patents granted by the King, and all .-' fi'urances made by his Confent of any Colleges and Chantries, &c. (hall be good. The Rents and Lands of Hofpitals, Chantries, &c. not being employed tn fo good Ufes as they were given for ; the King may grant a Commiffion to certain Perfons to enter into any Hofpitals, Chantries, &c. and their Lands, &c. ui.d to feife them to his life. The Commiflioners may feife to the King's life any Hofpitals, Chantries, &c. and the Lands named in their Commiflions. After the Commiflioners Entry into any Lands fpecified in their Commiffion, the fame (hall be veiled in aftual Poffeffion of the King. The CommifTionerb- f! all return their Commiffion into the Chancery. All Chantries, Colleges, Fraternities, &c. and their Lands, (hall be in the Order and Survey of the Court of Augmentations. All Suits for the Lands of Chantries, &c. (hall be heard and determined in the Court of Augmentations. Suits between one of the King's Subjects and another, touching the faid Lands, fhall be determined by the Common Law. All Affurances made by the Governors of the faid Chan-- tries, &c. of any of their Lands without the King's Affent, fnall be void. The Right of others faved, except, &c, Leafes of Lands referved for the Main-

-n ince of Hufpitality made within one Year before, &c. Leafes of Land in Leafe for Life or Years made within one, Year. Leafes whereupon the old Rent

is not referved, made within one Year before, &c. Wood-fales of Woods yet growing. Lands or Leafes whereof the Governors were feifed or poffcffei to their own private Ufes. Penfions given by the King for Term of Life. They from whom the King fhall take any Lands, (hall be abated of their Tenths an i Firft-Fruits. A Provifinn for fuch as had Annuities or Rents out of the Lands of the Chantries, &c. He that hath paid for any Wood (hall have his ' nicy again or the fame Wood. A Remedy for any Governor that hath compounded fur his Firlt -Fruits, Money due out of the Premiffes in the Ex«- c'.i :quei ihall be payable as before, I Ed. 6. c. 14. CAP. V. The Bill for them that be in Value in Goods of four hundred Marks in London, to pafs upon Attaints. what Perfons c T TUMBLY befeeehing your moft excellent Majefty your obedient Subjects, the Mayor and Com- oji pafs upon « J~j| m onalry of your City of London, That whereas amongft divers and, fundry Liberties and Franchifes,. "-' °~ London ' g rant . e ^ by your moft noble Progenitors to the City of London, for divers reafonable Refpects and Conffa- ' ' derations in their Charters expreffed and mentioned, one Liberty is, that all Inquifitions to be taken by. ' the Juftices and Minifters of your Highnefs, of the Citizens of London, fhall be taken at Saint Martins ' the Grand or at the Guildhall of the faid City of London, and not elfewhere, except Inquiiitions before ' the juftices in Eyre at the Tower of London, and for the Delivery of the Gaol of Newgate, as in the Where the ' Charters of your faid noble Progenitors, to the faid Citizens of London granted, and by your Majefty con- King's Juftices firmed, plainly appeareth ; (2) which Liberties the fame Citizens have continually fince the faid Grants fi.j'.i take in.q,ui- ' thereof to them made, exercifed, ufed and enjoyed accordingly, as by divers Matters of Record in your ffioas mLon- ' High Courts at TVeftminJl'er- evidently appeareth : J ""' ' II. And where alfo an Act of Parliament concerning Perjury and Punifhment of untrue Verdicts was 13 M. 8. c, 3. ' made and eftablifhed in the twenty-third Year of your moft gracious Reign, amongft other then and there, ' made and ordained, that upon every untrue Verdict made after the faid Act, between Party and Party,.

  • in any Suit, Plaint or Demand made, and Verdict thereupon given, extending to the Value of xl. 1: and

4 ' not snd «h ia.r.e (hall be