Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/414

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«7'6 C. io — 12. Anno tricefimo feptimo Hen rici VIII. A. D. 1545. No Perfon Oiall HI. And be it alfo enacted by the fame Authority, That no Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, De- iake above xl. gree, Quality or Condition foever he or they be, at any Time after the faid lad Day of January next com. f0 ce h of F anC]!" in S> ^Y Wa Y or Mean of any corrupt Bargain, Lone, Efchange, Chevifance, Shift, Intereft of any Wares, foroi^e Year.' Merchandifes, or other Thing or Things whatfoever, or by any other corrupt or deceitful Way or Mean, Altered xi jac. or by any Covin, Eng'm or deceitful Way or Conveyance, fliall have, receive, accept or take in Lucre 1. <=■ 17. or Gains for the forbearing or giving Day of Payment of one whole Year of and and for his or their Mo- Co.Jac. z S z. ne y or ot her Things that fliall be due for the fame Wares, Merchandifes, or other Thing or Things, above 5 69. ^ g um Q p ten p ounc j i n the Hundred, and fo after that Rate, and not above; of and for a more or lefs Sum, or for a longer or fhorter Time, and 'no more ' or greater Gain or Sum thereupon to be had, upon the Pains and Forfeitures hereafter in this Aft mentioned and contained. There fliall not IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, at any Time be taken above gfter the faid laft Day of January, do bargain and fell, or lay to Mortgage by any Way or Mean, any .xl. intheCl. Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments to any Perfon or Perfons, upon Condition of Payment or iipon Sale or; Non-payment of any Sum or Sums of Money to be had, paid or made at any Day certain, or before any Land? 86 ° *~ ucri Day by him that fliall fo bargain, fell or lay to mortgage the fame Manors, Lands, Tenements or •Hereditaments, that the fame Perfon or Perfons, to whom any fuch Manors, Lands, Tenements or Here- ditaments fhall be fo bargained, fold or laid to mortgage, fhall not by reafon thereof have, ne take, in Lucre or Gains of the IfTues, Revenues and Profits of the fame Manors, Lands, Tenements or Heredita- ments, above the Sum of ten Pound in the Hundred for one whole Year, and fo after the Rate above- faid for a more or leffer Sum, or for a longer or fhorter Time, and no more, nor otherwife, upon the Pains, Forfeitures and Penalties hereafter in this prefent Effatute limited and expreffed. The Forfeiture V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, of the Offenders Degree, Quality or Condition foever he or they be, at any Time after the faid laft Day of January next inthePremiffes. c - om ing, fhall do any Act or Acts, Thing or Things, contrary to the Tenor, Form and Effect of this Efta- tute, or of any Claufe, Article or Sentence contained in the fame, that then all and every Offender and Offenders therein, or in any Part thereof, fhall forfeit and lofe for every fuch Offence the treble Value of the Wares, Merchandifes, and other Thing or Things fo bargained, fold, exchanged or fliifted, (2) and the treble Value of the Iflues and Profits of the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments fo had, taken or received by reafon of any fuch Bargain, Sale or Mortgage, (3) and alfo fhall have and fuffer Imprifonment of his Body, and make Fine and Ranfom at the King's Will and Pleafure; (4) the Moiety of which Forfeiture of the faid treble Value fhall be to the King, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in which Action, Bill, Plaint or Information, no Wager of Law, EfToin or Protection fhall be admitted or allowed. To what Lands VI. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, nor any Thing therein and Aflurances con tained, fhall not in any wife extend to any lawful Obligation indorfed with a Condition, nor to any tendcth not eX " Statute or Recognifance made and to be made for the Payment of a leffer Sum, fo that the fame Obliga- tion, Statute or Recognifance be made for a true, juft and perfect Debt, or for the Performance of any other true Covenants, made or to be made upon a juft and true Intent had between the Parties, other than in Cafes of Ufury, Intereft, corrupt Bargains, Shift or Chevifance; (2) ne yet fhall extend to any . Recovery, Fine, Feoffment, Releafe, Confirmation or Grant made or to be made upon Condition with a Siefartber,$&:6 true Intent, other than to fuch Recoveries, Fines, Feoffments, Releafes, Confirmations and Grants, as Ed. 6. c. 20. fhall be made upon Condition extending to Ufury, Intereft, corrupt Bargains, Shifts or Chevifance; any 'lEl'c'*' Thing in this Statute contained, or any Law 5 Statute or Ordinance heretofore had, ufed or made to the i2Ca'r.-i. 5 c. 13. contrary notwithftanding. and 12 Anne, flat. 2. c. 16, ivkicb hiji AB reduces it to Five per Cent. CAP. X. If any Perfon fhall devife or make any Writing, comprifing that another hath fpoken or committed High Treafon, and the laid Writing fhall caft or leave in an open Place whereby it may be found, and fhall JVEP. 1 Ed. 6. not fubferibe his Name to the fame, and within twelve Days after perfonally appear before the King and s, ii, ' ' his Council, and affirm the Contents of the fame to be true; then he fliall be adjudged a Felon. C A P. XL Every Perfon which fhall be Owner of Combe Marifhes in the Parifli of E a ft -Greenwich in the County of Kent, fliall be contributary towards the Reparation of the faid Marifhes from Time to Time, after the Rate of the Acre, as other Owners be charged : And when any Tax fliall be made, it fliall be lawful to the Expenditors and Collectors, or one of them, to diftrain the Goods of fuch Perfons which fhall re- fufe to pay after that Rate, and the fame Diftrefs to retain and ufe according to the Laws of Romney V R. Marfh. CAP. X'l. An Act for Tithes in London. z2&23Car. s. ' ^T7HERE of late Time Contention, Strife and Variance hath rifen and grown within the City of s- J S» ' W London, and the Liberties of the fame, between the Parfons, Vicars and Curates of the faid City, ' and the Citizens and Inhabitants of the fame, for and concerning the Payment of Tithes, Oblations an t ' other Duties within the faid City and Liberties : For appealing -whereof, a certain Order and Decree ' was