Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/412

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J 74- c - 7- Anno tricefimo feptimo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1545. A Rehcarfal of the Statute of 33 H. S. c. 10. concerning the Efrablifliment of the fix Weeks Setfions, and a Repeal of the fame j and all the Offences in the fame Sta- tute mentioned ihaJI be inquired of, punifhed, and reformed at a Quarter-Sef- <ions. Burning a Heap laden or to be laden with Coals or any other Goods or Merchandizes of any other Perfon or Perfons, (3) Ct ^d°f d? c 1 or m ^' lc]0[J ^y-> willingly and unlawfully, after the faid firft Day of May, do burn or caufe to be burned any pl " : ' Heap or Heaps of Wood of any other Perfon or Perfons, prepared, cut and felled, or to be prepared, cut Cutting out the. or felled, for making of Coals, Billets or Talwood; (4) or malicioufly, unlawfully and willingly, after •Tongue of a the f a jj fl r f]- D 3 y f May, cut out or caufe to be cut out the Tongue or Tongues of any tame Beaft or Beads Cutting off the °^ a,, y otner Perfon or Perfons, the faid Beaft then being in Life; (c) or malicioufly, willingly or unlaw- Ears of another, fully, after the faid firft Day of May, cut or caufe to be cut oft the Ear or Ears of any of the King's Sub- Barking of Fruit- je'etsj, otherwife than by Authority of the Law, Chance-medly, fudden Affray or Adventure; (6) or after trees. the faid Day, malicioufly, willingly, or unlawfully bark any Apple-trees, Pear-trees, or other Fruit-trees of any other Perfon or Perfons; (7) that then every fuch Offender and Offenders {hall not only lofe and forfeit unto the Party grieved treble Damages for fuch Offence or Offences, the fame to be recovered by Action of Trefpafs to be taken at the Common Law, but alfo fhall lofe and forfeit to the King's Majefty, and his Heirs, for eveiy fuch Offence, x. I. fterling in name of a Fine. CAP. VII. An Aft for Abrogation of fix Weeks Seffioru HERE in the Parliament begun zxWeJlminJler the fixteenth Day of January in the thirty-third Year of the King's Majefty's~Reign, it was enacted amongfl: other Things, that all and fingularthe Juftices of Peace, within any Shire, City, Borough, or Place within this Realm of England, Wales, or any other the King's Dominions, fhould yearly at the General Seffions of the Peace, to be holden next after the Feaft of Eajler, afTemble themfelves together; that is to fay, every Number of them within the Limits of their Commiffions, wherein they be named Juftices of Peace; and at and upon fuch their Af- fembly, fhould diligently together amongfl: themfelves perufe, examine, ftudy, and know the Effects and true Intents of the Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Provifiohs hereafter fpecified; that is to fay, the Laws and Statutes heretofore made and provided, concerning or in any wife touching Vagabounds, Re- tainours, giving Liveries, Signs, Tokens or Badges, Maintenance, Imbracery, Bowftaves and Archery,. unlawful Games, Foreftallers and Regrators, Victaily, Victuallers and Innholders, and every of them, and of all Statutes and Laws made in the fame Parliament, touching the fame, or any of them : And after ' the perufing and deliberate Underftanding of the faid Laws, Statutes and Ordinances, they fhould devife ' amongfl themfelves, how the fame might be beft put in due and juft Execution, and for the better Pro- ' ceeding therein, they fhould divide and fever themfelves, limiting and affigning always the Number of two ' of them at the leaft, or more, into Hundreds, Wapentakes, Rapes, Commotes, or Number of Towns ' and Villages by their Difcretions. And that the faid Juftices fo divided, or two of them at the leaft, fhould ' in every Quarter of the Year, from and after the faid Feaft of Eajler then next coming, hold and keep, ' within the Limits of their Divifions, one Seffions, befide the General Qiiarter-Seffions for the Peace; the ' faid one Seffions to be kept and holden always within the Limits of their Divifion, at and in one fuch ' Day, as by them fhould be appointed, fo that it be always fix Weeks at the leaft before the Quarter- ' Seffions. And that all Procefs and Proceedings in every of" the faid Seffions fo to be holden, fhould be ' continued from Seffions to Seffions; and that the faid Juftices, or two of them at the leaft, at and in every ' fuch Seffions, fhould have Power and Authority to enquire, as well by the Oaths of twelve Men, Inha- ' bitants within the Limits of their Divifion, as by any Information given to them by any Perfon or Per- ' fons, of all Defaults, Offences and Contempts done and committed, or hereafter to be done or commit- ' ted, againft the Form of every of the Statutes aforefaid, and to hear and determine the fame; and fhould

  • alio have Power and Authority upon every Prefentment or Information touching the PremifTes, or any of

' them, to make Procefs by Venire facias, one Capias, and an Exigent, under the Seals of the fame Juf- 4 tices, or two of them, againft every fuch Perfon and Perfons, againft whom any fuch Information or ' Prefentment fhould be had, for their Appearance afore them in their Seffions, to be holden as is aforefaid, 4 to anfwer to fuch Information or Prefentment as fhould be there had or made : And if the Perfon or Per- " fons accufed by Information or Prefentment, fhould be convict upon any fuch Information or Prefent-

  • ment, by Confeffion or Verdict of twelve Men; that then the faid Juftices of Peace, or two of them,

' afore whom fuch Conviction fhould be had, fhould have Power and Authority, to give Judgment againft ' every fuch Offender and Offenders fo convict, of fuch Pains by Imprifonment, or fuch Pains, Loffes and 4 Forfeitures of Money, or both, or any of them, as are limited in the faid feveral Statutes for fuch Ot- ' fences whereof they fhould be fo convicted, and caufe Executions thereof to be made and had accordingly :

  • And alfo the faid Juftices of Peace, or two of them, at and in their faid Seffions to be holden (as is afore-

1 faid) fhould have Power and Authority to correct and reform the Panels of Juries for any Inquiry to be ' made afore them touching the faid Statutes, or any of them, in like Manner and Form as Juftices of

  • Gaol-delivery and of Peace might do in their Seffions by Virtue of a Statute made thereof in the third

' Year of our moft dread Sovereign Lord the King's Reign that now is; and that the Sheriff and other ' Minifters, having Power to return Panels, fhould make his and their Returns according to fuch Refor-

  • mation or Correction of the Juftices aforefaid, upon the Pain limited by the fame Statute; as by the

' fame Statute made in the faid xxxiii Year of the King's Majefty 's Reign that now is, more plainly doth s and may appear. ' II. And forafmuch as the King's moft loving Subjects are much travailed and otherwife encumbered ' incoming and keeping of the faid fix Weeks Seffions, to their Cofts, Charges, Unquietnefs -,' Be it there- fore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, of this pref nt Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid for- mer Act, made in the faid thirty-third Year of the King's Majefty's Reign, and all Ordinances, Articles, 3 ProvifiQil-J