Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/411

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A. D. 1545- Anno tricefimo feptimo Henri ci VIII. C. 6. 37- '• nnt concerning the Jeopardy of Man's Life, thi Party grieved by the- fame Verdict Anil have a Writ of 4 Attaint again fl c r I' rli n which aftei tl an untrue Verdict ; (i) and that in the ' laid Ait. int there mould In- awarded againft the Petit Jury, the Party, and the Grand Jury, Pracei • Sum. Refum. ami Diftrcfs infinite; (.,) which Grand Jury mould be in like Number as the Grand Jury 1 i now in Attaint, and that < of them thai (hall pais in the lame, mall have Lands and Tenement • the Value of xx. Marks by the Year of Fret hold out of ancient Demean. (.») And alfo it was then fur- '■ ther enKtal and eftablifhcd, That all Attaints afterwards to be taken, fhould be taken before your Ma- • jelly in your Bench, 01 afore yoi r Juftices of youi Common Plate, and in none other Court; (cj and 1 that the Nifi tortus (hall be granted by the Difcretion <>i the Juftices upon the Di ' III. And forafmuch as the 1 lid A< I i annot be duly put in Execution by the Citizens of the faid City for • Lack of fufficient Perfons having Lands and Tenements to the clear yearly Value of xx. Marks, out of ' ancient Demean, according to the Tenor of the lame Acl, and alfo that the Appearance of the faid Citi- ' zens, to be had out of the faid City, is againft the Liberties and Franchifes of the fame City, andnoPro- ' vifo made within the laid Ac! for the fame Citizens to enjoy their ancient Liberties and Privileges before ' rehearfed :' (2) It may therefore pleafe your Majefty, of your mod: abundant Grace, to condefcend, that it may be enacted by your Highnefs, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflemblcd, and by Authority of the lame, That all and every manner Perfon and Per- Of what F.ib>- fons, being Citizens of your faid City, and being in Value of Goods and Cattcls to the Sum of CCCC. tnofc P"f°n, Marks, may be impanelled and returned by the Sheriffs of your faid City in every Attaint hereafter to be J?"'. 1 K' brought by Virtue of the faid Eftatute, upon Verdicts hereafter to be given by your faid Citizens, without a^Atuintua"* any Challenge for the Infuffit iency of Freehold of any of them, to be made by any of the faid Parties, in London, any fuch Attaint, upon fuch Verdicts hereafter to be given : {•■,) And that the Juftices for the Time being n H. 7. ir. fhall lit only at the Guildhall of the fame City, or at fome other convenient Place within the fame City, and Triali of Attaint there to fwear the Grand Jury, and to take the Verdicts in fuch Attaints hereafter to be taken. (4) And in -'^°t> Ouil that the laid Citizens hereafter be not compelled nor diftrained to appear in any fuch Attaint hereafter to bt . lnI f° n nd0 j n -' be taken upon any untrue Verdict given, or hereafter to be given in London, but only within the Limits of "he's'tatu" o'f 5 the faid City, of and for the Trial of the fame ; the faid former Acl, or any Thing therein contained to i 3 n.'g. c . 3. the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. - Dy.r 81, . CAP. VI. The Bill for burning of Frames. • IT 7 HERE divers and fundry malicious and envious Perfons, being Men of evil and pervcrfe Difpofi- ' VV tions, and feduced by the Initigation of the Devil, and minding the Hurt, Undoing and Impove- ' rifhment of divers of the King's true and faithful Subjects, as Enemies to the Commonwealth of this ' Realm, and as no true or obedient Subjects unto the King's Majefty, of their malicious and wicked Several new -i ' Minds, have of late invented and practifed a new damnable kind of Vice, Difplcafure, and damnifying of wicked Device, ' the King's true Subjects, and the common Wealth of this Realm, as in fecrct burning; of Frames f tcndm J '° th T damnifvin; o£ "imber prepared and made by the Ovvjiers thereof, ready to be fet up and edified for Houfes, cutting out ^"' ! '°° f Heads and Dams of Pools, Motes, Stews, and feveral Waters ; cutting off" Conduit-heads or Conduit- ' pipes ; burning of Wains and Carts loaden with Coals or other Goods ; burning of Heaps of Wood, cur, ' felled, and prepared for making of Coals ; cutting out of Beafts Tongues ; cutting off the Ears of the ' King's Subjects ; barking of Apple-trees, Pear-trees, and other Fruit-trees ; and divers other like Kinds ' of miferable Offences ; to the great Difplcafure of Almighty God, and of the King's Majefty, and to the ' moit evil and pernicious Example that hath been feen in this Realm :' II. For Remedy whereof, be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That if any Perfon or It flnfl te Fe- Perfons, at any Time after the firft Day of May next enfuing, malicioufly, unlawfully, willingly and fe-. l° n y, unls cretly burn, or caufe to be burned, cut, or caufe to be cut or deftroyed, any Frame or Frames of Timber- * nd ( " ecrct, . v !l of any other Perfon or Perfons, made and prepared, or hereafter to be made or prepared, for or towards Frameof-Tim- the making of any Houfe or Houfes, fo that the fame fhall not be able for the Purpofe for the which it was ber r"F arcJ ' or prepared ; that then every fuch Act and Acts fo to be committed, perpetrated, and done by any Perfon or mating a Houfe. Perfons, fhall be deemed and adjudged Felony, and the Offender or Offenders therein, being i ■ . m- Repealed by victed or attainted, fhall have and fuffer Pains of Death, (2) and fhall lofc and forfeit Goods and Chattels Jw d '^. c " ,: '_ forever, and the Profits of their Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, for Term of his or their Lives. III. Provided always, That fuch Attainder fit all be no avoiding of any Woman's Dower, ne Corruption- Tn ' s Felony of Blood againft the Heir or Heirs of fuch Offender or Offenders, (2) but be it enacted, That the ". '.'w"^ Wives of fuch Offender or Offenders fliall have their Dowers; and that fuch Heir and Heirs fhall, after her Dower nor the Deceafe of the faid Offender, have and enjoy the faid Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments of fuch. workConuption Offender and Offenders, in like Manner and Form as they fhould have had, if this Act, or any fuch At- of Bkodin the bunder had never been had ne made. (3) And that the Heir or Heirs having the laid Lands, Tenements,. He:r - or Hereditaments of any Eltate of Inheritance, fhall yield unto the Party grieved for fuch Offence or Of- TheOSen fences, his Damages of the Profits of the faid Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments of fuch Offender or I j' Llr fi,a " &tisfy Offenders, whereunto he fhalT be inheritable, by Action of Debt to be taken in the Common Bench at " : Wetlminfter ; in which Action no Wager of Law, Effbin, ne Protection fhall be allowed. The Penalty for IV. And be it further enacted hy the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, r.fter the faid cntung the Head firft Day of May, malicioufly, wilfully, and unlawfully cut or caufe to be cut out the Plead or Heads, Dam of any feveral or Dams of any Ponds, Pools, Mote?, Stews, or other feveral Waters, or the Head or Heads, Pipe or V j arer V , Pipes of any Conduit or Conduits of any other. Perfon or Perfons, (2) or malicioufly, willingly and un- ^ ™ 5" 5 ' • lawfully, after the laid firft Day of May, burn or caufe to be burrr.d any Wain or Wains, Cart or Carts Burning a Cajt Laden leaden,"